I have a large amount of documents of equal size. For each of those documents I'm building a bag of words model (BOW). Number of possible words in all documents is limited and large (2^16 for example). Generally speaking, I have N histograms of size K, where N is a number of documents and K is histogram width. I can calculate distance between any two histograms.
First optimization opportunity. Documents usually uses only small subset of words (usually less then 5%, most of them less then 0.5%).
Second optimization opportunity Subset of used words is varying from document to document much so I can use bits instead of word counts.
Query by content
Query is a document as well. I need to find k most similar documents.
Naive approach
Calculate BOW model from query.
For each document in dataset:
Calculate it's BOW model.
Find distance between query and document.
Obviously, some data structure should be used to track top-ranked documents (priority queue for example).
I need some sort of index to get rid of full database scan. KD-tree comes to mind but dimensionality and size of the dataset is very high. One can suggest to use some subset of possible words as features but I don't have separate training phase and can't extract this features beforehand.
I've thought about using MinHash algorithm to prune search space but I can't design an appropriate hash functions for this task.
k-d-tree and similar indexes are for dense and continuous data.
Your data most likely is sparse.
A good index for finding the nearest neighbors on sparse data is inverted lists. Essentially the same way search engines like Google work.
I have been trying to implement the Rocchio algorithm and I understand the basic idea behind the algorithm but I struggle to put it into concrete terms. I calculated tf_idf before and that is a vector of length of the number of query terms we search for each document that contains at least one of the query terms. But now, I feel like I cannot represent the document as a vector in the space formed just by the query terms because that will not allow me to "discover" other terms that the relevant documents have in common. Should I then represent the vector of the query and vectors of the documents in a vector space of all the tokens found in the currently returned set of documents?
Blockquote yes the dimension of the vectors (both docs and queries) is the vocabulary size of the collection... so these vectors are extremely sparse (most entries being zeroes)...
Yes, as #Debasis said this was the correct answer.
I have large amount of unstructured text documents, for each document, I want a vector space representation, so that it is easy for me to classify the documents into clusters and do semantic nature analysis. Many way to transfer documents to vector space, like bag-of-words (BOW) model, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), n gram model,etc. But I think all of them need a Dictionary for the keywords.(not sure) But if there is no query, how to generate the Dictionary for a large amount of documents?(1 million) How to determine important words in a document?
You can use a simple frequency model to determine which words are important and need to be included in your dictionary or lexicon. This model assumes that words with a lower total count (lower than some threshold) are unimportant and can be safely excluded.
You can start with a very large dictionary by using a simple frequency model and then use feature selection methods like information gain, mutual information, chi-squared, etc to further reduce the size of your lexicon (see "A comparative study on feature selection in text categorization" by Yang and Pedersen for more information on feature selection methods).
I have m sets of ~1000 text documents, ~10 are predictive of a binary result, roughly 990 aren't.
I want to train a classifier to take a set of documents and predict the binary result.
Assume for discussion that the documents each map the text to 100 features.
How is this modeled in terms of training examples and features? Do I merge all the text together and map it to a fixed set of features? Do I have 100 features per document * ~1000 documents (100,000 features) and one training example per set of documents? Do I classify each document separately and analyze the resulting set of confidences as they relate to the final binary prediction?
The most common way to handle text documents is with a bag of words model. The class proportions are irrelevant. Each word gets mapped to a unique index. Make the value at that index equal to the number of times that token occurs (there are smarter things to do). The number of features/dimension is then the number of unique tokens/words in your corpus. There are manny issues with this, and some of them are discussed here. But it works well enough for many things.
I would want to approach it as a two stage problem.
Stage 1: predict the relevancy of a document from the set of 1000. For best combination with stage 2, use something probabilistic (logistic regression is a good start).
Stage 2: Define features on the output of stage 1 to determine the answer to the ultimate question. These could be things like the counts of words for the n most relevant docs from stage 1, the probability of the most probable document, the 99th percentile of those probabilities, variances in probabilities, etc. Whatever you think will get you the correct answer (experiment!)
The reason for this is as follows: concatenating documents together will drown you in irrelevant information. You'll spend ages trying to figure out which words/features allow actual separation between the classes.
On the other hand, if you concatenate feature vectors together, you'll run into an exchangeability problem. By that I mean, word 1 in document 1 will be in position 1, word 1 in document 2 will be in position 1001, in document 3 it will be in position 2001, etc. and there will be no way to know that the features are all related. Furthermore, an alternate presentation of the order of the documents would lead to the positions in the feature vector changing its order, and your learning algorithm won't be smart to this. Equally valid presentations of the document orders will lead to completely different results in an entirely non-deterministic and unsatisfying way (unless you spend a long time designing a custom classifier that's not afficted with this problem, which might ultimately be necessary but it's not the thing I'd start with).
I am using document-term vectors to represent a collection of document. I use TF*IDF to calculate the term weight for each document vector. Then I could use this matrix to train a model for document classification.
I am looking forward to classify new document in future. But in order to classify it, I need to turn the document into a document-term vector first, and the vector should be composed of TF*IDF values, too.
My question is, how could I calculate the TF*IDF with just a single document?
As far as I understand, TF can be calculated based on a single document itself, but the IDF can only be calculated with a collection of document. In my current experiment, I actually calculate the TF*IDF value for the whole collection of documents. And then I use some documents as training set and the others as test set.
I just suddenly realized that this seems not so applicable to real life.
So there are actually 2 subtly different scenarios for classification:
to classify some documents whose content are known but label are not
to classify some totally unseen document.
For 1, we can combine all the documents, both with and without labels. And get the TF*IDF over all of them. This way, even we only use the documents with labels for training, the training result will still contain the influence of the documents without labels.
But my scenario is 2.
Suppose I have the following information for term T from the summary of the training set corpus:
document count for T in the training set is n
total number of training documents is N
Should I calculate the IDF of t for a unseen document D as below?
IDF(t, D)= log((N+1)/(n+1))
And what if I encounter a term in the new document which didn't show up in the training corpus before?
How should I calculate the weight for it in the doc-term vector?
TF-IDF doesn't make sense for a single document, independent of a corpus. It's fundamentally about emphasizing relatively rare and informative words.
You need to keep corpus summary information in order to compute TF-IDF weights. In particular, you need the document count for each term and the total number of documents.
Whether you want to use summary information from the whole training set and test set for TF-IDF, or for just the training set is a matter of your problem formulation. If it's the case that you only care to apply your classification system to documents whose contents you have, but whose labels you do not have (this is actually pretty common), then using TF-IDF for the entire corpus is okay. If you want to apply your classification system to entirely unseen documents after you train, then you only want to use the TF-IDF summary information from the training set.
TF obviously only depends on the new document.
IDF, you compute only on your training corpus.
You can add a slack term to the IDF computation, or adjust it as you suggested. But for a reasonable training set, the constant +1 term will not have a whole lot of effect. AFAICT, in classic document retrieval (think: search), you don't bother to do this. Often, they query document will not become part of your corpus, so why would it be part of IDF?
For unseen words, TF calculation is not a problem as TF is a document specific metric. While computing IDF, you can use smoothed inverse document frequency technique.
IDF = 1 + log(total documents / document frequency of a term)
Here the lower bound for IDF is 1. So if a word is not seen in the training corpus, its IDF is 1. Since, there is no universally agreed single formula for computing tf-idf or even idf, your formula for tf-idf calculation is also reasonable.
Note that, in many cases, unseen terms are ignored if they don't have much impact in the classification task. Sometimes, people replace unseen tokens with a special symbol like UNKNOWN_TOKEN and do their computation.
Alternative of TF-IDF: Another way of computing weight of each term of a document is using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. While computing MLE, you can smooth using additive smoothing technique which is also known as Laplace smoothing. MLE is used in case you are using Generative models like Naive Bayes algorithm for document classification.
What does dimensionality reduction mean exactly?
I searched for its meaning, I just found that it means the transformation of raw data into a more useful form. So what is the benefit of having data in useful form, I mean how can I use it in a practical life (application)?
Dimensionality Reduction is about converting data of very high dimensionality into data of much lower dimensionality such that each of the lower dimensions convey much more information.
This is typically done while solving machine learning problems to get better features for a classification or regression task.
Heres a contrived example - Suppose you have a list of 100 movies and 1000 people and for each person, you know whether they like or dislike each of the 100 movies. So for each instance (which in this case means each person) you have a binary vector of length 100 [position i is 0 if that person dislikes the i'th movie, 1 otherwise ].
You can perform your machine learning task on these vectors directly.. but instead you could decide upon 5 genres of movies and using the data you already have, figure out whether the person likes or dislikes the entire genre and, in this way reduce your data from a vector of size 100 into a vector of size 5 [position i is 1 if the person likes genre i]
The vector of length 5 can be thought of as a good representative of the vector of length 100 because most people might be liking movies only in their preferred genres.
However its not going to be an exact representative because there might be cases where a person hates all movies of a genre except one.
The point is, that the reduced vector conveys most of the information in the larger one while consuming a lot less space and being faster to compute with.
You're question is a little vague, but there's an interesting statistical technique that may be what you're thinking off called Principal Component Analysis which does something similar (and incidentally plotting the results from which was my first real world programming task)
It's a neat, but clever technique which is remarkably widely applicable. I applied it to similarities between protein amino acid sequences, but I've seen it used for analysis everything from relationships between bacteria to malt whisky.
Consider a graph of some attributes of a collection of things where one has two independent variables - to analyse the relationship on these one obviously plots on two dimensions and you might see a scatter of points. if you've three variable you can use a 3D graph, but after that one starts to run out of dimensions.
In PCA one might have dozens or even a hundred or more independent factors, all of which need to be plotted on perpendicular axis. Using PCA one does this, then analyses the resultant multidimensional graph to find the set of two or three axis within the graph which contain the largest amount of information. For example the first Principal Coordinate will be a composite axis (i.e. at some angle through n-dimensional space) which has the most information when the points are plotted along it. The second axis is perpendicular to this (remember this is n-dimensional space, so there's a lot of perpendiculars) which contains the second largest amount of information etc.
Plotting the resultant graph in 2D or 3D will typically give you a visualization of the data which contains a significant amount of the information in the original dataset. It's usual for the technique to be considered valid to be looking for a representation that contains around 70% of the original data - enough to visualize relationships with some confidence that would otherwise not be apparent in the raw statistics. Notice that the technique requires that all factors have the same weight, but given that it's an extremely widely applicable method that deserves to be more widely know and is available in most statistical packages (I did my work on an ICL 2700 in 1980 - which is about as powerful as an iPhone)
maybe you have heard of PCA (principle component analysis), which is a Dimension reduction algorithm.
Others include LDA, matrix factorization based methods, etc.
Here's a simple example. You have a lot of text files and each file consists some words. There files can be classified into two categories. You want to visualize a file as a point in a 2D/3D space so that you can see the distribution clearly. So you need to do dimension reduction to transfer a file containing a lot of words into only 2 or 3 dimensions.
The dimensionality of a measurement of something, is the number of numbers required to describe it. So for example the number of numbers needed to describe the location of a point in space will be 3 (x,y and z).
Now lets consider the location of a train along a long but winding track through the mountains. At first glance this may appear to be a 3 dimensional problem, requiring a longitude, latitude and height measurement to specify. But this 3 dimensions can be reduced to one if you just take the distance travelled along the track from the start instead.
If you were given the task of using a neural network or some statistical technique to predict how far a train could get given a certain quantity of fuel, then it will be far easier to work with the 1 dimensional data than the 3 dimensional version.
It's a technique of data mining. Its main benefit is that it allows you to produce a visual representation of many-dimensional data. The human brain is peerless at spotting and analyzing patterns in visual data, but can process a maximum of three dimensions (four if you use time, i.e. animated displays) - so any data with more than 3 dimensions needs to somehow compressed down to 3 (or 2, since plotting data in 3D can often be technically difficult).
BTW, a very simple form of dimensionality reduction is the use of color to represent an additional dimension, for example in heat maps.
Suppose you're building a database of information about a large collection of adult human beings. It's also going to be quite detailed. So we could say that the database is going to have large dimensions.
AAMOF each database record will actually include a measure of the person's IQ and shoe size. Now let's pretend that these two characteristics are quite highly correlated. Compared to IQs shoe sizes may be easy to measure and we want to populate the database with useful data as quickly as possible. One thing we could do would be to forge ahead and record shoe sizes for new database records, postponing the task of collecting IQ data for later. We would still be able to estimate IQs using shoe sizes because the two measures are correlated.
We would be using a very simple form of practical dimension reduction by leaving IQ out of records initially. Principal components analysis, various forms of factor analysis and other methods are extensions of this simple idea.