Finding Reference to System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dll - ios

I have a Xamarin Forms cross platform solution. When I build the solution, the iOS project can't resolve the reference: C:/Program Files (x86)/Reference Assemblies/Microsoft/Framework/Xamarin.iOS/v1.0/Facades/System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dll even though it is physically there. All the other projects build just fine.
I can't find a reference to the DLL or the class anywhere in the solution files. I don't need the capability.
Ideas? Thanks.

I had the exact same issue. I found out that the issue happened because of different versions of Xamarin.iOS on my development and mac machine. By updating Xamarin through Xamarin Studio, the problem was solved.
Source: Xamarin Forums


Xamarin Android use “Bundle assemblies into native code” and "obfuscation"

I am trying to combine obfuscating my xamarin android project and then bundle the assemblies into native code with the Visuals Studio 2017 Pro option.
I was able to obfuscate my assemblies with this tutorial
Unfortunately the obfuscated assemblies does not find its way into the native bundle.
Likely i intercepted the build proccess at the wrong place.
<Target Name="Obfuscate" AfterTargets="_CopyIntermediateAssemblies" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">
Does anyone know how to merge the obfuscated assemblies into the native bundle? Thx for help in advance.
I help develop another .NET obfuscation/protection tool, Dotfuscator.
We've written a Xamarin build integration that automatically handles protection as part of the normal build process, so you don't have to manually write your own MSBuild targets or copy files around.
The official Xamarin docs recommend using Dotfuscator to protect Android builds, but this integration also works for iOS and UWP.
As Dotfuscator's Community Edition is included in Visual Studio, you can try this integration out for free.
I wrote a guest post for the Xamarin Blog that explains how to do this.
Edit regarding the setting in the question: I did some limited testing and Dotfuscator works fine with the "Bundle assemblies into native code" setting. I installed the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise, version 15.7.2, but found out that version has a bug related to this setting. To work around it, I used the unofficial VSIX install mentioned at that link. Then I opened a Dotfuscator-Xamarin sample app and enabled the native code setting. I also added code to the sample to show the name of a class used by the application. Then I deployed the app to an emulator. The app ran normally and the logging statement showed an obfuscated name for the class, indicating that Dotfuscator correctly protected the app before it was bundled into native code.

Xamarin.Android SDK and Xamarin.iOS SDK missing during Xamarin Studio Installation - Windows 8

As well as Visual Studio 2013 extention Xamarin is missing.
Do need to track these down and install manually? I've been trying but I'm a bit lost!
UPDATE: I found Xamarin Studio in the Program Files. A search did not bring it up. It seems to be working fine.
I am glad you found it, also you may want to take a look at the Add/Remove Programs and there you will see both Xamarin.Android and Xamarin Studio. Xamarin.iOS can install but will not run without a Mac machine in the network it can connect to to build.
Good luck with Xamarin - it is the most exciting thing currently in cross platform mobile technology.

MTOUCHTASK: Error MT2002 updating to unified API Xamarin Forms

Updating to the unified API is proving to be a total nightmare!
I have used the shared project template to create a new Xamarin forms application and followed the documentation twice and yet both times get the error below
MTOUCHTASK: error MT2002: Failed to resolve "System.Void UIKit.UICollectionView::set_DataSource(UIKit.IUICollectionViewDataSource)" reference from "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065"
This is really getting frustrating now! Can anyone help please? I have tried linking all assemblies in the linker options but that makes no difference
I am using version of Xamarin forms
Alternatively, how can I get updated versions of the project templates that work with the unified API?
Please note that I am getting these problems using the project template only, i.e. there is none of my own code in this yet
I was getting the same issue (still am). I changed the linker settings to "Don't link" and that temporarily solved the problem. It seems that there are currently bugs in the linker for unified libraries.
#Paul, came across your post searching for a solution to the same problem. The only thing I can help with is to point you to this post on the Xamarin forums that states that you must enable Alpha channel updates to get the new templates in Xamarin Studio and VS 2013. The new templates are also available in VS 2015 on the stable channel. Will monitor this thread for the solution to the other problem!
When I turned off Linking, my release iPhone config finally built.

XCode working with TFS 2013 via Eclipse

I develop iOS app my company decide to use TFS server, BUT we face many problems to make it works with xcode the best solution "As my research finalize" is use it via eclipse as the other BB, android and windows phone works.
Instruction found in this link.
BUT my own problem is eclipse alway ignore .pch -IDK if other file got ignored to- file that result in build failed where my teammate pull the project.
Any help will be appreciated


I've recently installed the MVC CTP5 and VS is now crashing on me when I try to open an aspx, I get the following error in event viewer:
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (7A035E00) (80131506)
I was able to find This post on the forums relating to the same issue but nobody has had a working solution yet (at least not for me).
Just wondering if anyone else has run into this issue and what they have done to resolve it?
EDIT: Wanted to add that I have tried all the tips in the article and can open the markup with a code editor but was wondering an actual solution had been found to resolve this issue.. Thanks!
EDIT: I don't have this issue on my Vista box, seems to only occur on my XP VM.
I had a problem with Power Commands and Preview 5. If you have Power Commands installed, try updating or uninstalling it to fix the issue.
Here are a steps to work around from the post that work for me:
1.Open project based on CTP5
2.IN solution Explorer, enable "Show All files"
3.Open "bin" folder and delete "Microsoft.Web.Mvc.dll", "System.Web.Mvc.dll", "System.Web.Abstractions.dll", "System.Web.Routing.dll"
4.Open "References" folder, click ONCE "System.Web.Abstractions" and in Properties window change "Copy Local" to true. Repeat same with System.Web.Routing.
5.Build application (Ctrl+Shift+B)
6.Open site.master in designer. VS will not crash.
FYI - Microsoft has released a hotfix that fixes [at least some variations of] this problem:
A bit of a null answer but I’ve been having this too. Not that I restart VS often but cleaning out the bin folder before opening the web project is my workaround.
Have same problem, on vista x64 and vs2008 sp1. Have to do probably something with cleaning bin folder and system.web.routing/abstraction, because it crashes even on webforms project with (mvc) routing in it. When I delete all files from bin, and add references again, it works fine.
Really annoying bug in vs2008+ctp5!
