which IVR framework is suitable in UAE region? - twilio

We want to build IVR based application for a client in UAE.
The user can ask a query and a voice enabled bot can resolve the query on the other end.
If anyone knows suitable framework for this could be a big help.
Thank you

If you whish to build a phone service based on asterisk, you can try voximal, it's a VoiceXML framework, with TTS and STT.

If you want to build an IVR you can use any SIP framework with media capabilities. You can check Adhearsion framework for reference.


Twilio: Call and Voice features?

I am trying to implement a call feature in my xamarin forms app using Twilio. I am able to call by providing From and To numbers using this API of Twilio. But the above call is happening via Twilio, I need to make a call via the internet (App to App). Is there any way to do this using Twilio?
Also is there a way to send a voice clip if the call is not answered? And any way to list out all the voices? I am able to list out SMS and call logs, but couldn't find a way to list the voices. I am using c# codes.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
If you want to make App to App calls then you want the Twilio Voice SDK. I am afraid we don't provide an official Xamarin wrapper for this SDK, though there are community wrappers available that might help you.

Dynamic voice prompts in Twilio Studio

I'm the president, chief bottle washer and IT guy at a small non-profit. We've been using OpenVBX for years for our IVR, but due to Twilio's lack of support for OpenVBX, and the need to keep PHP current, I decided to recreate our IVR using Twilio Studio. I got that done yesterday, but it utilizes computerized voices for all of the prompts.
Using OpenVBX, you could have the system dial a phone and have someone record the message for each prompt, but there's no such capability (that I know of) with Studio. How do I replicate that functionality or how do others' build a system where you can easily update the voice prompts without having to edit the Studio script?
Thanks, Geoff
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There isn't an API for updating Studio Flows, so you couldn't completely automate this process to replace the voice prompts.
One idea I had was that if you get the recording you could store it in Twilio Assets and then add the URL to the Say/Play widget. Then, when you update the recording, upload it again with the same URL. I'm unsure how long Studio will cache audio files of recordings, but it might make it possible to update the recordings without altering the Flow itself.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Openfire Meeting iOS Implementation

I have set up openfire on my EC2 ubuntu server with openfire meetings installed.
Focus user, test users, group chat and ofmeet are configured using admin console http://myserver:9090/.
Multi users video conference is working properly on chrome browser using https://myserver:7443/ofmeet/?r=testroom.
Now i want to implement this in an iOS app and i have no idea where to start.I did look into some demo projects but still unable to figure it out.
Can someone please help with this? If anyone has worked with something like this please let me know. Thanks
Try the following jitsi projects
The Openfire Meetings plugin is an implementation that wraps various Jitsi projects (such as VideoBridge and Meet). To create a native client that works with Openfire Meetings, it is advisable to use the native client implementations as provided by the Jitsi project.
A good place to start are the React-Native based SDKs that are part of Jitsi Meet:

Sirikit supported services and its extended usage

I have a roadside assistance service application. It has some of the functionalities similar to ride booking app(Eg. Uber). How far can i leverage iOS 10 Sirikit? May be, apple can reject it. But i need to know the technical feasibility.
My application's functionality - I am struck in the middle of road with a flat tire. I need a tow assistance for my car. I give my current location and i ask my app to tow to my preferred dealer location. I pay for the service and wait for the provider to respond. I receive continuous updates from my service provider regarding the driver.
1st Step tried: I am trying to open my app with the statement "Siri, get a roadside assistance for my flat tire". I need to open my app and capture FLAT TIRE as a parameter. But I couldn't.
I tried using AppIntentVocabulary.plist. It was not working. I am missing something and there are no complete tutorials over the internet. Any help is much appreciated.
Sample Project:
Github Link for my simple Siri Integration:
This documentation contains preliminary information about an API or technology in development. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this documentation should be tested with final operating system software.
SiriKit is a way for you to make your content available through Siri. It also lets you add support for your services to the Maps app. To support SiriKit, you use the Intents framework and Intents UI framework to implement one or more extensions that you then include inside your iOS app. When the user requests specific types of services through Siri or Maps, the system uses your extensions to provide those services.
Add SiriKit support only if your app implements one of the following types of services:
Audio or video calling
Searching photos
Ride booking
Check this Link: http://airflypan.com/foundation-course/233
You really can't do this in any sensible way for the user. Although you app's usecase will map to ride-hailing intent the vocabulary will not. Siri gives you almost no options to influence the vocabulary she is using to communicate to your User. If you could only teach you users that requesting a tow is actually requesting a ride... :)
Apple have analyzed the domains they are supporting and the vocabulary that is used in these domains and "taught" them to Siri in every language/culture that Siri is supporting. This makes total sense from Apple's point of view because you'd be hard pressed to be able to do this yourself.

Asterisk registration programmatically

I am trying to implement Asterisk server for VOIP in an iPhone application.
I am able to register the user through manually, but I wanted to do the same thing programmatically. I am not sure but there might be some idea like sending through an HTTP request.
If you have any idea or pointer please share with me.
I think the thing that you are looking for is called SIP client. You install the client on the iPhone and it will register to your SIP server (let it be Asterix or anything else). Then you can make VoIP calls between the clients registered contemporary, send instant messages, exchange files or even implement some custom protocol over SIP to exchange other type of data.
There are a lot of SIP client applications for iPhone, and even a couple of SIP stacks that is a framework that allows you to build your own SIP client application through its API calls, so you will have full control on everything. One of the most mature of these with iPhone support is pjsip. Check out their web site to see whether this is what you are looking for.
it is hard because is necessary modify the dial plan in order to add a sip account. but you can program a web service that read a text file with the extensions from your mobile.
it is nto fully clear from your desription what exactly you want, but probably this one will help
