Xamarin Forms need help to print through bluetooth printer XP200 - printing

I'm creating an XF application which can connect to a printer(XP200) through bluetooth. I've read a lot of topic regarding to "how to access bluetooth device/ use barcode scanner" and also try to implement BluetoothLE package. But the problem is I'm using .Net standard 2.0 so that packages didn't work correctly. I'm finding another solution in this case and that would be great if anyone already worked with XPrinter could help me. Thanks in advance guys


Create an Apple Homekit accessory with NodeMCU (ESP8266)

My goal is to create a simple LED controlled by my iPhone through Homekit.
I'd like to do it using only a NodeMCU (ESP8266).
I found lots of solutions using a NodeJS library (HAP-NodeJS), which works well on my PC, but obviously can't run on a NodeMCU board.
As I understand, all these solutions require a RaspberryPI (or similar board running Linux) that talks with the NodeMCU board. But I don't like this solution.
Is there a way to achieve this goal only with a NodeMCU board?
Update 1 (25/01/2017)
Ok, I'm reading lots of blogs and watching some videos, and I'm understanding more about this topic.
I found NodeMCU Flasher to install the firmware on the board, and I found the firmware I'd like to use (I think I could be more comfortable with Lua).
First problem... I'm using a Mac, and NodeMCU Flasher is for Windows... Is there an alternative?
I downloaded also ESPlorer. Does it provide the same functionality as NodeMCU Flasher?
Please check this.
Public Apple's HomeKit protocol code has been around for some time for more potent processors (notably HAP-NodeJS). This is a rewrite for the ESP8266 to make the server foundation. This project uses ESP8266_RTOS_SDK and WolfCrypt 3.9.8 for the crypto. It will however NOT deliver a certified HomeKit device.

how to test and export iOS app made with LibGDX

much of the title already establishes what I need help with. The problem is that RoboVM is shutting down and no longer providing any service :( so I cant use it, nor can I find anything similar. Please help, thank you.
I'm using a mac, AndroidStudio, and I already have Xcode installed.
As stated on the oficial libgdx site there's a lot of alternatives like:
Mobile OpenJDK 9
Xamarin + IKVM
Intel Multi-OS Engine
Tomski is writing the multi-os engine backend for a oficial release, if you need any help with it you could probably ask him personally on the #libgdx freenode irc channel.

How do you change the code page (configure) an IBM 4610-TF6

I'm trying to print Arabic font on an IBM 4610-TF6 receipt printer. It's currently connected to a windows laptop via USB. I believe I require some sort of diagnostic or configuration utility that works with the printer, however the IBM website / documentation is just a maze of dead ends so far.
Anyone have any experience doing anything similar?
I have found a solution here. It seems that IBM had fixed this issue.
Basically what they are telling you is that you have to update OPOS.
It contains pdf file with detailed description. If it doesn't help you try contacting the IBM support.

BB10 - Cascades Application - Console/Terminal Application

I am attempting to create a simple terminal application that runs on a BB10 device/simulator. I have gone through all of the available demo/example applications:
I can't seem to find a way to have an application run as a console/terminal/tty-interface on the BB10 device I'm developing for. I was hoping to port some simple console games (ie: maybe a simple thing like "Hunt the Wumpus", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunt_the_Wumpus), and then maybe take a crack at a Rogue or Nethack port as well (hopefully without having to depend on the ncurses library (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ncurses), but it's OK if I have to rely on ncurses. It just saves me from having to write additional interfacing code).
Can someone please provide a short, simple example of what I would need to write in a basic BB10 application that opens a black-and-white terminal with color support? It can be short, and just something I have to paste into an empty project.
Thank you in advance!
Here you go:
It's listed near the bottom.

Is it possible to compile and use xapian, clucene or lucy on iOS?

I want to compile and use Xapian with xcode on iOS, is there any one with any experiments on this? Is it possible?
Is there any other option for implementing full text search on iOS?I have tried
S4luceneLib (in Obj-C) which works but is port of old version of lucene, also I
have checked Clucene and lucy, which like xapian i can not compile on iOS.
any help and comment will be appreciated.
Speaking as one of the Xapian authors, I don't recall hearing of anyone reporting trying to compile Xapian on iOS. I also don't know of any fundamental reason why it would be impossible to compile it on iOS. I suggest you contact the Xapian developer community (on the xapian-discuss mailing list: http://lists.xapian.org/mailman/listinfo/xapian-discuss or on the #xapian IRC channel on irc.freenode.net), and give details of the attempts you've made to compile Xapian, and the error messages or problems you encountered.
