Import Html not working on - google-sheets

I've tried using IMPORTHTML and IMPORTXML both, however, they do not seem to work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
This is the error message that comes up on running both the queries:
Error Imported content is empty.

not sure what exactly do you need to import but LIST works from 1 up to 29
"LIST"; 29)
and also you can use "import all":


How can i fix this import data

How can I fix this import data?
I imported data from and I get data but with some errors in data like (�) and I can't use any other function.
How can I clean this data that I imported to use for my google sheet?
try removing �:
=SUBSTITUTE(A4; "�"; )
for the whole array:

Unable import text using importxml and xpath inside div

i'm Using Google Sheets with IMPORTXML to scrape a download count information from a japanese website via XPath in google sheet. I want to save the number/text inside this red box
here's the link
here's my function
=IMPORTXML("アゲハ蝶とヒャクニチソウ", "/html/body/div[17]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[7]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]//text()")
the function doesn't work? why?
thank you
When I tested your formula, I confirmed that an error of Could not fetch url: occurred. But, fortunately, when Google Apps Script is used, I confirmed that the URL can be requested using UrlFetchApp. So, in this answer, I would like to propose to use Google Apps Script. The sample script is as follows.
Sample script:
Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Google Spreadsheet, and save it, and put a formula of =SAMPLE("URL") to a cell. If the function name is not found, please reopen the Google Spreadsheet and test it again. This script is used as the custom function.
function SAMPLE(url) {
const value = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText().match(/ダウンロード:.+/);
if (!value) throw new Error("Value was not retrieved.");
return value;
When above script is used, the following result is obtained.
This sample script is for the current HTML of the URL ofアゲハ蝶とヒャクニチソウ. And, when the structure of HTML of the URL is changed, above script might not be able to be used. Please be careful this.
Custom Functions in Google Sheets

TextMobject doesn't work on Jupyter-Manim

I am currently using jupyter-manim since it is the most efficient way for me to use manim. I'm running my code on Kaggle and every time I use TextMobject in manim, it outputs an error that says Latex error converting to dvi. See log output above or the log file: media/Tex/54dfbfee288272f0.log. I've tried TexMobject and Text function, but only the Text function works. The Text function is limited however, and I'm not sure how to change the font. Is there a way to fix this or is it something that comes with using jupyter-manim? It seems that all the other functions work such as drawing shapes, animating scenes, etc.
class Text(Scene):
def construct(self):
first_line = TextMobject('Hi')
second_line = TexMobject('Hi')
#Only one that works
third_line = Text('Hi')
I tried your Manim program and it worked as expected for me. I would try making sure
include from manimlib.imports import * in your first line (importing Manim library)
include so you can see them
I think you already have these, but I'm putting them in case you don't.
You may also be getting the error because you do not have a LaTeX distribution installed on your system (i.e. MikTex or Texlive).
I think part of your problem may be the name of the class you chose. I had problems with your code until I changed the name from Text to TextTest. Here is a minimally working example that works fine in my Jupyter notebook (after running import jupyter_manim of course).
%%manim TextTest -p -ql
from manim import *
class TextTest(Scene):
def construct(self):
first_line = TextMobject('Hi 1')
second_line = TexMobject('Hi 2').shift(DOWN)
third_line = Text('Hi 3').shift(UP)
Also, you should be aware that TextMobject and TexMobject have been deprecated.

when using exporting(highchart) in angular 7 got the the error

using exporting(highchart) getting below error:
ERROR in src/app/desktop/module/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts(24,1): error TS2349: Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'typeof import("C:/website/UI_Dashboard/node_modules/highchart
s/modules/exporting.src")' has no compatible call signatures.
in the module:
import {ChartModule, HIGHCHARTS_MODULES} from 'angular-highcharts';
import * as more from 'highcharts/highcharts-more.src';
import * as highcharts from 'highcharts';
import * as exporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting.src';
import * as offline from 'highcharts/modules/offline-exporting';
what should I do for solving this issue?
Have you tried with import exporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting.src';?
It's the suggested way of module working as documented in the official Highcharts wrapper for Angular -
You should also load all Highcharts related files as src or minified - mixing might cause some TS issues.
An import path for src version of Highcharts core is 'highcharts/highcharts.src'.
Also (I'm not sure if this applies here since the code might not be complete), highcharts-more needs to be initialized as any other module. Usually it is loaded before other modules - initialization order is rarely important (some series types are based on optional modules) and you will get an error if the order is wrong, so it's important to test this.
In case anyone encounters this problem nowadays, changing this:
import * as exporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting.src';
To this:
import Exporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting';
Solved the problem for me.
I'm using Angular CLI 11.1.4 and the Highcharts npm package v9.2.2

cant display text in mvc pdfsharp project need to remove tags

i have this line of code in my mvc 4 pdfsharp project and i cant seem to figure out how to get the decsription field to display just the text when the pdf is generated. all my other lines display fine an they are all set up the same, it is just this one I cant figure out:
graphics.DrawString("" + report.Description, font, XBrushes.Black, new XRect(margin, page.Height - (lineHeight * 35), page.Width, page.Height), XStringFormats.TopCenter);
currentTop += lineHeight;
this is what the pdf displays from that line: Normal;font-weight: bold;font-size: 16px;color: #000000;">Incident API
this is what it should display: Incident API
does anyone know what I can add to this line of code to make it display properly. any advice or support would be greatly appeciated. if you need more info please ask. i have been stuck on this forever and cant seem to figure it out.
thank you so much
I was able to use a simple regex and just display plain text and no tags in the pdf report. Here is the code if anyone else has the same problem:
report.Description = Regex.Replace(report.Description, "<.*?>| ", string.Empty);
