AccountKit is being depreciated - account-kit

As AccountKit is being depreciated on September 9, 2019, Im just using the email verification, is there a good alternative or do I have to start building my own?
Depreciation timeline:
September 9, 2019: Account Kit will stop integrating with new apps. Existing integrations will continue to function normally.
December 9, 2019: If you’re using SMS as a means to verify phone numbers, the daily SMS limit will be reduced to a maximum of 1,000 messages per app ID per day.
March 9, 2020: Account Kit will no longer be available for developers and partners.
June 2020: Developers and partners will have until this date to retrieve data and information from the Facebook platform unless they initiate deletion before the deprecation, in which case their data will be retrievable for 30 days before being deleted from our system.

I recommend Firebase Authentication( there is some alternatives feature of Firebase Auth:
Email and password-based authentication
Federated identity provider integration (sign via Google, Facebook, Twitter, or GitHub)
Phone number authentication
Custom auth system integration
Anonymous auth
You can check the docs to learn more


Twilio Authy API Support Ending November 2022?

we have an application that uses Authy API to send and verify OTP codes via SMS. I recently noticed on Twilio site that Authy API will be deprecated by November 1 2022. Any calls made to API after May 2023 will result in error.
I am unable to understand that should we plan the migration from Authy to Verify before November 1 2022 or May 2023.
Any clarity on this would be helpfull.
From the blog post:
Twilio will support the Authy API through November 1, 2022. After this date, we’ll start to deprecate the service for SMS/Voice. Any requests sent to the API after May 1, 2023, will automatically receive an error.
You should plan to migrate sooner rather than later because you do not want to push the migration back until it is a rush to do before the May 2023 cut-off.
The API will continue to work until May 2023, but after that it will no longer work.

Verify mobile app Google

I've added kGTLRAuthScopeDrive scope to OIDAuthorizationRequest and I am facing the issue shown in the picture below:
How can I verify my ios app?
OAuth Client Verification
Starting July 18, 2017, Google OAuth clients that request certain sensitive OAuth scopes will be subject to review by Google.
Add-ons, web apps, and other deployments (such as apps that use the Apps Script API) may need verification.
You must apply to have your application verified by google before others will be able to use it. Verify
By clicking advanced you should be able to login yourself as the developer who created it. this is used for testing only

Facebook app token to be revoked after the 30th of April 2015?

I work on a legacy iOS app, which uses Facebook SDK to let user login and publishes on user's behalf likes and posts on the wall. It requests email, publish_actions, user_likes permissions.
The app already has a valid app token and worked fine with Facebook SDK v3.13, pointed to Graph API v1.0.
Recently I have upgraded it to Facebook SDK v3.23 with Graph API v2.2.
Facebook's upgrade guide ( says:
Once you are defaulted to Graph API v2.0, you should test all possible
features to ensure full functionality. <...> If your app is fully functional
after defaulting to Graph API v2.0, you need to go through Login
Review before April 30th, 2015.
What happens if I refuse to go through review?
Will the older ("v1.0") / newer ("v2.2") builds of the app be still functional after 30/05/2015?
Will the users be able to log in and like/post/share?
V1.0 will be gone completely after April 2015, and all permissions that need review will stop working if they did not get approved.

Email contact on iOS application

I know we can retrieve email contacts from the "Contacts" app.
What if I want to retrieve other email from let's say gmail inside my app. Is this possible?
Is there an sdk to retrieve it? e.g (the app will prompt user to login to gmail, and it will send back all the email contact)
What about Yahoo and Exchange?
Maybe this question about Gmail might help you.
I think similar to Gmail case, you can do with Exchange API and Yahoo
But Yahoo currently says:
Access to Yahoo’s IMAP service is one of the top requests from the application developer community. We are happy to announce that a Yahoo IMAP service with OAuth-2.0 will be available in early 2015. As announced on Dec 19th, 2014, we will no longer support the current Yahoo-customized Mail APIs after February 16, 2015. We will provide a migration path to this new service, which will allow us to better serve the developer community. For more information, send a mail to

Does OAuth authentication of google account which is registered after April 20,2015 return openid_id?

I am developing a website by using OpenID2 and I will use Oauth.
Now every new users by using OpenID2 of google can get openid_id.
But I don't know that new users by using google account registered after April 20,2015.
example flow is following:
Person A registers new google account(account name: hogeA, email: on April 21, 2015
Person A registers my website's account by using 'hogeA'(by using OAuth2)
openid_id will continue to be returned for Google OpenID migration flows until January 2017 as per Google's migration timetable.
Having said that, your application should be using Google's global user identifiers (see sub parameter in id token) instead.
