RubyMine - Turning off ability to click in middle of "empty" lines - ruby-on-rails

I've recently begun learning Ruby and I'm really enjoying it so far. The IDE I've chosen to use is RubyMine (as it's similar to PhpStorm). There is however one feature which annoys me greatly and I cannot find the configuration for.
What I want to get rid of is:
When coding I am able to click in the middle of a line (where I haven't placed whitespace), and the cursor will jump there and allow me to type there (as if I had placed indented the code a long way before beginning to write).
The result might look something like this.
If I clicked in the middle of the line and began typing.
Does anyone know how to turn this feature off?
If my description is too vague, please let me know.
Thanks in advance!

You need to disable Settings | Editor | Virtual Space | Enable placement of caret after end of line

If you find that Allow placement of caret after end of line is already unchecked, try checking the box then exit and restart the IDE. Go back into settings and un-check again. This was the only way I could get it to work on a fresh install of PhpStorm v3.0.3 - no amount of check/uncheck would disable the behavior without this restart sequence.

In Rubymine 4.5 I needed to restart in order to get rid off the carets

In RubyMine 5.4,
File > Settings > IDE Settings section > Editor > Virtual space "section" >
[*] Allow placement of caret after end of line
Remove the check from the checkbox.
It does not require restarting.

In RubyMine 7.1 File > Preferences > Editor > General, Virtual Space section


how to disable the help information when we hover the cursor on a variable/function in spyder [duplicate]

not sure where to ask:
is there a way to not have the help tooltip/popup/hover window opening in spyder?
since updating to 4.0 the window does not close when you change between windows:
guess something like this will be reported and delt with in future updates but for now i would be happy to just disable it
(using 64-bit windows-10 machine)
(Spyder maintainer here) Yes, there is. You need to go to the menu
Tools > Preferences > Completion and linting > Introspection
and deactivate the option called Enable hover hints.
Note: The issue you posted above with the hover not hiding when giving focus to other applications will be fixed in our next bugfix version (4.1), to be released in a couple of months.

How to disable automatic function docstring generation in Spyder?

Spyder (the Python IDE) generates a function docstring automatically when you click Enter after the first line of the function def. How can one disable this feature?
I've looked around in Tools (for instance in Tools -> Preferences -> Editor) and did not find a way to do it. But there are tons of features in Spyder so maybe I'm missing it.
Are you using an anaconda install with kited running in the background? Opening task manager and stopping this from running fixed the problem for me.
Edit: This may be incorrect
When you type in the triple quotes, an icon will pop up that says Generate docstring. When this happens, do not hit Enter. Just hit esc.
Until we can just deactivate it in settings, that's what I've been doing.

Excel 2010 CTRL+SHIFT+L. Not working

I apologize if asked/answered - but I truly did search....
In excel CTRL+Shift+L is not working; when I press the key sequence and the cursor spins and comes back without having accomplished turning on the filters or anything visible to me. This is the only shortcut that is not working so I did not know if I redefined it - but could not tell what it was currently defined as, I had the IT guys repair the install - All with no luck...
I would love to debug what CTRL+Shift+L does when I hit it - but could not figure out if that was possible...
Totally at wits end - - any help would be greatly appreciated.
For me it was Radeon Overlay which had the same hotkey for longing performance metrics. Just end whichever other programs you have running and see after each one if it gets fixed. Or try running excel in safe mode (Run excel.exe /safe) maybe the issue is an add-in.
Please try Alt+A+T. Hope it solves your problem.
I don't have 2010, but I do have 2013 and Ctrl+Shift_L works in 2013. Couple of things I can think of - one, do you have hidden cells? Second, when you hover over the filter button in the ribbon, does it still show Ctrl+Shift+L as the shortcut? Also, when I press that key combination, the ribbon indicates that the spreadsheet is currently filtered, does yours show that after you've pressed the shortcut?
I know the question is pretty old, but I ran into the same problem in the past couple of days and it was very frustrating.
It turned out that I had assigned the same shortcut to a Macro and completely forgot about it. The workbook containing the Macro was always open in the background and it prevented even other workbooks, without the Macro, to use the Filter shortcut.
So if you still have the problem, try checking if any of your open workbooks have macros and if so, check to see if ctrl+shift+L is assigned to any of them.
Hope this helps.
Another possibility... If you have two tabs selected at the bottom of the page it will not let you use that shortcut. You will not even let you use the sort/filter button at the top of the toolbar. You will be able to tell if you have two tabs selected by looking at the bottom of the window at the tabs. Click one of them or off of them to go back to only having one selected.
I didnt check for excel but for sublime yes ..
may be this works for excel too, as amd's radeon is using ctrl+shift+l hot key.
Same issue, turns out radeon software is using the same hotkeys for performance logging. Resolved it via:
Open Radeon Software (usually it's on the hidden icons on the taskbar)
Go to Hotkeys tab and reassign a new hotkey or just delete it
Do you have slicers connected to the table? If so, you need to delete slicers first.

ZeroBrane - how to clear debug window?

I wonder if there is a way to clear the "local console" pane in ZeroBrane. Sometimes it gets "clogged" with no way to clean it - for example checking _G produces massive amount of text and everything slows to halt afterwards.
I am using v0.50 that came bundled with Marmalade, if that matters. I tried local menu (right-click) but there is nothing.
You can use clear command (simply type clear and Enter), which will clear the console content (it's described in the introductory text at the top of the console window).
I suggest you upgrade to a newer version as 0.50 is quite old.

Normalize tab spaces

I have a project that has code that was contributed by many people without a proper policy on tab space (I know, huge mistake.)
What's the best way to normalize all tabs to spaces? Optimally some kind of a script that can do this to all files via the command line at once.
I know of Ruby Beautifier, but I didn't have any luck with ERB files (it also doesn't run on 1.9).
Thanks in advance
Forgot to say that we use Mac OS X
There's a command line utility bundled with OS X called tab2space that you might find useful. It's probably available on other platforms too.
I'd say open all files in Notepad++ and replace "\t" with " " (or 4 spaces) with the usual replace dialog. You'll have to choose 'Extended' in the lower left corner and press "Replace in all opened documents".
