How to get "build history" of a docker container when inside a container? - docker

When you are inside a docker container, is there anyway to obtain the "build history" (i.e. the original Dockerfile, or rather list of commands in the original Dockerfile that was used to build that container)?
The reason is that for tracking and version control purposes, it might be useful to indicate what/how the environment was configured when the process was run.

You can do it with
docker history
command. But not inside the container. Container itself does not have Docker and container itself does not hold its own history. To run that command you need to be in the host and not in the container.
docker history documentation
have a great explanation on how to use that command.

docker label is a good way to add additional metadata to your docker images.
Check this for more info.
You can get this data using docker inspect. But these commands can be run from outside the container, to run it from the inside you need to make use of docker remote api's as explained here in this answer.
You can also retrieve details of docker image using docker history through this remote api.
If you want just few details about images like version, etc. Then put those data as environment variable while building the image so that you can refer it later inside your running docker container.


Create a Dockerfile from NiFi Docker Container

I'm pretty new to using Docker. I'm needing to deploy a NiFi instance through my employer, but the internal service we need to use requires a Dockerfile, not an image.
The service we're using requires the Dockerfile because each time the repository we're using is updated, the service is pointed to the Dockerfile and initiates the build process from it, then runs/operates the container.
I've already set up the NiFi flow to how it needs to operate, I'm just unsure of how to get a Dockerfile from an already existing container (or if that is even possible?)
I was looking into this myself, apparently there is no real way to do it, but you can inspect the docker container and pretty much get all the commands used to create the container except the OS used which is easy to find, you can spawn a bash into the container and do something like sudo uname -a, which you can just take and make your own docker image with. Usually you can find it on github, though.
docker inspect <image>
or you can do it through the docker desktop UI
You can use the Dockerfile that is in NiFi source code, see in this directory:

Some questions on Docker basics?

I'm new to docker.Most of the tutorials on docker cover the same thing.I'm afraid I'm just ending up with piles of questions,and no answers really. I've come here after my fair share of Googling, kindly help me out with these basic questions.
When we install a docker,where it gets installed? Is it in our computer in local or does it happen in cloud?
Where does containers get pulled into?I there a way I can see what is inside the container?(I'm using Ubuntu 18.04)
When we pull an image.Docker image or clone a repository from
Git.where does this data get is stored?
Looks like you are confused after reading to many documents. Let me try to put this in simple words. Hope this will help.
When we install a docker,where it gets installed? Is it in our
computer in local or does it happen in cloud?
We install the docker on VM be it you on-prem VM or cloud. You can install the docker on your laptop as well.
Where does containers get pulled into?I there a way I can see what is
inside the container?(I'm using Ubuntu 18.04)
This question can be treated as lack of terminology awareness. We don't pull the container. We pull the image and run the container using that.
Quick terminology summary
Container-> Containers allow you to easily package an application's code, configurations, and dependencies into a template called an image.
Dockerfile-> Here you mention your commands or infrastructure blueprint.
Image -> Image gets derived from Dockerfile. You use image to create and run the container.
Yes, you can log inside the container. Use below command
docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
When we pull an image.Docker image or clone a repository from
Git.where does this data get is stored?
You can pull the opensource image from Docker-hub
When you clone the git project which is docerized, you can look for Dockerfile in that project and create the your own image by build it.
docker build -t <youimagenae:tag> .
When you build or pull the image it get store in to your local.
user docker images command
Refer the below cheat-sheet for more commands to play with docker.
The docker daemon gets installed on your local machine and everything you do with the docker cli gets executed on your local machine and containers.
(not sure about the 1st part of your question). You can easily access your docker containers by docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash for that you will need to have the container running. Check running containers with docker ps
(again I do not entirely understand your question) The images that you pull get stored on your local machine as well. You can see all the images present on your machine with docker images
Let me know if it was helpful and if you need any futher information.

Docker in Docker, Building docker agents in a docker contained Jenkins Server

I am currently running a Jenkins with Docker. When trying to build docker apps, i am facing some doubt on if i should use Docker in Docker (Dind) by binding the /var/run/docker.sock file or by installing another instance of docker in my Jenkins Docker. I actually saw that previously, it was discouraged to use something else than the docker.sock.
I don't actually understand why we should use something else than the docker daemon from the host apart from not polluting it.
sources :
Best solution for "jenkins in docker container needs docker" case is to add your host as a node(slave) in jenkins. This will make every build step (literally everything) run in your host machine. It took me a month to find perfect setup.
Mount docker socket in jenkins container: You will lose context. The files you want to COPY inside image is located inside workspace in jenkins container and your docker is running at host. COPY fails for sure.
Install docker client in jenkins container: You have to alter official jenkins image. Adds complexity. And you will lose context too.
Add your host as jenkins node: Perfect. You have the contex. No altering the official image.
Without completely understanding why you would need to use Docker in Docker - I suspect you need to meet some special requirements considering the environment in which you build the actual image, may I suggest you multistage building of docker images? You might find it useful as it enables you to first build the building environment and then build the actual image (hence the name 'multistage-building). Check it out here:

How do I run startup scripts for DOCKER when deployed via Cloud Compute Engine instances?

I'm creating an instance template under GCP's Cloud Engine section.
Usually when deploying a docker image, there's a docker file that includes some startup scripts after specifying the base image to pull and build, but I can't see where I can either submit a docker file, or enter startup scripts.
I can see a field for startup scripts for the Cloud Compute instance, but that's different from the scripts passed on for the Docker's startup.
Are these perhaps to be filled in under "Command", "Command arguments", or "Environment Variables"?
For clarification, this is someone else's image of a dockerfile I pulled from Google Images. The part I wish to add is "rectangled" in red, the RUN commands, but not these exact commands.
In my case, I would like to add something like
RUN python /
If I understood well, you are trying to create a Docker image not a compute instance image.
Compute instance can run a docker image that you already builded and pushed to either gcr or any other repository.
Try to build your docker image normaly, push it in a docker repo then use it.
You can run a startup script directly in the Docker container by using a ‘command’ section. If you need to install something after starting a container for example Apache, you should use a Docker image that has Apache.
If you need to run some other arguments, like creating environment variables, here you can find the full list of flags when creating a container image on VM instance.

How to setup git and git-sync in a docker container?

I want to setup up git and git-sync in my new docker container but I am not sure how to do that or if that is the right way to do it? If there is a easier way to do it for example I also use kubernetes and I am trying to see what kubernetes can do as far as git-sync is concerned. Any ideas?
Don't treat Docker container as a VM. Usually you shouldn't go to the container to run commands or to set up settings. Use docker build to build all what do you need (jar file, JVM server, ....) from Dockerfile and use environment variable to handle any settings (or volume with setting file). Your container image entrypoint (cmd) can be some your script (, which can handle also some start activities. Generally: your container should be stateless. For versioning use tags. Take your time and read some doc and some real Docker app examples. You will see there what is the best practice.
