Invoking tests on iPhone from Windows OS using Remote Server - ios

I've recently started working with Appium. Have automated a flow on Android device and successfully run on the device. Have tried the same with iOS where the tests were invoked from Mac. The document on appium states as following
"Appium on OS X supports iOS and Android testing but from Windows we
can only test Android."
My question is, has anyone tried invoking the tests on iOS platform from OS other than Mac OS X like Windows or Linux?.
For example, using a Remote Server from Windows OS to connect to an Appium server running on Mac.
Or as usual do iPhones remain incompatible with anyone other than Mac.

Yes you can automate iOS devices using appium from windows platform
all you have to do is run your appium server in MAC with your ipv4 address..
then execute your automation script from windows to that ip address..
make sure that ip address is pingable from windows platform...
In this way you can actually use c# for automation script to automate iOS platform


Cannot use my iphone as adb in vscode on my windows machine

I have a windows pc and having vs code installed, but I have a IOS phone iPhone 11
I am a flutter developer(App developer) I want to test my created app on my iPhone, My laptop has a type 3.0 cable I used to connect with my iPhone
My iPhone is connected to my laptop using wire, i can control my ios from windows explorer but i cannot see connected device available in my vscode
In explorer
But only 3 devices is connected in vscode
You can't run an app on an iPhone in windows OS. you have to use Mac OS to run or test the IOS app. Apple limited environment of IOS and iPhone.
Unfortunately you can't run flutter apps from a Windows environment to ios the only way is you have a Mac device.
you can check the following question and see the suggestions there it might help you understand why it's not possible to this.
Developing for iOS device in Windows environment with Flutter

Can ios simulator can be run in Windows

I m working on appium scripting for mobile application automation testing.
I m able to simulate android device using the emulator and run the script in the emulator.
Now my next task is to run in ios. Please let me know it is possible to do it in ios emulator in Windows machine. If so some headsup on it.
You can not. There are platforms like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, etc which enables you develop iOS applications; but when it comes to debugging and deployment, you have to have a macOS, which in turn requires a Macintosh machine.
Yess you can use Remote simulator to windows by enabling it under
Tools >> Option >> Xamarin >> IOS setting >> Remote simulator to windows.
But you still need active mac agent connection to build your app
You can use Appium studio free community edition for testing iOS physical device from windows machine.
note:- I have tested appium studio personally and think it will be useful for others.

Is any way to use Selenium WebDriver RC to test remote iPad/iPhone device?

I'm wondering if it is possible to run Selenium WebDriver test client on Windows platform (client) and having Selenium RC Server + browser on remote iOs device (server) ? Thus having tested real device. The only clue I have found is how-setup-selenium-ios-devices but it requires MAC PC instead of Windows because of xcode. Also I think the workaround is install VMware on windows 7 and install Mac OX on VM. But it seems clumsy to me.
Thank you. Any input is appreciated.

How to setup Appium(framework) for iOS Device Automation on Windows OS.?

How should I setup Appium framework to test the application on iOS Device by using the Windows OS. is that possible.?
This special case is because, I have an application(Web GUI) which runs only on Windows OS and does the transaction with iOS mobile(via USB port) using the app on the device. So, I need to run the automation framework of iOS(Appium) on Windows OS.
is this possible by Virtual Machine etc. ??
As per Appium Platform Support mentioned on portal here
A Mac with XCode and the XCode Command Line Developer Tools
is must. So as per my knowledge, that is not possible.

How to launch Chrome on ipad4 from the appium installed in a windows machine?

I have my GUI tests and appium installed in windows7 (desktop).
I have to start browser tests on ipad4.
How do I go ahead?
Looking at the desired capabilities of appium, I couldn't find how to pass IP.
Does it mean that even appium needs to be installed on ipad?
I would like to get something like: Appium is installed in windows 7 desktop, from which I would like to connect to chrome on ipad.
You can't test Chrome Browser on the iPad with a Windows machine. You need an OS X machine to do any Appium tests.
From the documentation: Appium requires Mac OS X 10.7, but 10.8 or 10.9 is recommended.
Hoping your capabilities class is setup. You can just pass the package name "" in your capabilities class to launch it.
capabilities.setCapability("appPackage", "");
