Live stream in iOS with Wowza media server - ios

I am facing issue to live stream video using Wowza server in iOS but in Android, working perfect with RTPS?
I have follow this certain step for live stream with RTMPStreamPublisher:
Use MediaLib class for connection b/w wowza server & iOS App through RTMPStreamPublisher.
Connection Success b/w iOS App and Wowza server.
Showing streaming in Wowza "Adobe RTMP" & "Adobe HDS" Test Player
but not on "Apple HLS" player.
Stream "1 KB" file create in wowza stream directory but stream not saving.
I am not getting, why stream not save and not playback on "Apple HLS", its any wowza setting issue or other?
Please suggest the way to live stream.
Have a Great Day a head!

Add stream name like this ::
flv:stream name
save your video in flv format


How to broadcast wowza video from one iPad to multiple iPad devices - swift

I want to broadcast existing videos to multiple users through wowza...
Suppose I want to broadcast any 1 uploaded video (in wowza server) to my multiple users? so how can I do that.. can wowza call any API to start streaming in other users devices? Means when I started streaming video from my application then it should start in other devices also through wowza API.
Are you talking about broadcasting (streaming) an MP4 file as a simulated Live stream (playout) or as Video On Demand (VOD)?
Obviously you cannot force devices to start playing a stream. That'd only work if you develop an App that can listen for commands and trigger playback accordingly. Wowza doesn't have such an App, nor any built-in features that can do this.
If you want devices to access a stream on-demand you can simply upload the file to Wowza's content folder. If you want to have a programmed playout, like a TV channel, then you can check out this article:
(the source code of the plug-in that is used in that article is available from
As from your Question, You can broadcast stream successfully and you might have used Wowza Go Coder SDK for doing it.
On Broadcasting live stream, broadcasted videos stored in CONTENT directory which is inside of Stream Engine installation directory structure.
You can find all the streamed videos in it.
Now, You want to broadcast particular stored video then you can do it by loading specific URL for that video. Broadcasting for that Video is not possible but, you can play that particular video as below which will be accessible to all your application users :
In IOS, Link or URL for Videos stored in CONTENT directory is as below :
http://[Host Address]:[PORT]/vod/mp4:sample.mp4/playlist.m3u8
rtsp://[Host Address]:[PORT]/vod/sample.mp4 (In Android)
Here, sample is the name of your Stream. You have to broadcast live stream video with different stream names so that all videos are accessible.
In this way, you can play stored live stream videos.

What is the role of Streaming server like Wowza?

I have been exploring on how to live stream from iPhone. I will have to publish a stream at URL to Wowza server that I came to know. Other thing is that I will require a library for iOS to encode and compress the camera output and will have to send that stream over RTMP protocol to the Wowza server. At the receiving and, there should be a player which can decode, decompress that stream comes from the Wowza to the device like iPhone (a user who wants to see live stream).
My question is, if encoding is done through particular iOS SDK, RTMP has a role as a Protocol, a player at receiving end has a role of decoding, then what is the role of Wowza ? What is its function that makes it very important in the live streaming process ?
I have been searching on the function of a Media Streaming server since 3 days, but I could not understand the exact function of Media Streaming server like a Wowza.
I am desperate to the answer..
Any explanation will be appriciated, thanks in Advance !!!
I actually did a year-long project involving media streaming on iOS and I used Wowza. The role of Wowza is to function as a media server that can receive the video that is broadcast from an iOS device over the RTMP protocol. With Wowza, you have options to send http parameters that instruct the server to begin or stop recording the live video that is being streamed. You also have the option of embedding video players in websites for live view.

Wowza Publish the live Stream on Apple HLS demand

The problem is simple. In Wowza when I use a stream file in live mode (so the streaming are published only when requested through RTMP), I'm not able to publish the streaming and get the video streaming when I use the JWPlayer on IOS (so through Apple HLS) so i'm looking for a method for streaming the cams-live on iOS on demand!
I've just started in Wowza so I cannot write Java code to expand the functionality for the moment so be patient.
I've seen this post on stackoverflow, but i can't see the solution, Wowza: Need to stream rtp-live to iphone !

How to play a non-rtmp stream

I have an issue to stream a video conference for many mobile device(Andriod, iPhone etc) and I have troubles with streaming.
RTMP stream uses a flash and didn't work with this devices.
What stream can I use? and how can I convert rtmp to this supported stream?
For mobile devices you would need to convert your video to HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). If it's truly a live stream, you could use something Zencoder live streaming to convert it. If the RTMP stream is just reading from an MP4, you could use Handbrake or Zencoder to transmux it to HLS.

How to stream live audio from iOS device to Wowza media server?

I'm trying to find out how i can use wowza media server(which i just installed) to receive a live audio stream from an iOS device(Xcode simulator) and play it on a web browser(safari) using http live streaming. i just need direction, guidance or a tutorial to start with this, or just the basic concept of how it works.
sorry for the newbie question, but i really really did try digging up the documentation, their is nothing about iOS http live streaming specifically, they concentrate more on Flash streaming(flv).
Use Wowza's MPEG-TS capabilities
There are a couple of Google hits and topics on the Wowza forums. This one looks fine for getting you started: Using an MPEG Transport Stream (MPEG-TS) encoder with Wowza Pro (MPEG-TS).
You can then just click a simple link in Safari on iOS devices and it should work fine. The like will look something like:
Wowza recently released an addon called "Gocoder". By using it you can encode your live streaming from wowza supported ios devices and broadcast it to any screen.
You can download the encoder from here
Here is the step to configure the Gocoder addon with live application
