Firebase Cloud Messaging issues / changes with iOS 10.3 - ios

I have an app that I am building and prior to 10.3, the push notifications worked perfectly.
When 10.3 was released the whole Firebase tool set seemed to break for a couple of weeks until Google updated the PODs for the Framework.
Once done, I started again to play with this, but even though the previous code to push notifications worked to the previous build of the app the version built with 10.3 doesn't see any messages.
If I user NWPusher to push messages using the APN direct then I get messages fine, but the ones that were and still are working to the older version of the app don't get seen in the app / on screen / or in the debug window when connected to XCODE.
Has anyone had similar issues?
The code is unchanged from the version that previously worked and the direct push via APN works as well? Thanks in advance.


iOS app needs reinstall to receive push notifications

I have encountered a strange behaviour with an iOS app that my team has developed.
The users can enable notifications in the app and receives notifications from Firebase Cloud Messaging. We had complaints that the notifications were not coming through, so after some basic troubleshooting, we discovered the only solution was for the users to uninstall the app and reinstall it while allowing the notifications when they start it the first time.
Why did this happen? Did something change from Apple's side? Publishing a new version of the app fixes the problem?

flutter web freezes on iphone ios, but not on ipad ios when hosted on firebase. Flutter bug? firebase hosting bug? ios bug?

I've been working on a flutter web app recently using firebase hosting, and it was working fine until last night. Specifically, the site loads but the interface does not react to user input only on iphone iOS. (i.e. it works properly on ios ipad)
I tried a variety of things to figure out where the problem lies:
downgraded flutter channel master -> dev + stable (currently using
dev, but first noticed on master)
created numerous projects on firebase to host these site.
reinstalled firebase-tool CLI
tested on a variety of devices
The easiest way I could recreate this is by creating the following website using the default app created by "flutter create", then performing firebase init, creating a project and then deploying the site. Here it is:
What I'm seeing is that the site works perfectly for:
desktop browsers (chrome,firefox)
android browsers (chrome),
ipad safari
However, the blue "+" button is unresponsive for:
iphone (safari and chrome)
ipad chrome.
I'd also like to note that I'm able to see the same thing using the iphone simulator for Xcode: works for iphone, not for ipad.
Could you test those sites with your devices and see if you're getting the same thing?
Any ideas what it might be, or other ideas for troubleshooting?
Any ideas who I can contact to submit a bug report? I'm leaning towards a flutter issue since it's in beta, but changing the channel made no difference, and the fact that it happened all of a sudden makes me think that there could be other culprits.
This was, indeed, a bug. It's been addressed as of April 13th per this issue here:
and they merged the code into flutter here:

Push message incidentially not received on iOS-device

Over the last few months, we have been integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging into our project. The project uses the Firebase SDK, wrapped in a Cordova plug-in (cordova-plugin-firebase).
It is all working great, that is for Android at least. For iOS it is partially working. We received a few complaints from customers about them not receiving notifications, while all of the other iOS devices were correctly receiving messages.
After on-site device checking, we found out:
The device successfully obtained a FCM-token.
This FCM-token was subscribed to all the correct topics.
This FCM-token had the latest app version.
Both individual push-notifications (to the device), as well as topic notifications were not received
Messages from the Firebase Cloud Console were not received either
sometimes reinstalling the app worked
Receiving over Cellar/WiFi did not change anything
Permission was granted to receive push notifications
It is very hard to debug an issue like this, because installing a development version fixes it for some reason.
What are possible reasons for Firebase to not deliver the message to iOS? Or is it possible to see whether a delivery to APNS fails within the Firebase Console?

APNS Push notifications not working in background mode when app is installed from ipa but same works for direct xcode build

Foreground as well as background Notifications work for iOS 9 but when it comes to iOS 10 and above, only foreground alert is working and I am not receiving anything in background.
I am using FCM Plugin v 3.0.3, Xcode 9.1 and iOS platform in cordova is 4.5.0.
I am sure that I am using right certificates.
I am using correct provisioning profile while still no luck.
I am stuck on this for quite long. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Why I'm getting duplicate push notifications on iOS 9?

I am receiving the same push notification twice in iOS 9, but It is working fine in iOS 8.
The problem still persists after updating the iOS version to 9.1, 9.2.
The application is generating new device tokens every time the app gets uninstalled and re-installed.
I found a solution which suggested to keep the latest device token id tagged with the user and remove all the previously tagged device token's, but I want my user to log in to the app from multiple devices (like an iPad & an iPhone) so I can't follow the solution.
Any possible solution/tips to handle this issue ?
I think you should use keychain to store or update device tokens. It can't be removed when application is uninstalled.
