How to disable automatic function docstring generation in Spyder? - spyder

Spyder (the Python IDE) generates a function docstring automatically when you click Enter after the first line of the function def. How can one disable this feature?
I've looked around in Tools (for instance in Tools -> Preferences -> Editor) and did not find a way to do it. But there are tons of features in Spyder so maybe I'm missing it.

Are you using an anaconda install with kited running in the background? Opening task manager and stopping this from running fixed the problem for me.
Edit: This may be incorrect

When you type in the triple quotes, an icon will pop up that says Generate docstring. When this happens, do not hit Enter. Just hit esc.
Until we can just deactivate it in settings, that's what I've been doing.


How to fix Automator date-time script in Mojave

having issues getting a simple one-line automator script to work under Mojave.
An old script I used to have installed and use (built in Automator) no longer works...
The script in automator was as follows:
# return 24hr date and time
date +'%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'
The above is all what was set in Automator.
After installing the script through the automator file named "24-hr-time.workflow" I set up a keyboard shortcut to trigger the workflow to run.
I set it so that it runs as a service under System Preference, Keyboard, Shortcuts, Services, 24-hr-time (under the text heading).
Well, it doesn't work any more. Not sure why. I thought it may have been because of a keyboard shortcut conflict with another function. So, I tried several different ones and the problem persists. Such that when I trigger the service by using the shortcut keys, nothing happens. Basically, it just doesn't work.
What do I do?
OS: I've upgraded to Mojave (10.14.4).
Thank you.
The desired result is that when I press the shortcut key combination (e.g. Cmd+8), that the 24-hr-time workflow runs, thereby inserting the date and time into whatever application is being used.
Works fine for me.
I created a Quick Action in Automator (Services are now called Quick Actions).
I configured it like this:
I saved it as TodayDate. I gave it a keyboard shortcut in Preferences:
I used my keyboard shortcut in a TextEdit document and it worked fine:

ZeroBrane - how to clear debug window?

I wonder if there is a way to clear the "local console" pane in ZeroBrane. Sometimes it gets "clogged" with no way to clean it - for example checking _G produces massive amount of text and everything slows to halt afterwards.
I am using v0.50 that came bundled with Marmalade, if that matters. I tried local menu (right-click) but there is nothing.
You can use clear command (simply type clear and Enter), which will clear the console content (it's described in the introductory text at the top of the console window).
I suggest you upgrade to a newer version as 0.50 is quite old.

Dart Editor Update failed: Unable to shutdown Analysis Server

So after some time of completely letting my Dart project rest, I started Darteditor again. First, I check if the project still runs when I debug it - it does. Secondly, I check for updates:
Now I press the Button "Apply Update" and the following happens.
This is how it looked like before I clicked the button:
And this is after clicking it:
So what is that Analysis Server that is Inactive is my first question. But my more important one is how do I update?
Because pressing "No, I'll do it later" will simply close the error message and "Yes, download again" results in this:
I tried googling the problem and searched it on here - nothing found.
I also tried to find out where the corrupt already downloaded update is stored, so I could try to delete it - but I couldn't find out.
I assume that I am not the only one with this problem, so here I ask. Thank you in advance for your help :)
As of 1.11, Dart Editor is obsolete and no longer supported. We
recommend using DartPad to play with Dart and WebStorm to develop with
Dart. For more information, see the announcement.

Force Open Lua Console or Run Lua Console Automatically on Startup

I'm new to Wireshark & Lua and I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to by reading around online
Is there a way to open the Wireshark Lua console window on start up? Or even automatically open dialogs created by listeners on start up? I was hoping there were some commands or capability that would allow me to open (not just create) dialogs from within a script.
I've read about the exploit for the console in versions 1.6 and earlier, but I'm running 1.6.8 and I'd rather not use something that could potentially cause Wireshark to be unstable.
Modify the bottom of C:\Program Files\Wireshark\console.lua. Before the final "end", add:
You can find an advanced option in the preferences dialog:
Open Preferences from the Edit menu
Navigate to Advanced
Filter for console
Change the value for gui.console_open to ALWAYS

RubyMine - Turning off ability to click in middle of "empty" lines

I've recently begun learning Ruby and I'm really enjoying it so far. The IDE I've chosen to use is RubyMine (as it's similar to PhpStorm). There is however one feature which annoys me greatly and I cannot find the configuration for.
What I want to get rid of is:
When coding I am able to click in the middle of a line (where I haven't placed whitespace), and the cursor will jump there and allow me to type there (as if I had placed indented the code a long way before beginning to write).
The result might look something like this.
If I clicked in the middle of the line and began typing.
Does anyone know how to turn this feature off?
If my description is too vague, please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
You need to disable Settings | Editor | Virtual Space | Enable placement of caret after end of line
If you find that Allow placement of caret after end of line is already unchecked, try checking the box then exit and restart the IDE. Go back into settings and un-check again. This was the only way I could get it to work on a fresh install of PhpStorm v3.0.3 - no amount of check/uncheck would disable the behavior without this restart sequence.
In Rubymine 4.5 I needed to restart in order to get rid off the carets
In RubyMine 5.4,
File > Settings > IDE Settings section > Editor > Virtual space "section" >
[*] Allow placement of caret after end of line
Remove the check from the checkbox.
It does not require restarting.
In RubyMine 7.1 File > Preferences > Editor > General, Virtual Space section
