iOS app build not showing up in iTunes Connect - ios

I know there are a lot of questions about this already, but I am fairly certain my question has not been answered yet.
I uploaded a build of my iOS app via Application Loader, and that went well. I got to the end with a message of "Done", so I thought it was okay.
Then I went to check in iTunes Connect and I cannot see a build (not even under "Activity"). I waited for an hour and I retried uploading the build. In Application Loader I now get the error "Redundant Binary Upload", so that tells me that my build is somewhere in iTunes Connect, but I can't find it.
What could have gone wrong? Is this something that usually happens? How can I know when my build is "Processing", so I can continue with the release process?

If you have the email of developer account apple search emails. If you up to itunesconnect an ipa and you can´t see in 5 min Apple always send a mail with the problem some times bad missing icons on app, problems like "privacy-sensitive data without a usage description" or with push notifications disabled ... You must fix the problem, increase the build version and upload again.
Here an example:

Please be patient as it takes some time to process your build and show up on iTunes. Try checking the "Build" section from where you'll select the build in order to proceed and submit for review.

Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key
For older projects without assets catalog there will be issues while submitting to Appstore
In Project —> Target Properties - General tab—> App Icons and Launch Image. App Icons —> Select Use Asset catalog Then it will ask to convert (migrate) with an alert and creates a .xcassets file. Check the box to convert launch images too.
When you are done the App Icons Source and the Launch Images Source will have names in the dropdown list. Add the app icons and other icons to it

This is an issue in Appstore and I was facing the same issue. I have just increased the build version and uploaded a new build on Appstore. New uploaded build start showing in the activity tab.


How do I select a build in App Store Connect

I tried to publish the app to Apple Store Connect. Normally there is a "+" button but I don't see one right now because Apple have updated iTunes Connect and introduced a bug. How can I get around this bug and select a build to submit my app to the App Store.
I cannot choose the build to Submit for review.
I just uploaded a new version a few days ago, and everything seems to be working just fine on iTunes Connect. Could you please make sure you're following the steps below:
First create a build from Xcode with a specific version number (for instance 1.3.0), archive and upload to iTunes Connect. Wait a few minutes for the build to process.
Once the build has finished processing, make sure it's available on iTunes Connect by navigating to My Apps/Activity/iOS Builds. If everything is okay you should see your new build "Version 1.3.0" here.
Now before you can change the build, and this may be the step you're missing, you need to add a new version of your app for submission, via "+ Version or Platform". This number should match the build you uploaded earlier (1.3.0).
Then just select the newly created version of your app on the left menu, and you will have the option to select the new build you want to use for this version in the "Build" section.
I had the same problem. The Step 2 in #user13639548 answer confused me even more because I didn't find activity/ios builds.
What solved the problem however was changing the versin from 1.1 to 1.1.0. and then also waiting 3-5 more minutes until the + button appears again.

Cannot choose build when uploading an update for application

I have an application on the appstore and I want to upload an update for it.
I opened appstore connect and added a new version named it 1.0.1 , then named the version on XCode 1.0.1 and archived it and uploaded it and got a message that the update is successful.
But The problem now is that I'm unable to choose the build from appstore connect . It shows me the message "Submit your builds using Xcode or Application Loader. See supported versions" without any ability to choose a build.
If you recently uploaded new build & if its not showing means its in processing stage. You can refresh your page or enter check in the Activity Tab. You will see the status of the application.
Once processing is done you will see + option available to select the build.
If your build is not even showing in Activity section than consider there is some issue found during processing stage. In that case Apple will send you mail on your Apple ID about what issue they found in the build. So you can check & resolve accordingly & upload new build.
Hope it will helps to everyone.
The problem was general problem in the AppStore , now it works.

I'm deploy IOS app in iTunes app store but IOS app build not showing up in iTunes and iOS app activity “Processing”

Hope you are doing well
I know there are a lot of questions about this already, And I followed all answers but I am fairly certain my question has not been answered yet.
I uploaded a build of my iOS app via Xcode or Application Loader with validation , and that went well. I got to the a message of "Uploaded Successful", so I thought it was okay.
Then I went to check in iTunes Connect and I can see a build ( under "Activity") with activity status processing . I waited for an hour but after that its gone.
I given access whole privacy and library in info.plist
Now I have uploaded 20+ time but same thing happen and I didn't get any single warning, error and mail than how can find exact solution. i have attachment screen short so please check and suggest to how to resolve this.
Again I uploaded new version whatever you give instruction and i followed step by step so now i attachment shcreenshort with
1 App info -version and build
App Info image
2 info-plist - version short string and build
Info-Plist image
3 archive - using new latest Xcode Version 9.4.1 (9F2000)
Archive Image
4 validation - validation message
Validation message Image
5 uploaded - uploaded successfully message
Uploaded message image
6 iTunes version - app version and iTunes version are same.
Itunes Version image
7 activity status - activity status is processing and after few min its disappears
app Activity builds status
From all the information I get from the comments I think there's a version/build difference between the builds you are uploading try to set the version 1.1 and build 1 for the app :-
Looks like the issue is in your info.plist You need to add appropriate privacy messages string for the services you're using in the app for example for the Camera you have mentioned "Open camera permission", This doesn't specify why the app require to use the camera? the message should be something like "This app requires your permission to access Camera to capture property pictures for the services provided by the application." (Message will be according to your app requirement).And you need to update all the privacy messages.
thanks for response me. Finally i resolve this issues.
firstly u need to two factor authentication.
After that use latest application loader.
open Xcode and click top Xcode ->open developer tool ->application loader
login with your developer mail id and password is two factor auth App specific password (two factor auth security options )
hope this is help to all.

My app is still processing from yesterday ,I changed the build version today and again uploaded .Today's Build is missing on iTunes Connect?

My Xcode Version 8.2.1
I submitted my iOS app to iTunes Connect on yesterday but, the status is still showing “Processing” under Prerelease tab.
I found one link My prerelease app has been "processing" for over a week in iTunes Connect, what gives?
So, I changed the build version today and again uploaded .Today's Build is missing on iTunes Connect
Is this normal or is it a bug or I did something wrong? What’s my next option?
It will take time to show your build on itunes connect. Some points you should cross check once before uploading again :-
1) If you are uploading build via Application Loader then check you version first. And I suggest you to upload it via xcode. Sometimes it happens binary get corrupt in "Payload" folder because there is some hidden files for eg .git or else. You should also check your Payload spelling for folder (Mistyping happens sometimes)
2) Check your email first , did you get any email from Apple. Sometimes it happens that our binary is not correct and further validation checked after binary upload. It shows in build section but after a while it is removed from there. You'll get mail regarding this.
3) Your build version should be greater then you uploaded previously.
Yes It is normal. Me too faced the same issue. So i upload the new build with different build number and it processing completed old and new build also.
The Reason behind it is the privacy issue in plist,
if u are using any UIImagePicker or any extra component so u must have to add key to plist.
Here is the some points to taken care.
1> Check all permission like location,photos,bluetooth if extra so remove it.
2> Add this if u using UIImagePicker NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
Photo Library Access Warning

Send for Review iOS app [duplicate]

After submitting my app through Xcode, I see my app with no icon and it says "Uploaded" in the prerelease tab. What should I do? It's been two hours. I validated and submitted without any issues through Xcode. Here's what I see:
It's been about another 2 hours and I still see:
Update #2:
It's been another 24 hours and nothing!
Update #3:
I've contacted iTunes Connect Support addressing this issue and they said they would give me a call after they get in touch with the engineers. Here is what they said through email:
I will follow up with you as soon as I have an update. Thank you for
your assistance and continued patience.
Final Update! SOLVED!
After a drastic 5 days of just getting this app to review, they've finally fixed the issue. It seemed to be an issue with the server. The best help I can give to those stuck is to try to send another build or contact iTunes Connect Support(it's faster to call then to email). Also, if you get your app sent to review, don't forget to request an expedited review from Apple, to make the review process faster (not every one is guaranteed). Thanks so much for all of your support!
Wait more. It will be processed eventually.
Apple may have issues with their validation servers or could have a very long pending apps queue. Just be patient.
Edit: (from MGame's experience)
If after a few hours, your build still hasn't started being processed, give a phone call to Apple. It seems that in some rare case your app could get stuck in their servers and they have to manually resolve the issue.
Please check your email inbox.This may be the issue
"Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "App Name". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected: Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '76x76' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0. Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '167x167' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions supporting iPad Pro. Missing required icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly '152x152' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0. Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
I have the same trouble. I tried the following:
Increase the second build number
Resubmit binary
Then my app process was completed immediately.
I have added myself as App Manager and Got email that i need to add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in info.plist. For more Details see this answer.
But as i am writing this answer also working for people. It says just don't put xcode in background and let it run in foreground while you are uploading.
After waiting for a week without seeing builds, I've try Application Loader from Xcode 8.1beta.
Export -> Save for iOS App Store Deployment -> Save a folder with IPA in my desktop
Xcode -> Open developer tools -> Application Loader -> choose IPA file from desktop
Now I can see my builds..
Another simple thing to try is to update the itunes Connect Form of the app version.
In my case, the builds only appeared after I've put something in the first field ("What's new in this release") and saved the changes.
Add missing items in info.plist,such as icon files, privacy usage description, requirements etc. it works for me
Wait for sometime. You can see the build. In my case it happened like that.
