How to get the data of the most recent completed form from "sheet 1" per client number in "sheet number 2" - google-sheets

I have two sheets:
Sheet 1: A sheet with subscribers linked to a Google Form which contains the following columns:
Client number
Subscribe date and time
Answer 1
Answer 2
These four columns contain the data a participant fills in via the Google Form. Every time a participant (client) fills in the form, a new row automatically will be created in this sheet. A participant can subscribe to the form more than once.
Sheet 2: A list with the same columns (not linked to a Google Form).
My goal is to get the data of the most recent completed form from "sheet 1" per client number in "sheet number 2".
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?


FILTER Range with Multiple Conditions - Skip Blank Cells in Google Sheets

Building a dynamic schedule dashboard in Google Sheets.
Limited to using only functions and formulas, no scripts.
Have a living table (range A1:M) where each row represents a different event.
I need to pull multiple rows of data (all text strings) and populate into single column.
Some columns may be empty (ie. not all events have an Agenda or a Group associated with them).
Query and some other functions don't work because they won't pull the hyperlinks.
The below function works, but I cannot figure out how to get it to skip the blank cells.
=FLATTEN(FILTER($F$2:$M, $B$2:$B=$O$2, $D$2:$D=$Q$2, $E$2:$E=$P$2))
It would be great to add a blank column at the end though that is NOT skipped, so when it returns each row of event details into a column, there is a space between each event.
Here is an example of the table:
Event Type
Team A
Co. Q&A
Team B
Team mtg.
Team C
Mgr. Sync
Tried IF statements with ISBLANK as well as <>"" but I am not sure if I am putting those in the right place.
The formula below is another variation, which works to populate a separate sheet, but it also does NOT skip blanks and is only pulling the first instance found.
=iferror(VLOOKUP(CONCATENATE($D$3,$C$8,D$7), DataC!$A$1:$M$160,MATCH($A$11,DataC!$A$1:$M$1,0),0),"")
you could try wrapping your working formula within QUERY()
=QUERY(FLATTEN(FILTER($F$2:$M, $B$2:$B=$O$2, $D$2:$D=$Q$2, $E$2:$E=$P$2)),"Select * Where Col1!=''")

Populating Google Form text box from Google Sheet

I am currently creating a form in Google Forms. It is already connected to sheets to populate a sheet. In the sheets app, I created a new sheet within the workbook that finds the last submission, and uses vlookup to get a few columns for that last submission.
What I want: Next time I submit a form, I want to have some text before, say, Question 1 which says "On your last submission, you said $X$." I want to fill in the X. Note: I do not want to populate the answer box, or the multiple choice options with data from the sheet. There are quite a few articles online describing how to do this with AppsScript. All I want is to pull data from, say, 'Sheet2!A2' and have it display in the description section of a question or text block in the form. (the form data itself is published to Sheet1, not Sheet2... Sheet2 is created to easily find the one cell I actually want)
Any ideas?
MWE: Form | Sheet

How to automatically add a value to sheet 3 if not found in sheet 1

can anyone tell me how to add a value to sheet number 3 if the value is not found in sheet number 1? Should I use vlookup or something? I set up a very basic google form and corresponding google sheet for a spare bus and truck parts business. I would like to add a row to sheet number 3 for every part number that comes into sheet 1 from the google form, that isn't already in sheet number 3. And if possible have the other columns in the new row update information automatically as well.
Sheet number 1 records stock coming in, and sheet number 2 records stock being used, and sheet number 3 is supposed to update inventory records by adding stock coming in and subtracting stock being used. For this, I used the sumif function but there might be a more efficient way to do this as well? =SUMIF('Parts In'!F:F,"*"&A3&"*",'Parts In'!E:E)-SUMIF('Parts Used'!E:E,"*"&A3&"*",'Parts Used'!C:C)
Screenshot of sheet number 3

Compare missing rows in sheet2 from sheet1 and show them in sheet3 with condition

Sample test sheet:
I have 2 sheets: population and contacted which are both manually populated by a user. I want to compare all the missing ID in contacted that are not in population, with a condition that only people with status that contains alive to show up in the 3rd sheet aka "need to contact" sheet. It is assumed that only people who are alive are added to contacted sheet so there is no need to validate if a person is alive if it is present in contacted sheet.
The current formula I am using is =ArrayFormula(FILTER(Population!A2:B,ISERROR(match(IF(REGEXMATCH(Population!C2:C,"Alive"),Population!A2:A,""),Contacted!A2:A,0))))
It is showing all the rows not in contacted but it in the population sheet, the problem I am having is only trying to print out the people alive so for my sample sheet there only needs to be 2 rows present in my needs to contact sheet.
=FILTER(Population!A2:B800, NOT(COUNTIF(Contacted!A2:A800,Population!A2:A800)),
REGEXMATCH(Population!C2:C800, "(?i)alive"))

Update different sheets automatically when Google Form Response sheet updates

I have a Google form which is linked to a sheet Form Response 1. Now I have different sheets (around 10 sheets) which I want to populate automatically when the Form Response 1 receives any response.
In Form Response 1 sheet, I have column "Name". Now I want to gather data in different sheets with respect to "Name". Can someone post me the formula of how every sheet updates its data when Form Response 1 updates any record.
Assuming your Name is column B you could try one of these two formulae:
=FILTER('Form responses 1'!A2:Z,'Form responses 1'!B2:B="Name")
=QUERY('Form responses 1'!A2:Z,"where B='Name'")
Then amend the 'Name' to whichever value you want to appear on each sheet
