'molpaylibrary/molpaylib.h' file not found - ios

I am trying to integrate MOLPay online payment gateway through its SDK.
When I import the MOLPay Library to AppDelegate.m and ViewController.m I get an error saying:
'molpaylibrary/molpaylib.h' file not found.
Can anyone help?

I downloaded the MOLPay framework and integrated into a Xcode project. There is no problem reaching the header file.
see here:
git clone https://github.com/andersc/MOLPay.git
Use that project and you should have no problem integrating MOLPay.


Can't add Flurry to my Swift project

I've stuck with a Flurry: I add Flurry (Analytics only) to my swift project according this guide:
After all steps done it throws error:
Has anyone encountered a similar one?
It's look like library not found.
Check Link Library With Libraries on Build Phases in Xcode.
Read documentation about Import Flurry Libraries:
I integrated Flurry it works perfectly. You are making mistake here,you are opening project using this projectname.xcodeproj rather than this file projectname.xcworkspace . After install pod you must open project using this projectname.xcworkspace
For your reference i updated sample project please take a look if you could not get it. Sample Project

<FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h> not found in Parse

Hello I am trying to include Parse into my iOS application but unfortunately there were a lot changes made in iOS 9.
I have downloaded the Parse starter project and have Parse up and running and have also included the Facebook SDK in my project, but my problem I have is in my "PFFacebookUtils.h". It keeps giving me and error saying that " file not found".
These are all the libraries I have. Under ParseFacebookUtils.framework there is a file named PFFacebookUtils.h, I get that file not found" in there. Does anyone have any experience with using Facebook and Parse for iOS 9? Thanks for help!
remove the ParseFacebookUtils.framework from your project :)
Another(better) way is to use cocoapods and you'll forget about such problems.

How to use GoogleDrive and GooglePlus API in one app in iOS?

I am developing an app that google-drive-sdk has been successfully integrated onto, but now I want to share my app on google-plus so I used Google+ SDK, and it conflicts with GoogleDrive SDK.
I used GTLDriveFile Class for GoogleDrive,
and I followed these steps for installing GoogleDrive.
It works fine with just GoogleDrive SDK. But if I add Google+ SDK then it'll conflict with GoogleDrive SDK. I've tried lots of time and searched on Google but I can't find anything.
I only found these links:
1: (SO) How to implement Google Drive and Google Plus sdk in ios project
2: (YouTube) Google Drive SDK: using the Google+ Sign-In button with Drive on iOS
It displays duplicate symbols for architecture i386
If I delete one file then it will display the same error in another file because in following folder
GTL->GTL Source->Common->Objects
which has all the files, which are already available in
And if I deleted all the .h files from the GTL folder then it won't work either, it gives a 'file not found' error.
Can anyone help me?
If I had not added GoogleOpenSource.framework but I added only GooglePlus.framework then it gives me error like....
Thanks in advance!
You should be able to drop the GoogleOpenSource.framework - that just includes the Plus relevant parts of GTL and GTM which you're likely to be bringing in as part of the Drive client library. If you need any files from it, you can find the source version of whats included within the original SDK zip you downloaded.
To be clear:
Delete GoogleOpenSource.framework from your projectList item
If there are any errors on missing files, bring those in individually from the open source folder in the Google+ SDK zip. Include both the .m and .h files
It's much more simpler than #Ian's answer. No offence #Ian. :)
SVN checkout from http://google-api-objectivec-client.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
After checkout completes, Go to Source folder and open GTL.xcodeproj.
See the image

installing AWS ios sdk in swift project

I'm trying to add the AWS SDK to my xcode project that is written in swift.
I followed these steps: http://mobile.awsblog.com/post/Tx2AA7ZHB1FK0G1/Version-2-of-the-AWS-SDK-for-iOS-Developer-Preview to create a Bridge-Header file, and add the SDK itself to my project.
The problem is that when I try to build the app I get an error now... the Bridge Header cannot be imported because one of the files in the AWS SDK (AWSModel.h) has an error. This file tries to import Mantle/Mantle.h, and the error reads "Mantle/Mantle.h file not found"
do I need to add this file to my project as well? If so, how would I go about doing that? The only frameworks I'm using are Facebook SDK, and I would like to add AWS as well.
There is a working sample app on GitHub. You should follow README and see if you can compile the app. It should help you understand how to set up the project.

XCode & Facebook IOS SDK - Instructions incorrect

I am following this guide.
For setting up the Facebook IOS SDK for my XCode project..
I got to the part that says to run
% ~/facebook-ios-sdk/scripts/build_facebook_ios_sdk_static_lib.sh
in the terminal..
I tried that and it didn't work, so i went to find that script file manually and it isn't in the folder specified.. My questions is am i missing something? or does anyone know if the file was renamed?
You're right, this script is not included in the newest version on github.
However you can download the SDK and use it as described in the "Getting Started" section - Start a new Xcode Project. So far I had no issues with the SDK 3.0 and ARC in my project.
That script is there in my instance. Is it possible that the facebook-ios-sdk directory isn't in the top level of your home directory as in /Users/yourusername/facebook-ios-sdk? It needs to be there for you to follow the instructions verbatim.
