iOS app installs due to Adwords campaign not attributed via Firebase - google-ads-api

I have both an iOS and Android app that have fully integrated the Firebase SDK:
Android ->
iOS ->
After setting up an Adwords campaign, and linking the Firebase environment and the Google Ad environment (refer to only the first_open events are attributed to the campaign for Android, iOS is not working.

Solved by added iad.framework to the linked frameworks and libraries in the Xcode project. If you do not add this framework, the console logging from Firebase displays the following message:
[Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS032003] iAd framework is not linked. Search Ad Attribution Reporter is disabled.


iOS : Integrate Firebase InAppMessaging with Cordova project

I need to add Firebase InAppMessaging with iOS Cordova project. I have been following Firebase documentation from official website
How can I use this to add into Cordova based project? I have created pod files as describe in documentation, However application is still now loading in-App Messaging.
Use the firebasex project, that have Inapp Messaging and others firebase features already for cordova.

iOS version of my app not shown on fabric dashboard

In my my fabric dashboard I am not been able to view my iOS app currently whereas I can see the Android app.I have updated my app to latest SDK(from 10.2 to 11.4) and I have been recently added to the team. It used to be there before.What can be the possible issue?As the fabric and crashlytics pods are there configured in my app.

How can I verify firebase on iOS using Unity?

I need to add firebase to an iOS app, I download the SDK and add the googleservice-info.plist in my asset folder.
The Unity firebase window shows that firebase is enabled but when I compile and run tha app the Firebase SDK setup doesn't finish and isn't tracking any events.
With Android I don't have any problems
I use Unity 2018.2
verify firebase IMG

How to disable Firebase in Unity for iOS?

I'm using an official firebase package for push notifications in android in unity, but I want to disable firebase for iOS build. Is it possible? I tried to disable iOS platform in Firebase settings, but it's still saying that I need to add GooglePlayServices-info.plist to iOS project and add some useless pods.

Google map SDK on iOS5.1

I am using Google map SDK in my app. My app supports deployment target of iOS >=5 but the google map SDK included in my app supports iOS >=6. So, when I run my app on iOS5 , the app crashed with the following error :
dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIActivityViewController
I want to run the same app on iOS5 by excluding google map sdk.Does any one know how to include google map sdk in the app only if the device iOS version is >=6?
Do we have any option to make google map framework "Optional" or importing the google maps header using iOS version macros? If yes, any pointers?
