Google Cloud Messaging app for iOS - ios

I want to use "Google Cloud Messaging" service in my existing iOS app but first i want to try on an tets app. I am trying to get register with GCM for Notifications. I have generated P12 files from apple developer account and than got the "GoogleServices-Info.plist" configuration file from google. I am following this link , here first point is that get our sample project but i don't know that where i have to get the sample project and when i create my own new project and run this command "pod try google" is giving error that Unable to find a specification for google. Please help me in this regard.

It's pod try Google (with a capital G).


Can not add iOS bundle identifier

I have seen other similar posts for this and no response from LinkedIn yet (and they direct you here for support). I have an app for both iOS & Android, com.witopia.securemyemail - I am using the package name for Android, but whenever I try to add the iOS bundle identifier (of the same name), I receive: "Your changes could not be saved right now, please try again." We have checked with all of our developers and can not find this name used any place else. Is there any way we can look this up and see if it's being used by some other account? Or a way to obtain more detailed error reporting as to the issue with the name? We are using the same bundle identifier in xCode as well as iTunes Connect for our App so I doubt some other developer has taken it, but who knows...
Error:- "Your changes could not be saved right now, please try again." - LinkedIn Developer Account.
I also created the same for Android and raised to Linkedin help center but after so many conversations finally, I got the reply which is in a screenshot.
I am also unable to update my application package name & hash in the LinkedIn Developer.
We have to wait until this issue not will be solved by a LinkedIn technical team.

Firebase and googleplus integration in ios

I am creating an iOS app. I need to integrate Push notification and google plus sigin in my app.I have integrated both google plus and push notification .I used firebase for push notification. When integrating firebase for push notification, i got one "GoogleService-Info.plist" file. I have imported that file into my project. I have also got another "GoogleService-Info.plist" file when i integrating google plus. It is not possible to import two files with same name. Then what should i do? How can i integrate both google plus and fire base together?Please help me
Use the freshest one, or override it with new one because if you are using same project for both push notification and sign in then both plist will be the same.
just use the file "GoogleService-Info.plist" from firebase. Actually, when you should not create a new project on google developer, you should connect the existing project in Firebase.

Ionic Framework and Firebase 3.x version: This domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your Firebase project

I am developing an iOS app using Ionic Framework and Firebase. I have updated Firebase SDK to version 3.x in my project. What I am trying to do is to authenticate the user with Facebook on a real device. Everything works fine when I test it on a browser. However, whenever I run on a real iOS device, I always get the following error:
This domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase console.
On Firebase, I have already added "localhost" and "" to my authorized domain list. So I am not sure what to do right now.
For your information, I do not use WKWebView in my project.
Does anybody here can tell me how I can solve this? Please advice.
The error "This domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your Firebase project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase console." only prevents signInWithPopup() signInWithRedirect() linkWithPopup() and linkWithRedirect() operations from working. Every other function, including signInWithCredential(), should work.
I believe that you are seeing this error because ionic apps do not have a real domain, and this is a requirement for the 4 functions I mentioned above.
The solution to your problem would be to ignore the error (it is just informational) and not use signInWithPopup signInWithRedirect linkWithPopup or linkWithRedirect. Instead, use a library for OAuth such as ngCordovaOAuth and then use auth().signInWithCredential(...) (see example instructions for Twitter here).
i have same issue but i solved it by creating new firebase project.
Ok, here is my temporary solution:
I import both Firebase SDK v.2.x and Firebase SDK 3.x in my ionic project. I use version 2.x for Facebook authentication on iOS then I use version 3.x to get access to all new features on Firebase such as Storage and so on.
Hopes this helps.

Configure Fabric in iOS application

i'm trying to configure fabric in my iOS application
I have idea that we need to enter api key in application and have to download fabric' framework. The problem is i don't know how to get APi key.
I've created account on fabric, but don't know how to proceed. Unable to see Dashboard over there. Kindly help me how to do it. I'm stuck on this screen (screen shot below).
I've added xcode sdk and can see fabric app in my mac. But what about 3rd step. i think it's the main step and may be i will be able to get api key from here. but how to navigate to that.
I don't know what was the issue with project. i cloned it from another one and deleted fabric Api key from info.plist. Something was causing issue.
How i fixed it:
i created a new project. Made account on fabric. Installed its xcode plugin. The plugin gave me the option to choose project, i selected mine. Afterwards, it guided me step by step i.e adding run script etc and added fabric api keys in my info.plist on its own. Now it's working fine.
i was worried that why dashboard is not displayed on, it was no issue at all. Once i configured fabric in my project, the dashboard appeared on as well
The easiest way to add fabric to your app is via the desktop app, Click on "New app" and follow the instructions

Using IOS and facebook APIS

Hi Does any one know how to use facebook chat apis with ios, I have use git command from the steps followed here after that i dont have any idea how to create a sample app and what syntax to follow. Thanks a lot
I haven't yet worked with the FB SDK, but their guide says
The Github repository contains a sample application that showcases the iOS SDK features.
And indeed here's the sample:
You should check this sample app first. You can just open the DemoApp.xcodeproj file from your local git clone folder.
