How do I test Apple's new Search Ads Attribution API? - ios

Here is the code I'm using. How can I test attributionDetails from Apple so I can ensure my Search Ads Attribution API code is working properly? Apple provides little to no details ( on how developers can do some test dummy conversions for testing.
+ (void)conversionTracking
if ([[ADClient sharedClient] respondsToSelector:#selector(requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:)])
// iOS 10 call exists
[[ADClient sharedClient] requestAttributionDetailsWithBlock:^(NSDictionary *attributionDetails, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"Request Search Ads attributes failed with error: %#", error.description);
if (error.code == ADClientErrorLimitAdTracking) {
NSLog(#"Limit Ad Tracking is enabled for this device.");
else {
NSLog(#"Search Ads attributes: %#", attributionDetails);
// Found details, track the purchase.
NSString *searchAdsCampaign = #"";
// Check value for "iad-attribution":
if ([attributionDetails valueForKey:#"iad-attribution"] != nil) {
// Check value:
if ([[attributionDetails valueForKey:#"iad-attribution"] boolValue]) {
// Get campaign name:
if ([attributionDetails valueForKey:#"iad-campaign-name"] != nil) {
NSString *campaignName = [attributionDetails valueForKey:#"iad-campaign-name"];
// Exclude Apple test data, where value is "CampaignName":
if ([campaignName isEqualToString:#"CampaignName"]) {
searchAdsCampaign = #"No Campaign";
else {
searchAdsCampaign = campaignName;
else {
// Key not found:
searchAdsCampaign = #"Error";
else {
// Value "false":
searchAdsCampaign = #"No Campaign";
else {
// Key not found:
searchAdsCampaign = #"Error";
// TRACK IT HERE. Pass up searchAdsCampaign for tracking to my server.

There are 2 ways to test it:
Unit test: try OCMock to test it and return the dummy data that Apple documents in their documents
Test on devices (iOS 9 and above): run your code on the devices. You should be able to receive the dummy data from Apple. I could see the dummy data on development and test flight versions.
Note that you may need to use older APIs for iOS 8 and iOS 7 :
- determineAppInstallationAttributionWithCompletionHandler:
- lookupAdConversionDetails:
if your app supports older versions of iOS by checking whether the ADClient responds to the methods above. Also, attributionDetails contains a smaller dictionary with the key "Version3.1" so your code is not correct (as documented in the official documentation):
{ “Version3.1” =
“iad-attribution” = true;
“iad-org-name” = “Light Right”;
“iad-campaign-id” = 15292426;
“iad-campaign-name” = “Light Bright Launch”;
“iad-conversion-date” = “2016-06-14T17:18:07Z”;
“iad-click-date” = “2016-06-14T17:17:00Z”;
“iad-adgroup-id” = 15307675;
“iad-adgroup-name” = “LightRight Launch Group”;
“iad-keyword” = “light right”;
You will need to get the innerDictionary first before looking up the iad-attribution value.

Do some testing on a device and I think you'll find that this line:
if ([[attributionDetails valueForKey:#"iad-attribution"] boolValue]
... should actually be:
if ([[attributionDetails valueForKey:#"iad-attribution"] isEqualToString:#"true"]
I realize this does not really answer the question of how to test it. But perhaps you are not aware that if you just run your code on a real device, you will get some dummy data as a response.


Unable to localize Face Id popup for non-matching face

It seems like Face Id is ignoring localizedFallbackTitle and localizedReason. However localizedCancelTitle is working fine. Does anyone know how to get it work?
My code:
LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];
if ([context respondsToSelector:#selector(setLocalizedCancelTitle:)]) {
context.localizedCancelTitle = [Language get:CANCEL alter:nil];
if ([context respondsToSelector:#selector(setLocalizedFallbackTitle:)])
context.localizedFallbackTitle = [Language get:TRY_AGAIN alter:nil];
NSError *error = nil;
if ([context canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication error:&error]) {
[context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication
localizedReason:[Language get:AUTHRNTICATE_USING_YOUR_FACE alter:nil] reply:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
I want to localize everything on this popup if possible.
Note: Attached screenshot is taken on simulator. I have also checked
it on real device but the result is same. Also, for Touch id it is working properly.
According to this Post, there is no API for changing the Reason in between the auth process.
The app-provided reason for requesting authentication, which displays in > the authentication dialog presented to the user.
You can use BiometricAuthentication to show your message.
BioMetricAuthenticator.authenticateWithBioMetrics(reason: "", success: {
// authentication successful
}, failure: { [weak self] (error) in
// do nothing on canceled
if error == .canceledByUser || error == .canceledBySystem {
// device does not support biometric (face id or touch id) authentication
else if error == .biometryNotAvailable {
self?.showErrorAlert(message: error.message())
// show alternatives on fallback button clicked
else if error == .fallback {
// here we're entering username and password
// No biometry enrolled in this device, ask user to register fingerprint or face
else if error == .biometryNotEnrolled {
self?.showGotoSettingsAlert(message: error.message())
// Biometry is locked out now, because there were too many failed attempts.
// Need to enter device passcode to unlock.
else if error == .biometryLockedout {
// show passcode authentication
// show error on authentication failed
else {
self?.showErrorAlert(message: error.message())

Sinch Callout Verification : not verifying on input "1"

I am trying to use Sinch Callout Verification for my iOS App. I have implemented the code according to documentation. And I do receive call on iPhone. Recorded voice tells me to "Please press 1 for verification or hang up if you didn't requested this call"
When I enter "1" from my iPhone keyboard, nothing happens. Computer just keep repeating above message.
But when I hang up I do get a call back in my code with failure.
Below is my code :
NSString* defaultRegion = info.countryAbbr.uppercaseString; //this is my country in upper case and its correct
NSError *parseError = nil;
id<SINPhoneNumber> phoneNumber = [SINPhoneNumberUtil() parse:[info getFullPhoneNo]
if (!phoneNumber){
// Handle invalid user input
NSString *phoneNumberInE164 = [SINPhoneNumberUtil() formatNumber:phoneNumber
id<SINVerification> verification = [SINVerification calloutVerificationWithApplicationKey:#"4ecb3c90-6d92-40c5-9a96-649f84fcc93e"
[verification initiateWithCompletionHandler:^(id<SINInitiationResult> result, NSError *error) {
[SPProgressHud hideAllHUDsForView:self.view animated:YES];
if (result.success) {
// when I enter/press "1" call should hang up and code here should run
} else {
if ([error.domain isEqualToString:SINVerificationErrorDomain] &&
error.code == SINVerificationErrorCancelled) {
// Handle cancellation error code separately
NSLog(#"Verification cancelled: %#", error);
} else {
// Inform user of error, e.g. that input was invalid.
iOS Version : 11.2.6
Xcode Version : 9.2
Sinch Verification Version : 2.0.6 installed using cocoapods
Language : Objective - C
Country : Pakistan (PK)
Service Provider : Zong (CMPak)

QuickBlox video chat: QBRequest.logInWithUserEmail vs QBChat.instance().connectWithUser

I have a simple QuickBlox chat app built by following the iOS tutorial:
I've successfully created a user and logged them in. However, I run into an error when I try to initiate a session: "You have to be logged in in order to use Chat API".
let newSession: QBRTCSession = QBRTCClient.instance().createNewSessionWithOpponents(["12498970"], withConferenceType: QBRTCConferenceType.Video)
I'm able to resolve this by adding QBChat.instance().connectWithUser each time I open it:
QBChat.instance().connectWithUser(user!) { (error) in
if error != nil {
print("error: \(error)")
else {
print("login to chat succeeded")
But somehow this seems weird because I have to either cache the password or prompt the user to enter their password each time the app opens. It seems strange that the QBSession.currentSession().currentUser is still valid, but the QBChat user has been invalidated. What is the best practice for accomplishing this? In all the samples, the passwords are hardcoded. This doesn't seem like a great solution.
I ended up following examples in Q-municate, which is an app the Quickblox folks built to basically demonstrate their whole package, as well as provide an actual solution for whatever your chat needs are. I have some other custom stuff and don't need a lot of the functionality so I'm still trying to dig through the details of how they implement it. The link to Q-municate:
In their login flow, they use the QMApi module written for Q-municate:
[[QMApi instance] loginWithEmail:email
completion:^(BOOL success)
[SVProgressHUD dismiss];
if (success) {
[[QMApi instance] setAutoLogin:weakSelf.rememberMeSwitch.on
[weakSelf performSegueWithIdentifier:kTabBarSegueIdnetifier
In loginWithEmail, their settingsManager caches this login:
[weakSelf.settingsManager setLogin:email andPassword:password];
which is actually just a way to cache the password in SSKeyChain.
[SSKeychain setPassword:password forService:kQMAuthServiceKey account:login];
Later, when you return to the app, they call autologin:
if (!self.isAuthorized) {
if (self.settingsManager.accountType == QMAccountTypeEmail && self.settingsManager.password && self.settingsManager.login) {
NSString *email = self.settingsManager.login;
NSString *password = self.settingsManager.password;
[self loginWithEmail:email password:password rememberMe:YES completion:completion];
else if (self.settingsManager.accountType == QMAccountTypeFacebook) {
[self loginWithFacebook:completion];
else {
if (completion) completion(NO);
else {
if (completion) completion(YES);
where self.settingsManager.password pulls the password from SSKeychain:
NSString *password = [SSKeychain passwordForService:kQMAuthServiceKey account:self.login];
autoLogin is called when the main chat tab is loaded. That makes our classic call to connectToChat:
[[QMApi instance] autoLogin:^(BOOL success) {
if (!success) {
[[QMApi instance] logoutWithCompletion:^(BOOL succeed) {
[weakSelf performSegueWithIdentifier:#"SplashSegue" sender:nil];
} else {
// subscribe to push notifications
[[QMApi instance] subscribeToPushNotificationsForceSettings:NO complete:^(BOOL subscribeToPushNotificationsSuccess) {
if (!subscribeToPushNotificationsSuccess) {
[QMApi instance].settingsManager.pushNotificationsEnabled = NO;
[weakSelf connectToChat];
So technically the docs are doing the right thing by logging in to chat every time the app opens and chat is no longer connected. There's just a much more complex but secure way to store that password so the user doesn't have to reenter it.
TLDR: The way it works in my code (and in swift) is:
On login:
QBRequest.logInWithUserEmail(email, password: password, successBlock: { (response, user) in
SSKeychain.setPassword(password, forService: "kMyAppLoginServiceKey", account: email)
}) { (errorResponse) in
print("Error: \(errorResponse)")
self.simpleAlert("Could not log in", defaultMessage: nil, error: nil)
Whenever the chat view loads:
if !QBChat.instance().isConnected() {
let user = QBSession.currentSession().currentUser
let password = SSKeychain.passwordForService("kMyAppLoginServiceKey", account: user?.email!)
user!.password = password
QBChat.instance().connectWithUser(user!) { (error) in
if error != nil {
print("error: \(error)")
else {
print("login to chat succeeded")

iOS Parse Stripe Integration

I'm fairly new to programming and I created an app to charge customers and would like to store their CC information and charge it at a later time. I've been going through all the tutorials and documentation and I am unable to follow how I can integrate this into my app. Do I need to know other technical skills such as Rest API, Curl, Ruby, etc to get this set up? All the guides and documentation is pointing to that direction. I don't really understand what GET/POST is for and how that fits into iOS Objective-C programming.
Any guidance on how to set this up would be tremendously appreciated. I've been stuck on this for some time now.
Parse's stripe API is not as complete as it could and should be. There are many features it does not include natively, but can be accomplished VIA an HTTP Request. I had to learn a little bit of Javascript, and HTTP request to get many features working. Of course your first instinct should tell you do NOT store a CC number on any device ever! Anytime you have a user input a CC number, immediately get a token and then that is all you will need to use.
Luckily stripe gives you the ability to save customers, and attached CC to customers, and then charge that customer in the future without getting the CC number again. Parse's api does not handle adding a CC to a customer so I added the feature myself.
So Step 1 and 2 Generate a Customer using Parse's API, and generate a Token from the CC information they enter again using Parse's API. If you need help with this, and the cloud code required let me know.
Step 3 Add a CC to a customer. I'm using a custom Customer object, but the main thing you really need is the stripe customerId which is customer.identifier in my code, and tokenID from your CC which in my case is token.tokenId. The response back will be a JSON string with the card information, I turn this into a Dictionary, and then create a STPCard from the dictionary. Also I show how to remove a card from a customer.
iOS Code:
+(void)addToken:(STPToken *)token toCustomerId:(NSString *)customerId completionHandler:(PFIdResultBlock)block
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"stripeUpdateCustomer" withParameters:#{#"customerId":customerId,#"data":#{#"card":token.tokenId}} block:block];
+ (void)removeCard:(STPCard *)card FromCustomer:(ELCustomer *)customer completion:(STPCardDeletionBlock)handler
if (!customer ||!customer.identifier || !card || !card.identifier || !handler) [NSException raise:#"RequiredParameter" format:#"Required Parameter Missing for deleting card from customer"];
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"stripeDeleteCardFromCustomer" withParameters:#{#"cardId":card.identifier,#"customerId":customer.identifier} block:^(id object, NSError *error)
NSDictionary *dict = nil;
NSError *jsonError = nil;
if (object && [object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && !error) {
dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[object dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:kNilOptions error:&jsonError];
if (!jsonError && dict) {
handler(dict[#"id"],[dict[#"deleted"] boolValue],error);
else if(jsonError) handler(nil,NO,jsonError);
else handler(nil,NO,error);
Cloud Code Required:
Parse.Cloud.define("stripeUpdateCustomer", function(request, response)
response.error("Error:" +error);
Parse.Cloud.define("stripeDeleteCardFromCustomer", function(request, response)
//STRIPE_SECRET_KEY will be your stripe secrect key obviously, this is different from the public key that you will use in your iOS/Android side.
url: "https://" + STRIPE_SECRET_KEY + ':#' + STRIPE_API_BASE_URL + "/customers/" + request.params.customerId + "/cards/" + request.params.cardId,
success: function(httpResponse) {
error: function(httpResponse) {
response.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
iOS Code for applying a charge to a customer or token notice the required parameters in the dictionary are an amount in cents not dollars, a currency, and then either a customer or a tokenId. Note a customer can have many credit cards, but one of them is the active credit card. The active card is the card that will be charged when you charge a customer:
//Will attempt to charge customer, if no customer exists, or it fails to charge the custoemr it will attempt to charge a card token directly;
//*********Warning: This is the final step it will APPLY A CHARGE TO THE ACCOUNT.***************
if (![self validForCardProcessing] && ![self validForCustomerProcessing]) {
handler(nil,[NSError errorWithDomain:MY_ERROR_DOMAIN code:elErrorCodeNoCustomerOrTokenID userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionary]]);
[self processChargeThroughStripeUsingCustomerWithCompletionHandler:^(STPCharge *charge, NSError *error)
if (!error) handler(charge,error);
[self processChargeThroughStripeUsingCardWithCompletionHandler:^(STPCharge *charge, NSError *error) {
handler(charge, error);
//Process payment using a customer to their active card. No token is required if customer exists with a card on record.
//*********Warning: This is the final step it will APPLY A CHARGE TO THE ACCOUNT.***************
if (!self.validForCustomerProcessing)
handler(self,[NSError errorWithDomain:MY_ERROR_DOMAIN code:elErrorCodeNoCustomerID userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionary]]);
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"chargeToken" withParameters:[STPCharge dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCustomer:self] block:^(id object, NSError *error)
if (!error)
[self initSelfWithDictionary:object];
//Process payment using a token that is attached to the charge, when complete self will be updated with the new charge information
//*********Warning: This is the final step it will APPLY A CHARGE TO THE ACCOUNT.***************
if (!self.validForCardProcessing)
handler(self,[NSError errorWithDomain:MY_ERROR_DOMAIN code:elErrorCodeNoTokenID userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionary]]);
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"chargeToken" withParameters:[STPCharge dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCard:self] block:^(id object, NSError *error)
if (!error)
[self initSelfWithDictionary:object];
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCard:(STPCharge *)charge
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dictionary[#"amount"] = charge.amountInCents;
dictionary[#"currency"] = charge.currency;
dictionary[#"card"] = charge.token.tokenId;
return dictionary;
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCustomer:(STPCharge *)charge
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dictionary[#"amount"] = charge.amountInCents;
dictionary[#"currency"] = charge.currency;
dictionary[#"customer"] = charge.customer.identifier;
return dictionary;
Cloud code for charging a customer/token:
response.error("Error:" +error);
How are you storing their CC information to charge it at a later time? Before proceeding, you need to know if it is PCI compliant or not. At most, the only things you should be looking to store is the expiration date, last 4 digits, and an associated record object that Parse Stripe gives you that corresponds to that CC. Do not try to store the full CC.
As to your other questions:
Generally you need to know a web language to do something like this. Here is an example of a possible stack that I've seen in a situation like this:
iOS App -> sends request to Server (rails, python, php, etc) -> Will send request to 3rd party site
3rd party site response -> Server -> iOS app.
The point of the server is to intercept the call from the mobile App to Parse, and the response from Parse back to the mobile app. The reason for this is so you can have a "master" db of the transactions/states and can recover if the app is ever reinstalled on the user's phone. It also will let you store an identifier that points to the user's CC on parse stripe (I'm assuming).
You should really understand GET/POST as they are becoming a very basic feature of any iOS app. They are simply how you get/insert records from a server. Considering almost all of the popular apps have some kind of network connectivity embedded in them, it really is a core part of iOS programming IMO.

A complete solution to LOCALLY validate an in-app receipts and bundle receipts on iOS 7

I have read a lot of docs and code that in theory will validate an in-app and/or bundle receipt.
Given that my knowledge of SSL, certificates, encryption, etc., is nearly zero, all of the explanations I have read, like this promising one, I have found difficult to understand.
They say the explanations are incomplete because every person has to figure out how to do it, or the hackers will have an easy job creating a cracker app that can recognize and identify patterns and patch the application. OK, I agree with this up to a certain point. I think they could explain completely how to do it and put a warning saying "modify this method", "modify this other method", "obfuscate this variable", "change the name of this and that", etc.
Can some good soul out there be kind enough to explain how to LOCALLY validate, bundle receipts and in-app purchase receipts on iOS 7 as I am five years old (ok, make it 3), from top to bottom, clearly?
If you have a version working on your apps and your concerns are that hackers will see how you did it, simply change your sensitive methods before publishing here. Obfuscate strings, change the order of lines, change the way you do loops (from using for to block enumeration and vice-versa) and things like that. Obviously, every person that uses the code that may be posted here, has to do the same thing, not to risk being easily hacked.
Here's a walkthrough of how I solved this in my in-app purchase library RMStore. I will explain how to verify a transaction, which includes verifying the whole receipt.
At a glance
Get the receipt and verify the transaction. If it fails, refresh the receipt and try again. This makes the verification process asynchronous as refreshing the receipt is asynchronous.
From RMStoreAppReceiptVerifier:
RMAppReceipt *receipt = [RMAppReceipt bundleReceipt];
const BOOL verified = [self verifyTransaction:transaction inReceipt:receipt success:successBlock failure:nil]; // failureBlock is nil intentionally. See below.
if (verified) return;
// Apple recommends to refresh the receipt if validation fails on iOS
[[RMStore defaultStore] refreshReceiptOnSuccess:^{
RMAppReceipt *receipt = [RMAppReceipt bundleReceipt];
[self verifyTransaction:transaction inReceipt:receipt success:successBlock failure:failureBlock];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
[self failWithBlock:failureBlock error:error];
Getting the receipt data
The receipt is in [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL] and is actually a PCKS7 container. I suck at cryptography so I used OpenSSL to open this container. Others apparently have done it purely with system frameworks.
Adding OpenSSL to your project is not trivial. The RMStore wiki should help.
If you opt to use OpenSSL to open the PKCS7 container, your code could look like this. From RMAppReceipt:
+ (NSData*)dataFromPKCS7Path:(NSString*)path
const char *cpath = [[path stringByStandardizingPath] fileSystemRepresentation];
FILE *fp = fopen(cpath, "rb");
if (!fp) return nil;
PKCS7 *p7 = d2i_PKCS7_fp(fp, NULL);
if (!p7) return nil;
NSData *data;
NSURL *certificateURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"AppleIncRootCertificate" withExtension:#"cer"];
NSData *certificateData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:certificateURL];
if ([self verifyPKCS7:p7 withCertificateData:certificateData])
struct pkcs7_st *contents = p7->d.sign->contents;
if (PKCS7_type_is_data(contents))
ASN1_OCTET_STRING *octets = contents->;
data = [NSData dataWithBytes:octets->data length:octets->length];
return data;
We'll get into the details of the verification later.
Getting the receipt fields
The receipt is expressed in ASN1 format. It contains general information, some fields for verification purposes (we'll come to that later) and specific information of each applicable in-app purchase.
Again, OpenSSL comes to the rescue when it comes to reading ASN1. From RMAppReceipt, using a few helper methods:
NSMutableArray *purchases = [NSMutableArray array];
[RMAppReceipt enumerateASN1Attributes:asn1Data.bytes length:asn1Data.length usingBlock:^(NSData *data, int type) {
const uint8_t *s = data.bytes;
const NSUInteger length = data.length;
switch (type)
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeBundleIdentifier:
_bundleIdentifierData = data;
_bundleIdentifier = RMASN1ReadUTF8String(&s, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeAppVersion:
_appVersion = RMASN1ReadUTF8String(&s, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeOpaqueValue:
_opaqueValue = data;
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeHash:
_hash = data;
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeInAppPurchaseReceipt:
RMAppReceiptIAP *purchase = [[RMAppReceiptIAP alloc] initWithASN1Data:data];
[purchases addObject:purchase];
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeOriginalAppVersion:
_originalAppVersion = RMASN1ReadUTF8String(&s, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeExpirationDate:
NSString *string = RMASN1ReadIA5SString(&s, length);
_expirationDate = [RMAppReceipt formatRFC3339String:string];
_inAppPurchases = purchases;
Getting the in-app purchases
Each in-app purchase is also in ASN1. Parsing it is very similar than parsing the general receipt information.
From RMAppReceipt, using the same helper methods:
[RMAppReceipt enumerateASN1Attributes:asn1Data.bytes length:asn1Data.length usingBlock:^(NSData *data, int type) {
const uint8_t *p = data.bytes;
const NSUInteger length = data.length;
switch (type)
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeQuantity:
_quantity = RMASN1ReadInteger(&p, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeProductIdentifier:
_productIdentifier = RMASN1ReadUTF8String(&p, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeTransactionIdentifier:
_transactionIdentifier = RMASN1ReadUTF8String(&p, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypePurchaseDate:
NSString *string = RMASN1ReadIA5SString(&p, length);
_purchaseDate = [RMAppReceipt formatRFC3339String:string];
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeOriginalTransactionIdentifier:
_originalTransactionIdentifier = RMASN1ReadUTF8String(&p, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeOriginalPurchaseDate:
NSString *string = RMASN1ReadIA5SString(&p, length);
_originalPurchaseDate = [RMAppReceipt formatRFC3339String:string];
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeSubscriptionExpirationDate:
NSString *string = RMASN1ReadIA5SString(&p, length);
_subscriptionExpirationDate = [RMAppReceipt formatRFC3339String:string];
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeWebOrderLineItemID:
_webOrderLineItemID = RMASN1ReadInteger(&p, length);
case RMAppReceiptASN1TypeCancellationDate:
NSString *string = RMASN1ReadIA5SString(&p, length);
_cancellationDate = [RMAppReceipt formatRFC3339String:string];
It should be noted that certain in-app purchases, such as consumables and non-renewable subscriptions, will appear only once in the receipt. You should verify these right after the purchase (again, RMStore helps you with this).
Verification at a glance
Now we got all the fields from the receipt and all its in-app purchases. First we verify the receipt itself, and then we simply check if the receipt contains the product of the transaction.
Below is the method that we called back at the beginning. From RMStoreAppReceiptVerificator:
- (BOOL)verifyTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction*)transaction
success:(void (^)())successBlock
failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failureBlock
const BOOL receiptVerified = [self verifyAppReceipt:receipt];
if (!receiptVerified)
[self failWithBlock:failureBlock message:NSLocalizedString(#"The app receipt failed verification", #"")];
return NO;
SKPayment *payment = transaction.payment;
const BOOL transactionVerified = [receipt containsInAppPurchaseOfProductIdentifier:payment.productIdentifier];
if (!transactionVerified)
[self failWithBlock:failureBlock message:NSLocalizedString(#"The app receipt doest not contain the given product", #"")];
return NO;
if (successBlock)
return YES;
Verifying the receipt
Verifying the receipt itself boils down to:
Checking that the receipt is valid PKCS7 and ASN1. We have done this implicitly already.
Verifying that the receipt is signed by Apple. This was done before parsing the receipt and will be detailed below.
Checking that the bundle identifier included in the receipt corresponds to your bundle identifier. You should hardcode your bundle identifier, as it doesn't seem to be very difficult to modify your app bundle and use some other receipt.
Checking that the app version included in the receipt corresponds to your app version identifier. You should hardcode the app version, for the same reasons indicated above.
Check the receipt hash to make sure the receipt correspond to the current device.
The 5 steps in code at a high-level, from RMStoreAppReceiptVerificator:
- (BOOL)verifyAppReceipt:(RMAppReceipt*)receipt
// Steps 1 & 2 were done while parsing the receipt
if (!receipt) return NO;
// Step 3
if (![receipt.bundleIdentifier isEqualToString:self.bundleIdentifier]) return NO;
// Step 4
if (![receipt.appVersion isEqualToString:self.bundleVersion]) return NO;
// Step 5
if (![receipt verifyReceiptHash]) return NO;
return YES;
Let's drill-down into steps 2 and 5.
Verifying the receipt signature
Back when we extracted the data we glanced over the receipt signature verification. The receipt is signed with the Apple Inc. Root Certificate, which can be downloaded from Apple Root Certificate Authority. The following code takes the PKCS7 container and the root certificate as data and checks if they match:
+ (BOOL)verifyPKCS7:(PKCS7*)container withCertificateData:(NSData*)certificateData
{ // Based on:
static int verified = 1;
int result = 0;
OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); // Required for PKCS7_verify to work
X509_STORE *store = X509_STORE_new();
if (store)
const uint8_t *certificateBytes = (uint8_t *)(certificateData.bytes);
X509 *certificate = d2i_X509(NULL, &certificateBytes, (long)certificateData.length);
if (certificate)
X509_STORE_add_cert(store, certificate);
BIO *payload = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
result = PKCS7_verify(container, NULL, store, NULL, payload, 0);
EVP_cleanup(); // Balances OpenSSL_add_all_digests (), per
return result == verified;
This was done back at the beginning, before the receipt was parsed.
Verifying the receipt hash
The hash included in the receipt is a SHA1 of the device id, some opaque value included in the receipt and the bundle id.
This is how you would verify the receipt hash on iOS. From RMAppReceipt:
- (BOOL)verifyReceiptHash
// TODO: Getting the uuid in Mac is different. See:
NSUUID *uuid = [[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor];
unsigned char uuidBytes[16];
[uuid getUUIDBytes:uuidBytes];
// Order taken from:
NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData data];
[data appendBytes:uuidBytes length:sizeof(uuidBytes)];
[data appendData:self.opaqueValue];
[data appendData:self.bundleIdentifierData];
NSMutableData *expectedHash = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
SHA1(data.bytes, data.length, expectedHash.mutableBytes);
return [expectedHash isEqualToData:self.hash];
And that's the gist of it. I might be missing something here or there, so I might come back to this post later. In any case, I recommend browsing the complete code for more details.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Receigen here. It's a tool that automatically generates obfuscated receipt validation code, a different one each time; it supports both GUI and command-line operation. Highly recommended.
(Not affiliated with Receigen, just a happy user.)
I use a Rakefile like this to automatically rerun Receigen (because it needs to be done on every version change) when I type rake receigen:
desc "Regenerate App Store Receipt validation code using Receigen app (which must be already installed)"
task :receigen do
# TODO: modify these to match your app
bundle_id = 'com.example.YourBundleIdentifierHere'
output_file = File.join(__dir__, 'SomeDir/ReceiptValidation.h')
version = PList.get(File.join(__dir__, 'YourProjectFolder/Info.plist'), 'CFBundleVersion')
command = %Q</Applications/ --identifier #{bundle_id} --version #{version} --os ios --prefix ReceiptValidation --success callblock --failure callblock>
puts "#{command} > #{output_file}"
data = `#{command}`, 'w') { |f| f.write(data) }
module PList
def self.get file_name, key
if =~ %r!<key>#{Regexp.escape(key)}</key>\s*<string>(.*?)</string>!
Note: It's not recommend to do this type of verification in the client side
This is a Swift 4 version for validation of in-app-purchase receipt...
Lets create an enum to represent the possible errors of the receipt validation
enum ReceiptValidationError: Error {
case receiptNotFound
case jsonResponseIsNotValid(description: String)
case notBought
case expired
Then let's create the function that validates the receipt, it will throws an error if it's unable to validate it.
func validateReceipt() throws {
guard let appStoreReceiptURL = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL, FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: appStoreReceiptURL.path) else {
throw ReceiptValidationError.receiptNotFound
let receiptData = try! Data(contentsOf: appStoreReceiptURL, options: .alwaysMapped)
let receiptString = receiptData.base64EncodedString()
let jsonObjectBody = ["receipt-data" : receiptString, "password" : <#String#>]
let url = URL(string: "")!
let url = URL(string: "")!
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.httpBody = try! jsonObjectBody, options: .prettyPrinted)
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
var validationError : ReceiptValidationError?
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse, error == nil, httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
validationError = ReceiptValidationError.jsonResponseIsNotValid(description: error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
guard let jsonResponse = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers)) as? [AnyHashable: Any] else {
validationError = ReceiptValidationError.jsonResponseIsNotValid(description: "Unable to parse json")
guard let expirationDate = self.expirationDate(jsonResponse: jsonResponse, forProductId: <#String#>) else {
validationError = ReceiptValidationError.notBought
let currentDate = Date()
if currentDate > expirationDate {
validationError = ReceiptValidationError.expired
if let validationError = validationError {
throw validationError
Let's use this helper function, to get the expiration date of a specific product. The function receives a JSON response and a product id. The JSON response can contain multiple receipts info for different products, so it get the last info for the specified parameter.
func expirationDate(jsonResponse: [AnyHashable: Any], forProductId productId :String) -> Date? {
guard let receiptInfo = (jsonResponse["latest_receipt_info"] as? [[AnyHashable: Any]]) else {
return nil
let filteredReceipts = receiptInfo.filter{ return ($0["product_id"] as? String) == productId }
guard let lastReceipt = filteredReceipts.last else {
return nil
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss VV"
if let expiresString = lastReceipt["expires_date"] as? String {
return expiresString)
return nil
Now you can call this function and handle of the possible error cases
do {
try validateReceipt()
// The receipt is valid 😌
print("Receipt is valid")
} catch ReceiptValidationError.receiptNotFound {
// There is no receipt on the device 😱
} catch ReceiptValidationError.jsonResponseIsNotValid(let description) {
// unable to parse the json 🤯
} catch ReceiptValidationError.notBought {
// the subscription hasn't being purchased 😒
} catch ReceiptValidationError.expired {
// the subscription is expired 😵
} catch {
print("Unexpected error: \(error).")
You can get a Password from the App Store Connect. open this link click on
Account tab
Do Sign in
Open iTune Connect
Open My App
Open Feature Tab
Open In App Purchase
Click at the right side on 'View Shared Secret'
At the bottom you will get a secrete key
Copy that key and paste into the password field.
