Send MMS using Twilio.TwimlResponse() - twilio

I'm using a node server with a webhook for handling receiving Twilio messages to one of my numbers. I use this number to forward communications between users, essentially anonymizing things for them (they communicate with our number so they don't have to give theirs to the other user).
In my handler, I currently basically do this:
var sendTo = /* other user's number */;
var sendFrom = /* sender number in received message */;
var body = /* body of message received */;
twimlResponse(body, {
to: sendTo,
from: sendFrom
This works perfect for text messages. However, my debug log is showing errors for media messages with no body (also not forwarding the media in general, since I'm not currently telling it to).
So, I'm trying to update to send the media messages as well. This is not working well.
I found this documentation:
However, it doesn't work. I get an error saying 'this' has no method 'To'.
I tried modifying my code a bit,
var sendTo = /* other user's number */;
var sendFrom = /* sender number in received message */;
var body = /* body of message received */;
var mediaUrl = /* mediaUrl0 of the received message */
if( body && mediaUrl ) {
twimlResponse(body, {
to: sendTo,
from: sendFrom,
mediaUrl: mediaUrl
else if( body ) {
twimlResponse(body, {
to: sendTo,
from: sendFrom
else if( mediaUrl ) {
twimlResponse(nil, {
to: sendTo,
from: sendFrom,
mediaUrl: mediaUrl
I haven't yet verified that last one is correct for sending a message with no body, but my issue is that I can't figure out how to tell the twiml response to include the media. I've tried Media, media, MediaUrl, MediaUrl0, mediaUrl0, and mediaUrl. Each time I get a warning in my debugger saying it was an invalid noun. The Twiml Documentation says the nouns should be case sensitive and capitalized, though for some reason to and from are taken lower case. That part all works fine. I just can't figure out how to attach the media url.
Any tips are appreciated!
Edit -
Here is one attempt based on the linked documentation, which I thought wasn't working at all, but re-arranging the order of properties I set, I see I'm just not setting the to / from number appropriately. I know a twiml without those passed in automatically responds to the number that sent a message, from the number that received it. I need to specify both those values since I'm forwarding one user's message to another.
twimlResp.message(function() {
This snippet works fine for body and media, similar to the documentation, but crashes when setting to
Edit - I've tried changing and this.from to this.To and this.From, but those don't work.
I've also tried this:
twimlResp.message(function() {
}); = sendTo;
twimlResp.from = sendFrom;
Which also does not work - .to and .from are ignored, causing the response to go back to the sending user from the number that received the original message.

I think you've gotten confused between the 2.0 and the 3.0 SDK. You can change between SDK versions by clicking in the top right of the example screen.
With your example provided, using the 3.0 SDK you can achieve this by:
var MessagingResponse = require('twilio').twiml.MessagingResponse;
var twiml = new MessagingResponse();
// Place your constraints here
var message = twiml.message({ to: sendTo, from: sendFrom });
if( body && mediaUrl ) {
else if( body ) {
else if( mediaUrl ) {;
If you need a more in-depth detail on how I formulated this code, check out the MessagingResposne.js source. I'm assuming you have no restrictions on switching SDK versions, the reason I gave an example with the 3.0 SDK is because Twilio will be ending support for the 2.0 SDK as of 8/31/2017.
Howto with SDK 2.0
Since some users will need to migrate a large part of their codebase, here is how you can set a different to and from numbers with the SDK 2.0.
twimlResp.message(function() {
}, {
to: sendTo,
from: sendFrom


Unable to get Twilio sms status callbacks when sending proactive message

I'm trying to track the sms delivery status of the messages I send using the bot framework. I'm using Twilio, and sending proactive messages. Right now I'm trying to do so with twilio status callbacks
This is similar to this question, I tried that approach but I couldn't get it to work. I've added my url on the TwiML app and it is not firing. I have double and triple checked, and I suspect this url is somehow ignored or not going through with my current set up. I don't get any callbacks on the proactive message nor on the replies the bot sends to the user. However the flow works fine and I can reply and get proper responses from the bot. Edit: calling this "approach 1"
approach 2: I've also tried this doing some light modifications on Twilio adapter, to be able to add my callback just before create message. (I changed it so it uses a customized client wrapper that adds my callback url when creating the twilio resource) This does work, partially: when I reply a message from my bot, I get the status callbacks. But as the proactive message is sent using the default adapter, I don't get a callback on the initial message.
approach 3: Finally, I also tried using the TwilioAdapter when sending the proactive message but for some reason as soon as I send an activity, the TurnContext is disposed, so I can't save the state or do any subsequent actions. This leads me to believe twilio adapter is not intended to be used this way (can't be used on proactive messages), but I'm willing to explore this path if necessary.
Here is the modified Twilio Adapter:
public class TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler : TwilioAdapter
private const string TwilioNumberKey = "TwilioNumber";
private const string TwilioAccountSidKey = "TwilioAccountSid";
private const string TwilioAuthTokenKey = "TwilioAuthToken";
private const string TwilioValidationUrlKey = "TwilioValidationUrl";
public TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<TwilioAdapter> logger, TwilioAdapterOptions adapterOptions = null)
: base(
new TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(new TwilioClientWrapperOptions(configuration[TwilioNumberKey], configuration[TwilioAccountSidKey], configuration[TwilioAuthTokenKey], new Uri(configuration[TwilioValidationUrlKey]))), adapterOptions, logger)
OnTurnError = async (turnContext, exception) =>
// Log any leaked exception from the application.
logger.LogError(exception, $"[OnTurnError] unhandled error : {exception.Message}");
Task[] tasks = {
// Send a message to the user
turnContext.SendActivityAsync("We're sorry but this bot encountered an error when processing your answer."),
// Send a trace activity, which will be displayed in the Bot Framework Emulator
turnContext.TraceActivityAsync("OnTurnError Trace", exception.Message, "", "TurnError")
Task all = Task.WhenAll(tasks); //task with the long running tasks
await Task.WhenAny(all, Task.Delay(5000)); //wait with a timeout
Modified client Wrapper:
public class TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback : TwilioClientWrapper
public TwilioClientWrapperWithCallback(TwilioClientWrapperOptions options) : base(options) { }
public async override Task<string> SendMessageAsync(TwilioMessageOptions messageOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var createMessageOptions = new CreateMessageOptions(messageOptions.To)
ApplicationSid = messageOptions.ApplicationSid,
MediaUrl = messageOptions.MediaUrl,
Body = messageOptions.Body,
From = messageOptions.From,
createMessageOptions.StatusCallback = new System.Uri("");
var messageResource = await MessageResource.CreateAsync(createMessageOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);
return messageResource.Sid;
Finally, here's my summarized code that sends the proactive message:
public async Task<IActionResult> StartConversation(long superBillId, int? campaignId)
ConversationReference conversationReference = this.GetConversationReference("+17545517768");
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 1");
//this code was edited for brevity. Here I would start a new dialog that would cascade into another, but the end result is the same, as soon as a message is sent, the turn context is disposed.
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive message 2"); //throws ObjectDisposedException
}, default(CancellationToken));
var result = new { status = "Initialized fine!" };
return new JsonResult(result);
private ConversationReference GetConversationReference(string targetNumber)
string fromNumber = "+18632704234";
return new ConversationReference
User = new ChannelAccount { Id = targetNumber, Role = "user" },
Bot = new ChannelAccount { Id = fromNumber, Role = "bot" },
Conversation = new ConversationAccount { Id = targetNumber },
//ChannelId = "sms",
ChannelId = "twilio-sms", //appparently when using twilio adapter we need to set this. if using TwiML app and not using Twilio Adapter, use the above. Otherwise the frameworks interprets answers from SMS as new conversations instead.
ServiceUrl = "",
(I can see that I could just call create conversation reference and do two callbacks, one for each message, but in my actual code I'm creating a dialog that sends one message and then invokes another dialog that starts another message)
Edit 2:
Some clarifications:
On approach 2, I'm using two adapters, as suggested by code sample and documentation on using twilio adapter. The controller that starts the proactive message uses an instance of a default adapter (similar to this one), and TwilioController (the one that gets the twilio incoming messages) uses TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
On approach 3, I excluded the default adapter, and both controllers use TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler.
Edit 3:
Here's a small repo with the issue.
I found a fix for this problem, around approach 3, by changing the overload I use for ContinueConversation. Replace this :
//Start a new conversation.
await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (turnContext, token) =>
With this:
//Start a new conversation.
var twilioAdapter = (TwilioAdapterWithErrorHandler)_adapter;
await twilioAdapter.ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, async (context, token) =>
This way, the context is not disposed, an I can use the twilio adapter for the proactive message and have status callbacks on all messages.

Twilio Functions Error 20429 - Too many requests multiple sms messages

I am using Twilio functions and Programable SMS to send SMS Messages to a list of numbers form my iOS App. There are just over 100 mobile numbers (113 on the time of this error) in the list. Most of these messages send but then the function says that it timed out after 502ms.
I am using the example code from Twilio to send to group messages (that I have copied below) and making a URLSession request from my iOS app.
Is there a way that I can fix this issue so that I can send to this fairly large list of phone numbers or make the function run for longer?
Thank you very much for your help.
let messagesPhoneNumberString = [+447987654321abc,+447123789456def,+447123456789ghi]
"\(messagesPhoneNumberString)&globalID=\(current globalID)"
My Twilio Function Code:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let phoneAndIDString = event['phoneAndID'];
let globalID String = event['globalID'];
let numbersArray = phoneAndIDString.split(",");
numbersArray(number => {
let phoneNumberSplit = "+" + number.slice(1, 13);
let idSplit = number.slice(13);
console.log('Send to number: ' + phoneNumberSplit + ' - with ID: ' + idSplit);
return context.getTwilioClient().messages.create({
to: phoneNumberSplit,
from: 'Example',
body: 'Hello World: ' + idSplit
.then(messages => {
console.log('Messages sent!');
callback(null, response);
.catch(err => console.error(err));
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio Functions has a timeout of 5 seconds, so it is likely not the best idea to use a Twilio Function to send that many messages in one go.
You have some options though.
If you are sending all those numbers the same message then you could use the Twilio Notify passthrough API. Check out the details in this blog post about sending mass messages with Node.js.
Otherwise, if you have to send different messages then you could split up the numbers into batches and use the same function multiple times.
Finally, you could use a different platform to send the messages that doesn't have a 5 second limit.
In addition to the options provided in Phil's answer you could use recursion.
You could trigger the process from your app and pass all numbers in the initial function call just like you do now.
Then, the idea is to send just one message per function call and let the Twilio function call itself after it receives the response from .create(). This means no concurent calls to send messages, messages are sent one after another though the order in which they are received is not necessary the order in which the numbers are passed in the query string.
You'll need to add axios in the function dependencies configuration (
Axios is used to make the HTTP request to the function from within the function.
Each function run, tests for the stop condition which happens when the phone numbers query string length is zero. Then, uses .shift() to remove the first element from the numbers array to work with it. The remaining array is passed to the next function call.
This is the code I've tried, and it worked for me, but you'll have to change (the 11 length on .slice() method) for +44 because I've tested with US numbers +1 which are shorter in length.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const axios = require("axios");
let phoneAndIDString = event["phoneAndID"].trim();
let globalIDString = event["globalID"].trim();
// stop condition for recursive call
if (phoneAndIDString.length === 0) {
return callback(null, true);
let numbersArray = phoneAndIDString.split(",");
// take the first item of array
let number = numbersArray.shift();
// the remaining array will be passed to the next function call
phoneAndIDString = numbersArray.join();
let phoneNumberSplit = "+" + number.slice(0, 11);
let idSplit = number.slice(11);
console.log("Send to number: " + phoneNumberSplit + " - with ID: " + idSplit);
to: phoneNumberSplit,
from: "+17775553333",
body: "Hello World: " + idSplit
.then(msg => {
console.log("Message sent: " + msg.sid);
"" +
.then(function(response) {
// handle success
return callback(null, true);
.catch(function(err) {
// handle error
.catch(function(err) {
Try to go step by step with it while testing, console log things and then return early with return callback(null, true) as you go from top to bottom so you make sure you don't go in a loop.

The dialer is not showing full ussd code eg: *123*1#

I am using the url_launcher plugin for call, but the dialer is not showing the # character:
String url = 'tel:*123#';
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
You need to use URL encoding for special character in a URL.
So # equals %23
This will work launch('tel:\*123\%23');
Other Way is to encode the number typed by user and pass it through Uri.encodeFull(urlString) or Uri.encodeComponent(urlString)
Like this.
launch("tel:" + Uri.encodeComponent('*123#'));
Disclaimer: plugin author here.
Do you want the phone call user interface to open or would you rather make the request silently? If you prefer to do it without popping the phone call UI, Android introduced in API level 26 the method sendUssdRequest.
I made a Flutter plugin called ussd_service to be able to easily access it from dart in a Flutter application. It can be used in the following manner:
import 'package:ussd_service/ussd_service.dart';
makeMyRequest() async {
int subscriptionId = 1; // sim card subscription Id
String code = "*21#"; // ussd code payload
try {
String ussdSuccessMessage = await UssdService.makeRequest(subscriptionId, code);
print("succes! message: $ussdSuccessMessage");
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
print("error! code: ${e.code} - message: ${e.message}");
Hope this helps! Let me know on the Github repo's issues if you have any issue with it.

Gupshup - multiple messages delay feature not working

I've tried to implement a delay feature on my bot to display multiple messages one after the other. The delay feature is displaying in my Flow Bot Builder diagram, but when I test in the conversation tester, and proxy bot on Messenger, the delay doesn't actually happen - all the messages display at once.
I have added the delay code in the IDE to the default.scr file:
label_dych:Hi! I'm delay-bot and I'm here to help you with any questions you have.:continue
((delay 2000))
label_gthk:I'll never need to take any personal or financial information from you, so as we chat please don't tell me any!:continue
((delay 1000))
label_ylbn:{"name":"quickreply","type":"quick_reply","alias":"What can I help you with?","msgid":"117af569-5188-ff7e-9b48-8c553c2f36cb","content":{"type":"text","text":"What can I help you with?"},"options":[{"type":"text","title":"My Page","iconurl":"","id":"ac49ad32-c9bc-469f-2152-c7c842bad8ea","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"},{"type":"text","title":"Team Spaces","iconurl":"","id":"8a2017ac-2fc3-0901-be8d-1fad5a2dba12","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"},{"type":"text","title":"Offline Support","iconurl":"","id":"70861407-e706-17a3-207b-c43958fde83e","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"},{"type":"text","title":"Something else","iconurl":"","id":"d3f7b6b4-e70a-098d-dde9-1da3e8cc08dc","isDuplicate":false,"name":"user"}]}
I've also added the options.apikey line of code to the index.js file as instructed to do here:
function ScriptHandler(context, event){
var options = Object.assign({}, scr_config);
options.current_dir = __dirname;
//options.default_message = "Sorry Some Error Occurred.";
// You can add any start point by just mentioning the
// options.start_section = "default.main";
options.success = function(opm){
options.error = function(err) {
botScriptExecutor.execute(options, event, context);
options.apikey = "1mbccef47ab24dacad3f99557cb35643";
Is there any obvious reason why the delay effect wouldn't be working in between messages? I've used the apikey that is displayed for my gupshup account when I click the logo in the top right.
You have placed the API key after the scripting tool execute function is called. Place the API Key anywhere before the botScriptExecutor.execute and the delay should work.
Also, the timing of the delay is in milliseconds.
function ScriptHandler(context, event){
var options = Object.assign({}, scr_config);
options.current_dir = __dirname;
//options.default_message = "Sorry Some Error Occurred.";
options.apikey = "1mbccef47ab24dacad3f99557cb35643";
// You can add any start point by just mentioning the
// options.start_section = "default.main";
options.success = function(opm){
options.error = function(err) {
botScriptExecutor.execute(options, event, context);

Appcelerator - Getting geolocation information and turning into a URL

I'm still very new to appcelerator but I'm trying to do a small experiment with geolocation. I have some code similar to below, which returns the long and lat to the console. What I would like to is get the long and lat and append them to a URL, e.g
I've tried creating a simple alert to show me the current location in the but all it says is Alert: [object GeolocationModule].
Could somebody point me in the right direction so I can learn some more? Thank you
if (Ti.Geolocation.locationServicesEnabled) {
Titanium.Geolocation.purpose = 'Get Current Location';
Titanium.Geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(e) {
if (e.error) {
Ti.API.error('Error: ' + e.error);
} else {;
} else {
alert('Please enable location services');
This is how you need to follow the API documentation:
You can have a look at the LocationResults page:!/api/LocationResults which leads you to LocationCoordinates:!/api/LocationCoordinates
There you can see, that you can use e.coords.latitude or longitude to get the values. Or have a look at the console output. It should show you a JSON output with the key-value pairs.
Once you have the values you can create a HTTP request (demo:!/guide/HTTPClient_and_the_Request_Lifecycle) and open your page:
var url = ""+e.coords.longitude+"/"+e.coords.latitude;
var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload: function(e) {
// this function is called when data is returned from the server and available for use
// this.responseText holds the raw text return of the message (used for text/JSON)
// this.responseXML holds any returned XML (including SOAP)
// this.responseData holds any returned binary data
onerror: function(e) {
// this function is called when an error occurs, including a timeout
timeout:5000 /* in milliseconds */
});"GET", url);
xhr.send(); // request is actually sent with this statement
or if you plan to use more request have a look at RESTe ( which is an awesome library that makes it easy to create API requests
