Xcode 9 - Fix all in Scope greyed out - ios

With Xcode 8 the errors could be fixed using the "Fix all in Scope", but in the latest Xcode 9 that option is always greyed out. Do you have an idea if I have to set up something or if it's just a bug?
The Xcode I'm using is the App Store version, build number 9A235, so it's not a beta.

Usually it helps to clean "derived data", the project and to restart your mac. Feels like Windows but I have good experiences with this kind of bugs.
Navigate to the deived data folder in Finder. For this open tab Locations in XCode Settings where you will find a link. Delete all data within derived data folder. (No worry - it will be restored by XCode)

look for and select the page you have error and there is the word fix
and go Editor >>>> Fix All Issues


Could not build module 'Foundation', 'UIKit, 'CoreFoundation' on Xcode 9.3 and Xcode 9.4 [duplicate]

Suddenly it stops building application in device. In simulator its working but when I connect the device and try to run it in device it gives me an error:
Could not build module UIKit
I tries a lot but couldn't solve it.
A full clean + deleting the derived data worked for me.
Be sure to fix any code that may be broken because UIKit cannot be installed, before the clean and build.
So, for example, if you are trying to reference UICollectionViewController, and need UIKit to reference it, comment out the code that is using UICollectionViewController, comment out the import for UIKit.
Then clean, build. Now uncomment import UIKIt, build. NOW uncomment UICollectionViewController code, build again.
Please don't make the same mistake like I did. In my case, I accidentally typed some words into Foundation framework file.
Something that might help would be to set the Derived Data location to "Relative" in XCode preferences, then Clean & Build
For some reason your UIKit.framework is corrupted, either copy a working UIKit.framework from somewhere else into
Or reinstall Xcode the fix the issue.
I accidentally edited the Foundation framework file
so UIKit.framework got corrupted. The only solution is recover the original.
You have two ways to achieve the same:
Just reinstall Xcode. OR
copy the Framework from another machine with the same XCode version and paste into yours.
If you have two Xcode then uninstall both and again install Xcode. It worked for me.
If cleaning the project and deleting the 'derived data' doesn't work,
try to change the 'Deployment target' (at 'General' tab) from 7.0 to 7.1
Check whether the appropriate target is selected or not from the "active scheme selector". Selecting "Generic iOS Device" solved my problem.
Click to select simulator
Select "Generic iOS Device":
Make sure none of the files are edited in the UIKit framework located inside Xcode.
Cleaning Derived data worked for me
Check the tool chains installed and select the right xcode tool chain. In my case i changed it from Swift 4.0 to xcode 9.2 and it worked.
In my case, after cleaning the project, only restarting my Mac helps.
Cleaning the project and restart xCode worked for me.
I am also facing this issue for very long time and after trying all the suggestions given in the different portals, i came to know that the issue is with the device you want to run the application. Device have latest iOS and your Xcode is not supporting that iOS.
For example you have Xcode 7.2 and want to run the application on device which have iOS 9.2.1. So you only need to update your Xcode.
And one more thing Base Sdk in Build Settings is always greater or equal to the software version number on your development device.
Already tried all the solutions above. I still could not solve my problem. So I uninstall the Xcode and reinstall it. It worked magically.hope this helps.
Suppose you have changed or deleted anything in the UIKit framework, then shows this error.
If you are able to find that class or .h file to be changed or deleted, then replace that whole file content in that .h file from other system's Xcode (confirm that should be similar Xcode version).
For example, In UIView.h file - I have deleted a method and closed and opened the Xcode. Then I couldn't reverted that code.
I tried with delete derived data,delete application from project list but when i delete xcode and install new one its working so its best way just delete xcode and install new xcode.
This error happened to me when I accidentally modified the uikit framework. Removing and re-adding the uikit framework in link binary with library, cleaning derived data and restarting xcode didn't work. I don't want to uninstall my xcode so I tried to copy codes of the class that I might have modified from other pc with xcode that works fine and paste it to mine. It worked!
If your project builds for another target (e.g. it builds for simulator and NOT your device), then it's confirmed you accidentally edited one of the header files of the frameworks for that target. The affected framework is the one you are receiving compiling errors for.
It worked for me after remove all folders in DerivedData folder.
My Issue causing this same error was due to working in a workspace created by coco pods, somehow the link to the UiKit Framework had been lost from the original project.
To solve this i just reopened the xCode project not the workspace and re added the missing UIKit framework, saved the project and closed it, re opened my workspace for the project and the annoying nag messages caused by this were fixed. Hopefully this helps someone else.
I had this issue, and I set Device on Generic iOS Device, clean project, make build. Then I switched device to my real device and run project. The error does not appear.
Cleaning some unnecessary Xcode data using DevCleaner for Xcode app worked for me.
My error was a wrong version of command line tools - go to Preferences->Locations and change the command line tools version - quit xcode and try again.

XCode won't run my application on a device/simulator anymore

I am kind of stuck with my XCode problem. First of all: I have a project that contains 5 different targets. Now something went wrong (I can't remember changing anything related to project settings).
If I want to run any target on device or simulator the build succeeds but then nothing happens. Neither the app is started in simulator nor on a device. So I checked the Scheme (-> "Edit scheme") and I could not select my app in the Executable menu. I think I can remember that the .app file was selected there before (as it is if i create any new project). Does anyone know why I can't select anything there?
What I am curious about, is the fact that choosing "Other" in the Executable menu brings me to my DerivedData directory that indeed contains the *.app file resulting from the build. That leads me to my next problem.
If I select this *.app file explicitly and try to run the app XCode gives me the error " does not have an architecture that can execute." But I checked my settings many times and I am definitly using $(ARCHS_STANDARD) in every target.
I am a little bit lost here ... does anyone has a hint, what could have messed up my project and how to fix it?
Might not work, but I've found a lot of bugs in xcode which simply require quitting it, and reopening.
You could also try clearing out the DerivedData directory. Do a full clean build (hold down option key when selecting clean build).
And lastly, reset the simulator via the menu iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.
I got this when I changed the name of my App on one development machine and then tried to work on it a few months later on another machine. I fixed it by deleting the old scheme and Autocreating the new scheme. The settings are under Product - Scheme - Manage Schemes.
OK I solved the problem by myself. I was on the right track before. I did compare the project.pbxproj file again using FileMerge. I merged all lines related to an *.app file from the working version into my corrupt project file. After that my project was fixed. The *.app files showed up under the "Product" group in XCode and I could run the application on simulator/devices again. It seems that I forgot something while I was merging the files via copy & paste. ;)
Rather than cleaning out the DerivedData directory from Xcode, have you tried the "old fashioned" way from Finder? Try quitting Xcode, nuking ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache from Finder, and restarting Xcode.

Xcode 6.01 Archive validation error: Invalid Segment Alignment

I have been working on an iOS project solely in Xcode. Deployment target is iOS 8.0. After updating to Xcode 6.x, building and testing on my iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 as well as the simulators works fine. However, when I create an archive and want to validate it, I get the following error:
Archive validation failed due to the issues listed below.
iTunes Store operation failed.
Invalid Segment Alignment. This app does not have proper segment alignment and should be rebuilt with the latest version of Xcode. Please contact Developer Technical Support if you need further assistance.
I have googled for the past couple of days and it seems that this problem mostly occurs in connection with other development tools, especially from Adobe. However, I have only used Xcode for development.
This is what I have tried so far:
Reinstalling Xcode 6.01
Turning Autolayout on and off
Set target from 8.0 to 7.1
Just submit the archive (no error message, but new version is not found in Testflight)
Unfortunately, none of this has worked. My questions:
What does the error message want to tell me?
Has anyone any idea how to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot!
I found the solution. XCode seems to have lost track of two of my files (XX.h and XX.c) This file name (with a .o extension) was in the summary of the 1st step of the validation.
I removed the references to both files, added them again and everything works fine. Hope that helps someone!
(Edit: sorry, cannot flag this answer as the right answer, will do so in two days when stackoverflow lets me)
More detailed instructions:
When pressing "Validate" in the Organizer, look at the "Summary" dialog that pops up
If there are any .o files listed in addition to your app, go back to Xcode and remove the corresponding .h AND .m files from your project (removing the reference is sufficient)
Re-add them by dragging and dropping them back into your project
Recompile and it should work (assuming you're not using Adobe Air components in your app)
(thanks a million for this post Fynh, your fix made it finally work for me!)
In my case I was submitting an app that include a framework I had built that was a universal framework - created using lipo (for use with both device and simulator).
After replacing the universal compiled framework with device compiled framework, validation was successful.
To fix this bug I had to go Targets / Build Phases / Expand Copy Bundle Resources and remove the empty.cpp file (my error was about a empty.o file)
Hope this helps someone

iPhone project has "My Mac 64-bit"

I'm working on an iPhone project and somehow the schema has "My Mac 64-bit" and "My Mac 32-bit" in addition to the normal "Simulator 4.3" and "IOS Device".
Is there anyway to remove the "My Mac..." options? It always wants to switch to these when I switch git branches and I end up building without realizing it and get an error. More of an annoyance than anything.
Could possibly be something with your xcuserdata folder.
Right-click on the xcodeproj file and select "show package contents."
Make a backup copy of the xcuserdata folder.
Now delete everything inside the xcuserdata folder, and restart xcode.
If causes a problem, then put backup folder back in.
This happens to me every time files get modified outside of Xcode, and Xcode needs to reload the project file. Closing the project and re-opening it always fixes the issue for me.
If you are porting your Xcode project from one mac to other then this issue happens most often. You can Try These two resolutions: First one only worked for me:
Open Your project folder > Right Click on Xcode and Select “Show Package Content” Inside there we will get one folder “XcuserData”.> Open the Xcuserdata folder and delete all its content. >Now Launch the Xcode project again, the problem should be fixed now.
if the above resolution is not working then try this one:
open Xcode > clicked on Manage Schemes and then Autocreate Schemes Now > Then select the new scheme in Xcode.
Hope either resolution should work for you.
This is a bug in the beta builds for Xcode 4.2, with regards to their handling of Git repos (confirmed at WWDC with Xcode devs). According to a friend of mine it's been fixed in Xcode 4.2 beta 5, but there are a bunch of issues with that build and you might want to hold off until beta 6.
Step 1: Right Click on Xcode project > Show Package contents > xcuserdata > Delete All content
Step 2: Open project > select target > (Project name)Tests > Host Application > select application > allow testing application APIs
Resolved :) Enjoy your Code
I always open my projects from within Finder to get around this problem. Browse to your project directory, eg /apps/iOS/iPhone/SingleViewApp. Double clicking the .xcodeproj file launches the project within Xcode. I see "Checking DDI Symbols" msg and soon after iPhone device name appears.

"Base SDK Missing" after upgrading to Xcode 3.2.5

So I took the step upgrading to Xcode 3.2.5 (iPhone SDK 4.2) and now I cannot run to device. I always see this now in the dev environment:
In my current projects, when going to the project settings I can only set the Base SDK to iOS 4.2 but this doesn't change the "Base SDK Missing" problem. :/
I can however deploy to the simulator, and change which version I want the simulator to load as.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
If I create a new project I don't get this...
I solved this problem, by doing this:
Project->Edit Project Settings->Build->Base SDK->Latest SDK (4.2)
Project->Edit Project Settings->Build->iOS Target Deployment->iOS 4.2
Project->Edit Active Target (myTarget)->Base SDK->Latest SDK (4.2)
Project->Edit Active Target (myTarget)->iOS Target Deployment->iOS 4.2
And, If you still have problems:
Click the box that says base SDK missing, and select:
Simulator -> Debug
That should do it.
You can double-click or right-click on your target and pull up it's Info. Click on the build tag and look for the setting for Base SDK. You probably want this set to Latest iOS, which is a new option and should prevent this from happening the next time you upgrade.
However, you might be better off doing this at the Project level, by selecting Project -> Edit Project Settings and following the steps above. You can also select the general tab under the project settings and set your Base SDK with the "Base SDK for all Configurations" drop down. That has the advantage of fixing a problem that sometimes crops up with your linked frameworks (if they are all in red in the sidebar, you have the problem).
I found that, with Xcode 3.2.5 after setting the Base SDK to Latest iOS in the Project and Target Build info settings, quitting and restarting Xcode automatically got rid of the "Base Missing SDK" message in the select widget.
Here's what you have to do:
Double click on the main project icon to open properties.
Under the General tab, set "Base SDK for all configurations" to "Latest iOS".
Under Build tab, set Base SDK to the same thing.
Repeat this step for all framework projects under your main project.
Finally, and this is the bit I was missing for an annoying week or so, double-click your TARGET (under "Targets") and perform the same steps.
Things should be back to normal - and since "Latest iOS" should hopefully keep you updated with each new SDK released, you won't have to go through all that again.
Finally - restart Xcode or otherwise cause the project file to be reloaded.
Unless you work with people who haven't upgraded yet and persist in submitting changed project files. Apply a similar penalty as you would for breaking a build until they get it. :-)
RESTarting is must folks .. if u won't restart your project (just close the project and then reopen it ) you will see the same thing " base sdk missing"... i also had the same trouble .. but restarting works..
I do not think you need to restart xCode, nor reopen your projects. Try this:
In the main project window, select Option-Cmd-E, choose build and "latest ios...".
Close the build window.
In the main project window, option-click the dropdown for Base SDK and you should see the latest build available.
Select that and you should be good to go.
Takes 5 seconds. I hope this helps..
This works fine for me. Just don't forget to restart Xcode.
