Gem for Send/ Receive e-mails in Rails 4 admin panel - ruby-on-rails

Basically, I am searching for advise to choose best gem for Sending/Receiving e-mails in Rails 4 admin panel. Main requirement would be that gem can't be for specific domain e-mails like Gmail, Yahoo and etc.
At this moment I found mikel/mail
What you think of this gem ? Or can you suggest better one ?
Thanks in advance.

There's actionmailer, which will already by bundled with your Rails installation. Integration with your Rails app would be easier with actionmailer than any 3rd party gems, since that's what it was designed for.


Rails - Mention the gem/plugin to implement inbox feature

In rails 3 (or above), I want to implement a messaging system, which gem or plugin I can use for it? Please help me to implement a inbox feature with all actions in my rails project. is this gem will suits for all inbox actions in rails 4.1 ?
Here I would suggest you mailboxer gem,
By this, you can get messaging system and inbox features like real time mailing system.

Devise Messaging System

I'm on Rails 4 and looking for a good Messaging system (Inbox, send, recieve etc) for Devise. I looked arround and browsed A LOT of sites but cant seem to find something good and developed.
If you know a good gem please share it with me :)
ruby-toolbox has a few gems for messaging systems.
The top one on there is Mailboxer.
Here is a sample app using it with Devise

ruby on rails(amistad gem)

I want to maintain a friendship within my application for the users to send request and with accept/reject functionalities. I'm using rails 3.2.5 and ruby 1.9.3. I tried the same with amistad gem but unluckily it didn't work. the "include Amistad::FriendshipModel" in amistad is not including in my User model. I cannot find what is the reason for that. can you suggest me some other gem for this functionality in ruby on rails?
An alternative to Amistad is Amico - Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis.
In general a few more gems might also fit your needs: ActiveRecord Reputation System by Twitter or the Community Engine gem.

What gem do you advise me to use to implement a simple "Contact us" form?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.0.9 and I am planning to add a simple "Contact us" form to my application in order to make it possible that a user can contact our team. For that I would like to run validation and "friends" functionalities and (to avoid to implement that myself and) to use a third party software, but...
... what gem (or plugin) do you advice to use? what is the most widely "approved" gem for this kind of things?
Of course I would like to use a gem in "active developing" (that is, whose developers are active).
Generally I would go with a rails engine to add this functionality and the contact_us plugin an excellent example, it's also under active development (last commit 5 days ago) so you can be sure it's not abandon-ware.
I think it's not to complicated to do it on your own (pretty fast)? I hardly think it needs a separate gem to do this (especially if for example contact_us requires additional dependencies (formtastic)).
As for me, it's just a simple form, with action directed to your own Rails mailer.
See: ActionMailer in Rails 3, Form helpers in Rails 3
You can use Contact Us gem via this link: The documentation is clear and you can use it simply.
As I know by using it, it doesn't need any additional dependency like "formtastic".
Easy/Add remove fields
Simple configuration

Is there a Rails plugin or Ruby gem that offers similar functionality to Django's built-in Admin Page?

Reading about Django, I saw this: - the fancy simple to use admin page that django can magically create for you.
Is there a plugin or gem offering similar functionality in Rails.
Are there any plans to make Rails do this for you in the future?
Check out ActiveScaffold, it has some really nice functionality for auto-creating a quick admin GUI
