Add Address Book Framework for iOS 8 with Xcode8 - ios

I am working on application in which I need to support iOS 8 onwards devices. Application used iOS contacts So I need to add both ABAddress and contacts framework.
I am facing a strange problem with Xcode 8 that ABAddressFramework not found at run time and application crashed.
I have added the framework in Link Binary With Library with required tag.
Please provide your input on this.

Besides checking for iOS 8 and iOS 9 to call functions,
make sure the framework that's not available on iOS 8 is set as Optional

Finally I resolved the issue and I tried removing and adding the ABAdressFramework and it works. I think Order is also playing important role:


How to Using Xcode, Appium to Test App on iPhone from MacBook

I have a question regarding the title above. I try surfing the internet for almost 2 weeks, but my issues were not solved.
I have an iPhone (iOS 15) and MacBook (macOS 13.6.1), want use XCode 13 to test the app. I got instructions from the Leapwork guy, to list how to do it. My colleague wants to test an app on iPhone, and she asks me to setup it up for her.
But I am facing a few errors which I don't know what are and how to solve because this is my first time playing it.
Here link to the document I manage success following the step from 1 to 8. I’m afraid to step 9 I did something wrong because it asked me to change a few things may I miss out.
iOS Instruction
The error that I have on XCode is
Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'RoutingHTTPServer.framework' was build for iOS + iOS Simulator
'assign' property of object type may become a dangling reference; consider using 'unsafe_unretained'
Double-quoted include "HTTPConnection.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead.
Could not build module 'RoutingHTTPServer'
I'm running Appium but not sure need to configure it or not.
I hope anyone knows about this or has been through a similar situation, please help and guide me on the correct path. I think I already lost. :(

ITMS-90561: Invalid Swift Support - The watchOS application has Swift libraries at both - Xcode 12

I recently tried to submit an update to an app that I have been constantly updating, the last update was done using Xcode 11. This time when I Distributed the App using Xcode 12, everything went smoothly without any errors but after a few minutes, I got the following email from Apple.
But I'm not really sure what do I need to do to make it work.
Any idea what could be wrong?
I solved my issue by changing Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries from Yes to No. for the Watch App.

(Class) is unavailable: cannot find swift declaration for this class ONLY for iPhone <= 5 simulator, Generic iOS Device and Release Build

I understand that many similiar questions have been asked in the past - however, none of them exactly applies to my situation.
I am using the AudioKit framework in my app. I added the framework by copying the framework into the app directory and adding it to embedded binaries. It runs perfectly on the iOS simulators after the iPhone 5 simulator (i.e. 5S plus). However, when building for: earlier simulators; Generic iOS Device; and my device (which is an iPhone SE) I get the error (Class) is unavailable: cannot find swift declaration for this class where (Class) is every single AudioKit class in my code.
As per this answer I've checked the framework's Modules folder and the only files there are x86_64.swiftdoc and x86_64.swiftmodule. As I understand, to build for a real iOS device I need an arm64.swiftmodule. However, I cannot figure out how to create this file/where to find it.
The linked question would suggest that I need to change the framework's deployment target, but I can't figure out how to change it (or even where the framework's deployment target is stated).
I have tried creating a new xCode project, building it from the start for Generic iOS device, then adding the AudioKit framework - but I still get the same errors.
Finally decided to give up trying to make it work. Used Carthage instead - works perfectly. If anyone else has this issue - just use Carthage.

how to solve this the crash when running after updating to swift 3?

I just updated to Xcode 8 (swift 3). Converted code, etc. No errors. A few build warnings...nothing that should be an issue.
When I run, with my IPHone connected, it crashed with a Thread 1: signal SIGABRT . It has hardly anything in the trace back other than
5 _dyld_start
and the console error is
dyld: could not load inserted library '/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib' because no suitable image found. Did find:
/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib: code signature invalid for '/Developer/usr/lib/libBacktraceRecording.dylib'
I had the same error since upgrading to xcode 8 (swift 3). The fix, for me, was to add an entry in info.plist
To add the permission information for the microphone:
Open info.plist
Add a new key called "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description"
Enter a string that describes why the app need microphone access
Just restart your iPhone device.
It mainly crash because you have to write some privacy thing in info.plist if you are using hardwares like camera, gallery etc. Check console for details and add everything you are using in info.plist of your app.
I had the same problem and finally figured it out. I created a Framework in Swift 3 that I then added to one of my other projects. This project that I added it to uses both Swift and Objective-C but is originally an Objective-C project.
For some reason the Framework made in Swift 3 was causing my app to crash immediately when running on an iPhone with that exact error. I deleted the Framework and now it is running fine.
Again, not sure why this happens because the Framework was working fine with the app before and works fine on simulators. So I guess it has to do with the Framework being created in the latest XCode with Swift 3. Maybe someone else can clear this up.
Hope this helps someone!

Twitter Integration for IOS 4.3

It's easily to integrate Twitter in iOS 5 (Twitter.framework) and iOS 6 (Social.framework).
What about iOS 4.3?
What I have tried:
1) I tried Sharekit, it's not working properly, it's hard to install, and I get a lot of Xcode errors and files not found error after installation.
2) I also tried DETweetComposeViewController + unoffcial-twitter-sdk, I also get many errors, one of them is OAuth+UserDefaults.h not found.
What's the best way for iOS 4.3?
hi you can use "MGtwitter Engine" for ios 4.3
you get it form following link
i hope it may help you.
