Unit Code testing of internal functions - ios

I am a newbie on testing and so I am stumbling about testing internal functionality on some code parts. How to test ONLY the privateParseAndCheck and/or privateFurtherProcessing functionality with different input, but I dont want it as public functions?
-(BOOL) publicFunction()
//some stuff with network
NSError* error;
NSData* data = load(&error);
//now I got data and parse and check
BOOL result = privateParseAndCheck(data, error, ...);
if( result ) {
return result;
Is re-writing the code the solution? I am also interested in some experiences with the tips/solutions on Xcode Server.

If there is a straightforward way to test what you want only from public methods, do so.
If not, you have a choice: You can expose the method only to test code. This is common practice, but I do not recommend this. It inhibits the other option…
Or, expose the method completely. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, there is probably a class trying to get out. Extract the class (the methods you want to test and whatever else makes sense to go with them.) You can now test that class.
This is especially helpful when coming up with different conditions (such as different errors) is difficult. Extract, and it's easy.
Further reading: Testability, Information Hiding, and the Class Trying to Get Out


How to test 2 methods with common logic?

Let's say that I have 2 public methods:
func didSelect(data: Data) {
// do something
func didDismiss(data: Data) {
if data.isSomething {
private func textForData(data: Data): String {
var text: String
if data.distance == nil {
text = "..."
} else if data.distance < 1000 {
text = "\(data.distance) m"
} else {
text = "\(data.distance / 1000) km"
return text
Both of them depend on the formatting logic of textForData.
textForData has (with this minimized implementation) 3 possible cases.
If I do test every possible case for both of my public functions, I'll end up with 6 test methods, and 3 of them would also be testing the same logic that was already tested by the other 3.
What's the proper way of testing this?
Ps.: I could write a separate test for textForData and in the tests for the public methods I assert that the textForData is called, but that seems to break the encapsulation of my class and I don't want to make the testForData public.
I also wouldn't like to make a separate class just for my textForData logic, because I would end up creating too many dependencies for this current class, and that logic doesn't seem to fit anywhere else besides in this class.
You have a few options here.
Don't test textForData
Duplicate the behaviour in each test of the public method that uses it
Make textForData public
Make a public class for textForData
Point 1 and 2 are undesirable.
You seem oddly against point 3, but there are benefits to doing this. You will be able to test this behaviour once, given you really care about doing so. I don't know Swift, but in other languages this isn't as bad as it seems. The general advice is to code against and interface, rather than an implementation. So the public interface of this class would have didSelect and didDismiss. Your production code would be expressed in terms of this interface, meaning even though textForData is a public method on the class you cannot access it directly.
The good news here is that your tests can be written against an implementation (in fact, they have to) so here you'll have access to all three methods. So you can test to your hearts content.
Point 4 is similar to point 3, but stored as a separate class. I'd opt for this given that you could argue we have broken the Single Responsibility Principle in point 3. To hide this I'd make a nested class to begin with given you state this code is only used within this one example. Again, your tests will have access to this using the same ideas as above.
You're code is moving towards embracing composition, therefore you should embrace the benefits such as small classes, well factored code and more.
I think that the formatting of the data is an own responsibility. So you should extract it to its own class.
This class could be unit tested on its own.
Your other class(es) that use this one should be decoupled by using an interface instead of the class directly. The dependancy should be injected (for example in the constrcutor). You could write an default constructor creating the default class to simplify things in production code (poor mens dependency injection).
Then you could mock the formatter and test the other class(es) in isolation, verifying that the textForData method is called correctly.

Add a property to an object (or at least similar outcome)

First, the context of what I'm doing. I am running an HttpServer which is handling HttpRequests.
HttpServer.bind(ADDRESS, PORT).then((HttpServer server) {
listenSubscription = server.listen(onRequest);
void onRequest(HttpRequest request) {
//handle request here
I'd like to add some logging to all this, and due to the asynchronous nature of it all, want to add some identifying marker to the requests (so I can match up the request receipts with the responses, fer example). The code inside of onRequest() calls a bunch of other functions to do different things (handle GET vs POST requests, etc.), so simply generating an id at the top is a cumbersome solution as I'd have to pass it around through all those other function calls. I am, however, already passing around the HttpRequest object, so I thought it would be nice to throw an id field on it, just like you would in Javascript, except that Dart doesn't work that way.
Thoughts then went to subclassing the HttpRequest class, but converting the HttpRequest object the onRequest() method receives seemed like much more trouble and overhead than my needs required.
So I ask, is there any idiomatic Dart way attach some data to an existing object? If there isn't something idiomatic, what is the simplest (both in code and runtime complexity) way you can think of to accomplish this?
Well, there's an Expando, but I don't know the performance implications.
Something like:
// somewhere top level. Create this once.
final loggingId = new Expando();
// inside of onRequest
loggingId[request] = generateId();
// later inside log()
Expandos are like weak-reference maps, from my understanding.

Dart How to unit test a simple function

I love the way that you can write clean concise code in Dart, but it appears that Dart is one of those languages that it easy to write but hard to test!
For example, given the following fairly simple method, how does one go about unit testing it?
typedef void HandleWebSocket(WebSocket webSocket);
Router createWebSocketRouter(HttpServer server, String context, HandleWebSocket handler) {
var router = new Router(server);
router.serve(context).transform(new WebSocketTransformer()).listen(handler);
return router;
You need to somehow replace the new Router() with some sort of factory method that returns a mock. The mock then needs to return a mock when serve is called. That then needs to have a mock transform* method that returns a mock stream.....and at that point most people will give up!
I have managed to write a unit test using the above approach but as it required 80 odd lines and polluted the actual class with a factory method I can hardly say I am happy with it!
Is there a better way of doing this?

OpenRasta: Uri seems to be irrelevant for handler selection

When registering two handlers for the same type, but with different URIs, the handler selection algorithm doesn't seem to check the uri when it determines which handler to use.
If you run the program below, you'll notice that only HandlerOne will be invoked (twice). It does not matter if I call for "/one" or "/two", the latter supposed to be handled by HandlerTwo.
Am I doing something wrong or is this something to be fixed in OpenRasta? (I'm using btw)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (InMemoryHost host = new InMemoryHost(new Configuration()))
host.ProcessRequest(new InMemoryRequest
HttpMethod = "GET",
Uri = new Uri("http://x/one")
host.ProcessRequest(new InMemoryRequest
HttpMethod = "GET",
Uri = new Uri("http://x/two")
class Configuration : IConfigurationSource
public void Configure()
using (OpenRastaConfiguration.Manual)
class HandlerOne
public object Get() { return "returned from HandlerOne.Get"; }
class HandlerTwo
public object Get() { return "returned from HandlerTwo.Get"; }
I have a feeling that I could accomplish what I want similar using UriNameHandlerMethodSelector as described on http://trac.caffeine-it.com/openrasta/wiki/Doc/Handlers/MethodSelection, but then I'd have to annotate each handler methods and also do AtUri().Named(), which looks like boilerplate to me and I'd like to avoid that. Isn't AtUri(X).HandledBy(Y) making the connection between X and Y clear?
You should never have multiple registrations like that on the same resource type, and you probably never need to have ResourcesOfType<object> ever associated with URIs, that'll completely screw with the resolution algorithms used in OpenRasta.
If you're mapping two different things, create two resource classes. Handlers and URIs are only associate by resource class, and if you fail at designing your resources OpenRasta will not be able to match the two, and this is by design.
If you want to persist down that route, and I really don't think you should, then you can register various URIs to have a name, and hint on each of your methods that the name ought to be handled using HttpOperation(ForUriName=blah). That piece of functionality is only there for those very, very rare scenarios where you do need to opt-out of the automatic method resolution.
Finally, as OpenRasta is a compsable framework, you shouldnt have to go and hack around existing classes, you ought to plug yourself into the framework to ensure you override the components you don't want and replace them by things you code yourself. In this case, you could simply write a contributor that replaces the handler selection with your own moel if you don't like the defaults and want an MVC-style selection system. Alternatively, if you want certain methods to be selected rather than others, you can remove the existing operation selectors and replace them (or complement them with) your own. That way you will rely on published APIs to extend OpenRasta and your code won't be broken in the future. I can't give that guarantee if you forked and hacked existing code.
As Seb explained, when you register multiple handlers with the same resource type OpenRasta treats the handlers as one large concatenated class. It therefore guesses (best way to describe it) which potential GET (or other HTTP verb) method to execute, which ever it thinks is most appropriate. This isn't going to be acceptable from the developers prospective and must be resolved.
I have in my use of OpenRasta needed to be able to register the same resource type with multiple handlers. When retrieving data from a well normalised relational database you are bound to get the same type response from multiple requests. This happens when creating multiple queries (in Linq) to retrieve data from either side of the one-to-many relation, which of course is important to the whole structure of the database.
Taking advice from Seb, and hoping I've implemented his suggestion correctly, I have taken the database model class, and built a derived class from it in a resources namespace for each instance of when a duplicating resource type might have been introduced.
Client is my Model class which I have then derived AgencyClient from.
namespace ProductName.Resources
public class AgencyClient: Client { }
You don't even need to cast the base class received from your Linq-SQL data access layer into your derived class. The Linq cast method isn't intended for that kind of thing anyway, and although this code will compile it is WRONG and you will receive a runtime exception 'LINQ to Entities only supports casting Entity Data Model primitive types.'
Context.Set<Client>().Cast<AgencyClient>().ToList(); //will receive a runtime error
More conventional casts like (AgencyClient) won't work as conversion to a SubClass isn't easily possible in C#. Convert base class to derived class
Using the AS operator will again compile and will even run, but will give a null value in the returned lists and therefore won't retrieve the data intended.
Context.Set<Client>().ToList() as IEnumerable<AgencyClient>; //will compile and run but will return null
I still don't understand how OpenRasta handles the differing return class from the handler to the ResourceType but it does, so let's take advantage of it. Perhaps Seb might be able to elaborate?
OpenRasta therefore treats these classes separately and the right handler methods are executed for the URIs.
I patched OpenRasta to make it work. These are the files I touched:
The main change is that now the handler repository gets the registered URIs in the initializing call to AddResourceHandler, so when GetHandlerTypesFor is called later on during handler selection, it can also check the URI. Interface-wise, I changed this:
public interface IHandlerRepository
void AddResourceHandler(object resourceKey, IType handlerType);
IEnumerable<IType> GetHandlerTypesFor(object resourceKey);
to that:
public interface IHandlerRepository
void AddResourceHandler(object resourceKey, IList<UriModel> resourceUris, IType handlerType);
IEnumerable<IType> GetHandlerTypesFor(object resourceKey, UriRegistration selectedResource);
I'll omit the implementation for brevity.
This change also means that OpenRasta won't waste time on further checking of handlers (their method signatures etc.) that are not relevant to the request at hand.
I'd still like to get other opinions on this issue, if possible. Maybe I just missed something.

ASP.NET MVC - Unit testing overkill? (TDD)

So I'm starting to catch the TDD bug but I'm wondering if I'm really doing it right... I seem to be writing A LOT of tests.
The more tests the better, sure, but I've got a feeling that I'm over doing it. And to be honest, I don't know how long I can keep up writing these simple repetitive tests.
For instance, these are the LogOn actions from my AccountController:
public ActionResult LogOn(string returnUrl)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))
returnUrl = "/";
var viewModel = new LogOnForm()
ReturnUrl = returnUrl
return View("LogOn", viewModel);
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnForm logOnForm)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
FormsAuth.SignIn(logOnForm.Email, logOnForm.RememberMe);
return Redirect(logOnForm.ReturnUrl);
catch (DomainServiceException ex)
ModelState.AddModelError("*", "There was server error trying to log on, try again. If your problem persists, please contact us.");
return View("LogOn", logOnForm);
Pretty self explanatory.
I then have the following suite of tests
public void LogOn_Default_ReturnsLogOnView()
public void LogOn_Default_SetsViewDataModel()
public void LogOn_ReturnUrlPassedIn_ViewDataReturnUrlSet()
public void LogOn_ReturnUrlNotPassedIn_ViewDataReturnUrDefaults()
public void LogOnPost_InvalidBinding_ReturnsLogOnViewWithInvalidModelState()
public void LogOnPost_InvalidBinding_DoesntCallAccountServiceLogOnValidate()
public void LogOnPost_ValidBinding_CallsAccountServiceLogOnValidate()
public void LogOnPost_ValidBindingButAccountServiceThrows_ReturnsLogOnViewWithInvalidModelState()
public void LogOnPost_ValidBindingButAccountServiceThrows_DoesntCallFormsAuthServiceSignIn()
public void LogOnPost_ValidBindingAndValidModelButFormsAuthThrows_ReturnsLogOnViewWithInvalidModelState()
public void LogOnPost_ValidBindingAndValidModel_CallsFormsAuthServiceSignIn()
public void LogOnPost_ValidBindingAndValidModel_RedirectsToReturnUrl()
Is that over kill? I haven't even shown the services tests!
Which ones (if any) can I cull?
It all depends on how much coverage you need / want and how much dependability is an issue.
Here are the questions you should ask yourself:
Does this unit test help implement a feature / code change that I don't already have?
Will this unit test help regression test/debug this unit if I make changes later?
Is the code to satisfy this unit test non-trivial or does it deserve a unit test?
Regarding the 3rd one, I remember when I started writing unit tests (I know, not the same thing as TDD) I would have tests that would go like:
string expected, actual;
TypeUnderTest target = new TypeUnderTest();
target.PropertyToTest = expected;
actual = target.PropertyToTest;
Assert.AreEqual<string>(expected, actual);
I could have done something more productive with my time like choose a better wallpaper for my desktop.
I recommend this article by ASP.net MVC book author Sanderson:
I'd say you are doing a little more than you probably have to. While it is nice to test every possible path your code can take, some paths just aren't very important or don't result in real differences in behavior.
In your example take LogOn(string returnUrl)
The first thing you do in there is check the returnUrl parameter and re-assign it to a default value if it is null/empty. Do you really need a whole unit test just to make sure that one line of code happens as expected? It isn't a line likely to break easily.
Most changes that might break that line be things that would throw a compile error. A change in the default value being assigned is possible in that line (maybe you decide later that "/" isn't a good default value... but in your unit test, I bet you hard-coded it to check for "/" didn't you? So the change in the value will necessitates a change in your test... which means you aren't testing your behavior, instead you are testing your data.
You can achieve a test for the behavior of the method by simply having one test that does NOT supply a parameter. That will hit your "set default" part of the routine while still testing that the rest of the code behaves well too.
That looks about right to me. Yes, you will write a lot of Unit Tests and, initially, it will seem like overkill and TBH a waste of time; but stick with it, it'll be worth it. What you should be aiming for (rather than just 100% code coverage) is 100% function coverage. However... if you find that you're writing a lot of UTs for the same method it's possible that that method is doing too much. Try separating your concerns more. In my experience the body of an Action should be doing little more than newing-up a class to do the real work. It's that class that you should really be targeting with UTs.
100% coverage is very ideal, its really helpful if you have to massively refactor your code however, as the tests will govern your code specs to make sure it is correct.
I am personally not a 100% TDD (sometimes too lazy too) but if you intend to do 100%, maybe you should write some test helpers to take away some burden on these repetitive tests. For example, write a helper to test all your CRUD in a standard post structure with a callback to allow you pass in some evaluation might save you a lot of time.
I'm unit testing only code what i'm unsure about. Sure - you can never know what will back stab you but writing tests for trivial things seems like an overkill for me.
I'm not a unit-testing/tdd guru - but i think that it's fine if you do NOT write tests just to have them. They must be useful. If you are experienced enough with unit testing - you start to feel when they are going to be valuable and when not.
You might like this book.
Actually - i just found a quote about this underneath isolation frameworks chapter. It's about overspecifying tests (one particular test), but i guess the idea remains in more global scope:
Overspecifying the tests
If your test has too many expectations, you may create a test that
breaks down with even the lightest of code changes, even though the
overall functionality still works. Consider this a more technical way of
not verifying the right things. Testing interactions is a double-edged
sword: test it too much, and you start to lose sight of the big picture—the overall functionality; test it too little, and you’ll miss the
important interactions between objects.
