ruby on rails(amistad gem) - ruby-on-rails

I want to maintain a friendship within my application for the users to send request and with accept/reject functionalities. I'm using rails 3.2.5 and ruby 1.9.3. I tried the same with amistad gem but unluckily it didn't work. the "include Amistad::FriendshipModel" in amistad is not including in my User model. I cannot find what is the reason for that. can you suggest me some other gem for this functionality in ruby on rails?

An alternative to Amistad is Amico - Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis.
In general a few more gems might also fit your needs: ActiveRecord Reputation System by Twitter or the Community Engine gem.


Gem for Send/ Receive e-mails in Rails 4 admin panel

Basically, I am searching for advise to choose best gem for Sending/Receiving e-mails in Rails 4 admin panel. Main requirement would be that gem can't be for specific domain e-mails like Gmail, Yahoo and etc.
At this moment I found mikel/mail
What you think of this gem ? Or can you suggest better one ?
Thanks in advance.
There's actionmailer, which will already by bundled with your Rails installation. Integration with your Rails app would be easier with actionmailer than any 3rd party gems, since that's what it was designed for.

OrientDB integration for ruby on rails

What are the options to integrate OrientDB with Ruby on Rails 4 ? I have found many gems for JRuby but there is no active gem for MRI Ruby.
I need document database and graphdatabase, so OrientDB should be interesting for my project.
This is a native Ruby client, though i don't think you can drop it directly into a rails app and work on it like mongoid, ActiveRecord, etc.
Its 100% ruby so it should be compatible with MRI.
We are using in production, which doesn't require JRuby, and it's been pretty good so far. We only use the REST client, which is obviously going to be slower than any of the other ways of interacting with OrientDB. The gem offers a binary client as well, but I haven't used it, and I think it's still in development.

Which route to take for an extension to rails that only needs active record?

So I've been reading tutorials and trying to understand the differences between a ruby gem, a rails engine and a rails plugin however it is not completely clear which path to take.
Say I wanted to make an extension to rails which needs access only to active record within rails.
Should I do this within a rails engine? It seems overkill since I won't be needing routes, controllers, or views just a way to create models which exist within a database. Or do I make a gem that requires rails be installed? and if I do go that route is it possible to have db migrations within the gem. What happens if I just require ActiveRecord? Will others still easily be able to integrate my gem within their own projects?
It would be nice to know that if I do make a gem it is not required that the users absolutely have to have the full rails stack within the application they are working on.

Gem to track user activity in ruby on rails?

I am looking for a gem which should able track all user activities in detail without any manual work. It should work just by adding Include/require in models/controllers etc. Which should support rails 2.3.4 and ruby 1.9.3. Ex. like John created document with name XYZ 2 minutes ego. etc
Look for either paper_trail or public_activity
I suggest you to have a look at and the stream_rails gem; getstream allows you to build full featured news feeds and activity feeds in almost no time.
Disclaimer: I am one of the founders of and the author of the ruby gem.

How to get most popular post with Ruby on Rails?

Is there a gem that implements "most popular" functionality for ActiveRecord / Ruby on Rails.
I have a model Article, and I would like to retrieve the most popular / most read articles, using my Google Analytics data.
I have written this in PHP from scratch and was wondering if there is a plugin/gem for Rails available.
Thank you,
You can search rubygems here
There are a lot of gems that can integrate with google analytics.
I found this gem to do most of what I need.
