Why does DataDog prefer the Docker-based Agent installation? - docker

According to the DataDog Docker Integration Docs:
There are two ways to run the [DataDog] Agent: directly on each host, or within a docker-dd-agent container. We recommend the latter.
Why is a Docker-based agent installation preferred over just installing the DataDog agent directly as a service on the box that's running the Docker containers?

One of Dockers main features is portability and it makes sense to bind datadog into that environment. That way they are packaged and deployed together and you don't have the overhead of installing datadog manually everywhere you choose to deploy.
What they are also implying is that you should use docker-compose and turn your application / docker container into an multi-container Docker application, running your image(s) alongside the docker agent. Thus you will not need to write/build/run/manage a container via Dockerfile, but rather add the agent image to your docker-compose.yml along with its configuration. Starting your multi-container application will still be easy via:
docker-compose up
Its really convenient and gives you additional features like their autodiscovery service.


How to handle "docker-in-docker" problem when using Jenkins inside K8S

New to Kubernetes, a little complex question needs help.
Using Jenkins in GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)
Want to use jenkins-docker plugin to provide the specific test environment for each type of tests
Don't want to mixin docker binary in the Jenkins image (because it is large)
Don't want docker-in-docker
More specifically, I don't want the Jenkins Pod be a new Docker Server
What I want
Each test environment can create a new pod in GKE Cluster, rather than creating containers inside the Jenkins Pod
I have just read some articles, but half of them are telling about "how to use K8S to scale up the Jenkins (using jenkins-slave + jenkins-kubernates plugin)", another half are telling about how to "use docker plugin in a dockerized jenkins container on a bare metal machine (you can use /var/run/docker.sock to communicate between the host and the docker container)", but I cannot find **how to use docker plugin (to provide a specific environment) in a dockerized jenkins container inside K8S

Proper way to deploy docker services via Gitlab CI/CD to an own server

My application is built using 3 Docker services:
backend (React)
frontend (Node.js)
nginx (routing traffic)
Up until now I was manually logging into an own Digital Ocean server, cloning the repository and launching the services with docker-compose build && docker-compose up.
I want to automate the process from now on.
Given Gitlab CI/CD Pipelines and the runners, what would be the best approach to automatically deploy the code to Digital Ocean server?
[WHAT I WAS THINKING OF, might seem very "beginner"]
Idea 1: Once a commit was pushed to master -> Gitlab runner will build the services and then copy it over to the DO server via scp. Problem: how do you launch the services? Do you connect to the DO server via ssh from the runner and then run the start script there?
Idea 2: Register a worker on the DO server just so when it pulls the data from Gitlab it has the code on the DO server itself. It just has to build them and run. But this approach is not scalable and seems hacky.
I am looking for some thinking guidelines or a step-by-step approach.
One of the benefits of using Docker in a production-deployment scenario is that you don't separately scp your application code; everything you need is built into the image.
If you're using an automation system like Ansible that can directly run containers on remote hosts then this is straightforward. Your CI system builds Docker images, tags them with some unique version stamp, and pushes them to a repository (Docker Hub, something provided by your cloud provider, one you run yourself). It then triggers the automation system to tell it to start containers with the image you built. (In the case of Ansible, it runs over ssh, so this is more or less equivalent to the other ssh-based options; tools like Chef or Salt Stack require a dedicated agent on the target system.)
If you don't have an automation system like that but you do have ssh and Docker Compose installed on the target system, then you can copy only the docker-compose.yml file to the target host, and then launch it.
docker push myname/myimage:$TAG
scp docker-compose.yml root#remote:
ssh root#remote env TAG=$TAG docker-compose up -d
A further option is to use a dedicated cluster manager like Kubernetes, and talk to its API; then the cluster will pull the updated containers itself, and you don't have to ssh anything. At the scale you're discussing this is probably much heavier weight than you need.

Can I run Kubernetes and Swarm at the same time?

Pretty basic question. We have an existing swarm and I want to start migrating to Kubernetes. Can I run both using the same docker hosts?
See the official documentation for Docker for Mac at https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/kubernetes/ stating:
When Kubernetes support is enabled, you can deploy your workloads, in parallel, on Kubernetes, Swarm, and as standalone containers. Enabling or disabling the Kubernetes server does not affect your other workloads.
So: yes, both should be able to run in parallel.
If you're using Docker on Linux you won't have the convenient tools available like in Docker for Mac/Windows, but both orchestrators should still be able to run in parallel without further issues. On system level, details like e.g. ports on a network interface are still shared resources, so they cannot be bound by different orchestrators.

Kubernetes vs. Docker: What Does It Really Mean?

I know that Docker and Kubernetes aren’t direct competitors. Docker is the container platform and containers are coordinated and scheduled by Kubernetes, which is a tool.
What does it really mean and how can I deploy my app on Docker for Azure ?
Short answer:
Docker (and containers in general) solve the problem of packaging an application and its dependencies. This makes it easy to ship and run everywhere.
Kubernetes is one layer of abstraction above containers. It is a distributed system that controls/manages containers.
My advice: because the landscape is huge... start learning and putting the pieces of the puzzle together by following a course. Below I have added some information from the:
Introduction to Kubernetes, free online course from The Linux Foundation.
Why do we need Kubernetes (and other orchestrators) above containers?
In the quality assurance (QA) environments, we can get away with running containers on a single host to develop and test applications. However, when we go to production, we do not have the same liberty, as we need to ensure that our applications:
Are fault-tolerant
Can scale, and do this on-demand
Use resources optimally
Can discover other applications automatically, and communicate with each other
Are accessible from the external world
Can update/rollback without any downtime.
Container orchestrators are the tools which group hosts together to form a cluster, and help us fulfill the requirements mentioned above.
Nowadays, there are many container orchestrators available, such as:
Docker Swarm: Docker Swarm is a container orchestrator provided by Docker, Inc. It is part of Docker Engine.
Kubernetes: Kubernetes was started by Google, but now, it is a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation project.
Mesos Marathon: Marathon is one of the frameworks to run containers at scale on Apache Mesos.
Amazon ECS: Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a hosted service provided by AWS to run Docker containers at scale on its infrastructrue.
Hashicorp Nomad: Nomad is the container orchestrator provided by HashiCorp.
Kubernetes is built on Docker technology. It is an orchestration tool for Docker container whereas Docker is a technology to create and deploy containers.
Docker, starting with a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) provider named dotCloud.
All in all, Kubernetes is related to the Docker container, allowing you to implement application portability and extensibility in container orchestration.
Easy and fast to install and configure
Functionality is provided and limited by the Docker API
Quick container deployment and scaling even in very large clusters
Automated internal load balancing through any node in the cluster
Simple shared local volumes
Require some work to get up and running
Client, API and YAML definitions are unique to Kubernetes
Provides strong guarantees to cluster states at the expense of speed
To Enable load balancing requires manual service configuration
Volumes shared within pods
This is just a basic idea which at least explains the difference.If you want to go in depth see my posts
Docker and Kubernetes are complementary. Docker provides an open standard for packaging and distributing containerized applications, while Kubernetes provides for the orchestration and management of distributed, containerized applications created with Docker. In other words, Kubernetes provides the infrastructure needed to deploy and run applications built with Docker.

Platform to test with docker containers in developer environment

We are currently moving towards microservices with Docker from a monolith application running in JBoss. I want to know the platform/tools/frameworks to be used to test these Docker containers in developer environment. Also what tools should be used to deploy these containers to this developer test environment.
Is it a good option to use some thing like Kubernetes with chef/puppet/vagrant?
I think so. Make sure to get service discovery, logging and virtual networking right. For the former you can check out skydns. Docker now has a few logging plugins you can use for log management. For virtual networking you can look for Flannel and Weave.
You want service discovery because Kubernetes will schedule the containers the way it sees fit and you need some way of telling what IP/port your microservice will be at. Virtual networking make it so each container has it's own subnet thus preventing port clashes in case you have two containers with the same ports exposed in the same host (kubernetes won't let it clash, it will schedule containers to run until you have hosts with ports available, if you try to create more it just won't run).
Also, you can try the built-in cluster tools in Docker itself, like docker service, docker network commands and Docker Swarm.
Docker-machine helps in case you already have a VM infrastructure in place.
We have created and open-sourced a platform to develop and deploy docker based microservices.
It supports service discovery, clustering, load balancing, health checks, configuration management, diagnosing and mini-DNS.
We are using it in our local development environment and production environment on AWS. We have a Vagrant box with everything prepared so you can give it a try:
