Branch to link blocked on facebook - ios

I am stuck with a situation that I have implemented iOS SDK not and generating a link for sharing. But I am facing an issue that if the app wants to share that link on Facebook, in that case, it is giving an error that "There was a problem sharing your link".
Apart from direct sharing from my app if I try the with direct facebook app then facebook blocks my post by giving reason that this link is blocked due to security reasons.
Please help me out.


Facebook iOS SDK Login - "Unsupported request"

When we try to log in with developer or testers accounts on iOS, we get the error Unsupported Request. Our app was disabled because the tester could not login due to this error.
It works on android
We noted that while the app was in review (activated) users successfully logged in using facebook in iOS devices. That makes us believe this is a problem only with developer and testers accounts
We also noted that when we try login with a tester account an openid item is added to the permissions granted. Before this permission is added we manage to login on web, after this token is added we get the same error on web (Unsupported request)
We already filed a bug report to Facebook and we're waiting for a response.
We're using the react-native-fbsdk-next module and this issue has some more info. We're now trying the approach suggested on this comment
Have anybody managed to solve this? It really looks like a Facebook Bug.
Edit (2021-11-24)
The approach mentioned here works partially: works when logging in through Safari but does not work when Safari is not logged in and the app is used.
We're still waiting for Facebook's response
Facebook SDK versions behavior summary
v7.0.1 (react-native-fbsdk: 2.0.0):
Works when using Safari
Does not work when using FB App
v9.0.1 (react-native-fbsdk-next: 4.2.0):
Does not work both through Safari and FB app
v12.1.0 (react-native-fbsdk-next: 6.1.1):
Does not work both through Safari and FB app
Edit (2021-11-25)
We removed Facebook integration for the iOS app because we could not keep going without Facebook login for Android users. The app was reactivated and, after that, we generated a new production build and it's working as it should
We're still waiting for Facebook's response

Clicking a shared link from my site on facebook doesn't take me to my website, it opens my app

Having trouble solving this one.. hoping someone out there has run into it and can help.
I'm the owner/developer of an iOS app (
It integrates with Facebook for facebook login so i have a facebook app in place to service the API requests.
I also run a website to support the app ( and that site has a blog.
The Problem Statement:
When I share a blog article from my site to facebook it shares perfectly fine. It shows the right thumbnail image from the blog article, and the right text. All of that is good to go because i installed the official facebook plugin for wordpress. However, I have the iOS app installed on my iphone, and i click the shared article in my facebook feed my phone just opens my app when it should be opening safari and sending me to my website's blog article. It's almost like there's some deep linking going on here that isn't quite right. Or the meta data on my website isn't quite right.
I dont want all my people who see the blog article share to click it and get sent to the app (if it's installed on their phone) ... I want them to go to the website and be able to read and share the article.
has anyone ever seen this and solved it?
It was the al:web:url meta tag that I had on the site pointing at the itunes link for the app. I removed that and re-scraped my links in facebook's sharing debugger and now links to my website are opening correctly on my phone.

Facebook Deep Linking with swift

I want to integrate facebook deep kinking with my application.
I search out for related documents and examples, but could not find.
This link (facebook developers) only describe Handling incoming links , Adding back navigation.
Which I want to find, how to post on facebook using facebook deeplinking.
I also include images in my facebook post , when user click on that image then If my app already installed in device then open app ,not installed then open app store.
First of all, You have to enable Deeplinking From your Facebook App
After setting up your Facebook app, You can share Image on Facebook with Facebook SDK, Facebook Ref:
You can also pass extra parameter for Deep linking with Facebook Graph API Check out similar link, That will help you

Facebook: iOS app sharing failed

The iOS app has got the Publish_Action of Facebook. The problem is :
when I use the Test Users to make a share, it can success.
But when I use the real account to make a share, it always failed. I also check the app is authorized in the real account.
I guess there may be any missing setting in facebook's developer site but I failed to find it.
Any idea?
BTW: I do Not use the sdk provided by Facebook. I use a 3-rd party service which integrating lots of sharing service and it doesn't show error log in above situation.
For the normal account, the facebook shows
"this does not let the app post to Facebook". But I have get the Publish_action ability.
What's wrong?

Sharekit Facebook - "there was an error while authorizing"

it was a problem with the settings on Facebook. I just deleted the iOS app settings and everything worked.
I've implemented ShareKit with my iOS app without any trouble. Followed all the steps of the installation, including the SSO part for Facebook.
When pressing the Share button, I can send as email or tweet.
Facebook worked once and now it stops. I authorized the app the first time and was able to share. I then removed the authorization from Facebook and when pressing the button on Sharekit, it says "saving to Facebook", switches to the Facebook app, and then back to my app with the "There was an error while authorizing" message.
I tried with two different Facebook accounts. any idea where to look for problems?
Unfortunately the original ShareKit from Nate Weiner doesn't get frequently updated. Maybe you should check out ShareKit 2.0. I didn't have any problems integrating it in my app. At least Twitter and Facebook where no problems, that's all I use for the moment.
