iOS Launch Screen Cuts into Splash Animation - ios

I have a splash animation that is being cut into for the first ~0.4 seconds by the launch screen. I do not want to remove the launch screen. I was wondering if I could set the splash animation to play only after the launch screen closes. I would rather not hardcode a delay of 0.4 seconds if possible, as it feels like a hack.

Yes you can. The best place to do so is in your main view controller's viewWillAppear method. You can put a trigger in there or launch the animation directly. Hardcoding a delay is indeed not a good idea because besides device configuration like processor speed etc there are a lot of other contributing factors to the time the launch screen takes.


How to call Screen Time at settings from my app

Apps set to Screen time are strongly constrained by their behavior.
If the screen time starts while the app is running, the nature of the app causes problems in operation.
Normally, the setting screen is called by the following code, but I do not know how to call Screen Time.
Do you know how to do that? Or tell me if there is another way around it.

Launch screen for iOS

I have read a few posts on this topic about making the launch screen last longer, but I want to make it shorter.
Currently my launch screen takes 4 seconds before loading the login screen, and the app is not even close to being finished yet. Does that mean the launch screen could take longer to load once the app is finished?
Is there any way to make the launch screen appear for 2 seconds?
Xcode, Swift. backend in PHP.
The launch screen loading time depends on how "long" it takes your initial view controller to be prepared.
So, if you want it to "load faster" make your initial view controller more lightweight, do this by:
Reducing the number of interface elements being shown
Do not perform that many operations inside the "view did load" method.
Other than this, theres really not much you can do to control the time.
There isn't really a straightforward way of making the launch screen last shorter, because it depends on how long it takes for the necessities of your app to load.
Remember, the shorter the launch screen, the better, so the users of your app won't think that your app is taking a lot of time to boot up.

Proper way to have an initializing screen in iOS application

Looking to see where the best place to call some endpoints for initial data is.
In some apps (mostly games) there is a loading screen before the menu. Is this the "Launch Screen" or is it a view set up during viewDidLaunchWithOptions, or is it simply an initial view?
If my searching was correct, there is no way to "perform logic" during the launch screen. So are apps that have a loading screen simply not using a launch screen and just setting up their own loading screen (which appears as a "launch screen")?
You can't execute any code in the launch image or launch storyboard scene, as it is displayed while your app is loading and before it has started executution.
A common approach is to create the first scene of your app to be identical to the launch storyboard scene, so that the transition between the launch image and the initial scene is seamless. You can then perform the loading in the initial scene, while providing appropriate feedback (spinner, progress bar etc)
Mostly it is recommended to use Launch screen Because if your first screen which you are using to shows animation takes long time to prepare itself then user will see white screen. And then perform animations on app's root view controller which always appear at app launch.

Animation in Launch Screen in xcode 6

I want to animate a set of images in my Launch Screen, but I do not know how. I have seen some tutorials telling me to put code in the App Delegate (DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions) and nothing has worked.
Could someone help me animate my Launch Screen?
I am supposing that you do quite a bit of work on launch, and you do not want your user to stare at a static image while this work is going on. What you need to do is do the work in the background (using gcd). This way, the launch screen will be gone quickly. However, you are not ready of course: hence your need for animations. So what I do is add my own equivalent of the start screen on top of my first visible UIView, do my animations and then tear down my start up screen. If you want to see what I do in action, try it out with my App (The Opera Player)

Simulate sleep mode on iPad

I have an App that is all day working in the same place and need a way to simulate a sleep mode as best as possible during a range of time.
I thought a simple solution, adding a black view... but sure there are better options. Can I control the brightness of the screen of the device? Any suggestions?
Normally an app that's running but has no user interaction for some period of time causes iOS to go into its own sleep mode. So your app sets that condition to keep the UI active all the time?
If so, sure, add a view to the window and animate it from transparent to full black. Put a gesture recognizer on it so if the user taps it, you animate back into translucent mode, then remove the view.
