XCode use images(png) as text - ios

I have a sets of customized images from A - Z, and I need to put the images as text onscreen, much like UILabel. So far I tried loading the images according to the string i need, and put it all on the screen. But it gets laggy and memory consumption is very high.
Is there anyway for me to pre-render the images A-Z, and whenever i need it i just specify a rectangular view which points to the A-Z images instead of loading a new one all the time?
Any direction is appreciated

You can create you own custom font from your images and use it in application with standard UILable etc.


How to create UIButton with custom shape in Swift?

I need to create button like this
and the change the background programmatically like this
and like this
I can not use images for different states of a button because each time I have different text on it.
What to start from ? I tried to understand CoreGraphics and CoreAnimation but there is too small amount of examples and tutorials so my attempts didn't give me any success.
You can, and should, use an image for this. UIKit has a method resizableImageWithCapInsets that creates resizable images. You feed it a minimum sized image and the system stretches it to fit the desired size. It looks like your image is fixed in height, which is good since you can't do smooth gradients with this technique.
UIButtons are composed of a background image and title text, so you can use an image for the background shapes (setBackgroundImage(_:forState:)), and then change the text using setTitle(_:forState:).
However, you can still use Core Graphics for this, and there are benefits to doing so, such as the fact that it reduces the number of rendered assets in your app bundle. For this, probably the best approach is to create a CAShapeLayer with a path constructed from a UIBezierPath, and then render it into a graphics context. From this context, you can pull out a UIImage instance, and treat it just the same as an image loaded from a JPEG or PNG asset (that is, set it as the buttons background image using setBackgroundImage(_:forState:)).

How can I tile the background with UIImageViews with code efficiently?

I'm working in Xcode 6 on tiling the iPhone background with many UIImageViews and I'd like to know if this is the most efficient solution.
I know one simple solution would be to create image views in the storyboard and cover the entire screen with them manually. I'd like to do it with code. Here's the code I have currently (5x5 is an okay size since I can scale it up or down to fill the screen with bigger or larger images):
CGRect tiles[5][5];
UIImage *tileImages[5][5];
UIImageView *tileViews[5][5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
for(int j=0;j<5;j++)
tiles[i][j] = CGRectMake(50*i,50*j,50,50);
tileImages[i][j] = [UIImage imageNamed:#"tile.png"];
tileViews[i][j] = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:tiles[i][j]];
tileViews[i][j].image = tileImages[i][j];
[self.view addSubview:tileViews[i][j]];
Currently all the images are the same, but in the long haul I'm going to make them dependent on various factors.
I have read around and I know that UIImageViews are finicky. Is this the proper and memory efficient way to tile a background with UIImageViews? Is there a better way to do this? Can I manually go in after the tiles are initialized and change an image it's displaying and have it update in real time with just this?
tileView[1][2].image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"anotherTile.png"];
Thanks in advance, I just finished a basic 6-week course in IOS programming at my college so I still find myself trying to appease the Objective C Gods occasionally.
I guess my doubt would be why you need them to be image views. Drawing an image in a view or layer is so easy, and arranging views or layers in a grid is so easy; what are the image views for, when you are not really using or needing any of the power of image views?
I have several apps that display tiled images - one shows 99 bottles in a grid, one shows a grid of tile "pieces" that the user taps in matched pairs to dismiss them, one shows a grid of rectangular puzzle pieces that the user slides to swap them and get them into the right order, and one shows a grid of "cards" that the user taps in triplets to match them - and in none of those cases do I use image views. In one, they are CALayers; in the other cases they are custom UIView subclasses; but in no case do I use UIImageViews.
For something as simple as a grid of images, using UIImageViews seems, as you seem to imply, overkill. If the reason you have resorted to UIImageViews is that you don't know how to make a UIView or a CALayer draw its content, I'd say, stop and learn how to do that before you go any further.

ios frosted glass logic

Frosted Glass Effect
I'm thinking of how to approach this logically..
So we take the background image ( for example )
Then, we want to add our frosted glass button to this image. Here's how it should look..
Now I know I cannot programatically blur the background image of the button, so I'll to try and do it with two images.. Background.png and Backgorund_Blurred.png.
Now, the frosted glass effect will happen on animated objects. So, as they move across the screen, it should appear that it is blurring the background image behind it, however, to achieve this I can only think of one way. But doing so is beyond my current capability.
It would have to be a background_blurred image for the UIButton for example. No scaled in any way, and the exact same size as the normal background. Then, I would have to take the buttons relative position on the normal background and append the background_blurred of the button to suit.
My first question; is this possible?
Second question; is there an easier approach?
Lastly, I've added an image to make sense of the relative position theory.
Check out the FXBlur library, it'll let you blur images/views.. I've used it successfully and sounds like it'll do what you want.
I think having two images for these assets maybe easier, but having the views blur may be better in the long run as you wouldn't have to worry about updating the images for different resolutions in the future or care about how big the button is/will be.. Also if you want to do this with more images it'll turn into a mess with all the different images to manage.. The library is simple to use, with one call you'll have a blurred image/view..

how to specify image dimension/size when doing a drawAtPoint?

I have some images and I want to draw them using drawAtPoint ( I am using a table of 100s of cells and doing the draw as recommended for making the scrolling faster). Now, these images are kind of random (their size can be anything.. ) and I need to specify the dimension I want to fit in.
Can anyone kindly tell me what to do ?
Assuming I understand what you want to do use:
- (void)drawInRect:(CGRect)rect;
See http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIImage_Class/Reference/Reference.html
When using drawAtPoint you cannot specify the dimensions, it will draw the entire image in the current graphics context.

jquery Image slider without define width?

I have used the coin slider.But the coin slider is restricted by the width.I need to run my application in various screen size like 1280*768,800*600.is there any image slider in jquery without restrict width of image?Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Most image sliders are designed for being placed within a container of a certain width, so that they fit within a specific slot in a layout. Given that the size of the screen/window(you don't specify) is irrelevant to that, it seems like what you're looking for is a gallery that adapts to the size of the entire window, rather than fit within a specific size.
You should probably widen your search to JS galleries in general, which might have that option or even function that way in the first place. As initial suggestions, have a look at the full-screen example for Galleria, or maybe the Supersized plugin
