Twilio Simple Gather Action - twilio

I am trying to do a simple flow with twiml.
when the user press 1
play some text
if press 2
play other some text
the problem is that i can not find the way without using the uri action and exposing a new url to only retrieve a say with the speach.
Is it any other way to do something link that without using urls and new endpoints???

It is much easier to do the above using Twilio Studio, give it a go, it is all Serverless and elastic.
Twilio Studio


How do I get a log of Twilio Studio interactions,

How do I get the log of Twilio Studio interactions, specifically steps, I need to download it to analyze the performance of my IVR.
What I want to know is how many calls where resolve by one option of a split decision widget.
Is any way to download a CSV?
There is an API you can use to download such information. Take a look at the URL below, in particular Step.
Studio REST API Resources

Twilio Merge Child Recordings

I am trying to build an API which can Onhold both inbound and outbound calls, what I basically do is, update the CallResource and forward it to a Play command when I want to hold on and connect to the agent if I want to resume the call.
This works good, I am able to hold on/ resume call successfully.
I have seen some questions and answers regarding this, Twilio support suggests to use Conference option for that, isn't there may be a new solution (or other solution) for this.
What I want is actually merge child call recordings, isn't there an option for this?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There is no way to concatenate call recordings within Twilio, what I would recommend is to download the files and concatenate them with something like ffmpeg. You should be able to script this too.

Is it possible to connect flows in Twilio Studio?

I'm trying to link multiple twilio flows together, to make it more manageable and to be able to reuse some specific flow elements just as a payment flow within multiple base flows.
Is it possible to trigger a flow using its webhook url from another flow?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
While technically it is possible to link flows together, in practice it is not ideal right now. You can do so by making a call to another Twilio number that is set to respond with your new flow. As you can imagine, this would confuse your logs and is not straightforward to implement, especially if you want to return link back to the original flow later.
For now, the recommended thing to do is to copy the elements to each flow as you need them.
I've registered that I would like to see us implement subflows that you can reuse like this properly, but for now, copying is likely your best method.

Rails Twilio check National Do Not Call List?

Has anyone ever found and API or anything to check to see if a number is on the national do not call list before placing an automated call using Twilio?
I've been looking around but have been struggling to find an easy way to access the list.

Create a salesforce user entry in iOS using REST API?

I was wondering if anyone could point out how to create new user / lead entries in salesforce?
I've tried looking at but I can't seem to find anything.
I think you can't do it out of the box with the Rest API, but, you can make your custom webservices with Apex REST (check out some code example: )
I found myself doing that for things I could not achieve using the regular Rest API, in your case, you could do just about the same thing.
