How to show building numbers on Apple Map? - ios

can we show building numbers on apple map? if yes then how can we achieve this? please refer the screenshot.

Unfortunately you can not update Apple map but yes for alter-net solution you can use google map for showing you floor plan on map.
By using "Map Objects" feature of google map you can add your custom floor plan on provided location.
Check this link of Map object in Google map: Map Objects
There is one more solution for your requirement.
Use SVG file and annotate your building number on it.
for SVG map update check this link: SVGKit
One more useful link from SO: Map won't show building numbers (tileMill + OSM)
Hope above information will help you to go further in your R&D for building number placed on map.


Map Kit Location Images

I am using Map kit to display a bunch of locations and data related to it.
When I use Apple Maps I can see that locations have related images provided by Yelp.
Does map kit provide a way to access those images? Is there any way to obtain images from a respective location??
Those images are not part of the SDK and you can't use them within your app directly, but you can use Yelp API to get business information, including images. Check for more information.

To show specific university map using Google Maps

I want to show Particular University map using google maps. is there any way to particularly only to concentrate complete University.
please help me.
check out the link it may be a proper answer for your question (
for location you need altitude and latitude you can find this from here

Converting AppleMaps Coordinates to Google Place IDs

I'm afraid this is a general question, no code as such just yet.
I've built my app to date with Apple MapKit, and it is generating locations (strings & coordinates). I don't want to rebuild this with Google Maps SDK for iOS.
I'm looking to use Firebase as the back-end and they have some useful analytics when passing in Google Place IDs.
My question is therefore whether you can convert coordinates into Google Place IDs and therefore what my best option would be to achieve this?
It would obviously best if this did not involve using the SDK and I could somehow use an online API to convert the coordinates to place IDs...
Yes if you have address of coordinate then use in below api and you able to get the PlaceID,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY
check more detail in below link

Google Maps API - Custom Markers

Is it possible to have specific markers based on a user's search with Google Maps API? For example, I'd like to be able to create unique markers for different food cuisine types: american, asian, european, and indian. If the user types in american for example, can I add a special marker for this and if so, how can I achieve this?
Google has a great API that details how to do what you need pretty well. The Google Places API has some examples of how to search for places. The Maps API has an example on how to add custom marker symbols. Once you get the data back from the query posted, you can parse it to get details on the restaurant and associate an icon with that restaurants position
I think you are looking for the iOS SDK (I just looked at your tags):

Custom Map Styles Google Map / MapKit

I want to achieve a Map design like the image below
I have achieved the design using MapBox though, its quite simple to get it done from it.
I have found Google Map can be easily customized from here
But I can't find a way to implement it in iOS SDK for GoogleMaps.
I highly want to use GoogleMaps, is there any way that I can achieve the map design above ?
Any help is appreciated..
Styled maps is currently not supported in the latest release of google maps SDK for iOS (v 1.5.0) but the ticket for this feature has been filed, so please go and star it to indicate your interest in this feature:
