Can I test my app on IPhone without enrolling in developer program? - ios

I'm relatively new to Swift, and I've been using the iOS simulator. It works, but I want to test my program on my iPhone. I've done a lot of searching for a way, and it looks like I'll have to pay $$99 to test an app I created on my iPhone. I don't want to release it on the app store. Did I overlook something, or will I have to pay $99?
EDIT: I may have been unclear about where I'd pay the 99$. It says I have to enroll in a developer program ($99).

Yes, you will have to pay to enroll in the Developer Program. This permits you to test your application on your phone and release it on the App Store. Please take a read through for more information.
2016 Edit: This is no longer the case. You can test on your device before enrolling in the Developer Program.

It Seems that starting from Xcode 7 you won't need a paid account to test on your device anymore.

To test on real device without paying you have to jailbreak your iPhone. Or you can use the simulator.
see : tutorial to debug on jailbroken iphone

You must enroll in iOS Developer Program if you want to test your code on the iPhone and release on the APP Store. You can use iPhone Simulator otherwise for learning for normal use. Here is the link for developer program and for more details use this


Can I test my Codename One app on my iOS device for free?

I have written a simple to-do list app in Codename One, and so far I have used the simulator to test it. I want to see how it looks on a real device (iPhone 5s or 8 Plus), but I don't want to purchase the Apple Developer membership. I really don't want to pay $99/year (I'm a beginner).
I know I can get the app on my device by jailbreaking it, but is that the only way?
So basically my question is, is there any method of installing my Codename One app on my iOS device (without paying for the membership or jailbreaking it)?
Clarification: I need to know how to test Codename One apps on my device. This is not the usual concern about how to test iOS apps on a device without membership or jailbreaking. I understand how to do this if I am coding in Swift.
This video from Codename One shows how I can generate native projects. This alone would be sufficient, but building the iOS app requires a certificate, which requires an Apple Developer membership.
You need a certificate from Apple to test on a device without using xcode and we can't realistically provide a way around it.
Getting a certificate for free from Apple is a different thing. Educational institutes usually have access to an educational apple developer account that allows you to do just that for free so if you are a student or know a student you can get access to one of those and use it to test your app on your device for free.
Since Xcode7 you can simply build on your device with Xcode, if you don't use any restricted capabilities. That said you would need to run your cross compiled code from Codename One in Xcode, to be able to run it on a device without a membership. (Not sure if it is possible to retrieve the cross compiled code.)
More context on building on device using Xcode:
Test iOS app on device without apple developer program or jailbreak

Can I test my Ionic App on my iOS device without Apple Developer Program

I tested my app on Android and Windows Phone 8.1 without any problem, and I want to test it on iOS.
I have never tested my App on it.
Before buying a Developer Program, I want to test my App first.
Is it possible to test my Ionic / Cordova App without having (paying 99$) Developer Program ?
If so how can I do that ?
As of XCode 7 it is possible to do this by getting a free Developers account, you should automatically get such an account when you try to deploy an app on a device in XCode.
There are however some limitations to such an account, you can compare all the memberships here. A much more detailed answer can be found here.
You could use Ionic View. I works great as long as you don't need to access non core plugins...

Deploy and test application on device

How do I run my XCode project on my iPod touch?
I am a developer, my iPod runs iOS 5.0.1, but I can not figure out how to do this.
You need an iOS Developer License (99$/year) and then, you need to follow these steps
1) Deploying iphone apps real devices
2) Testing Apps on the Devices
Now, you can test apps on real device without enrolling into Apple's $99 developer program. You only need to have free apple ID. Refer Apple Docs - Free On-Device Development.

Testing SMS in the iOS Simulator

Is it possible to open the message composer interface in the iPhone simulator in xcode? if it is can someone tell me how.. I really need it now and having hard times finding a solution how and why my code does not work on simulator.
It is not possible. This is one of the limitations of iOS Simulator. You also cannot test push notifications, iCloud, etc. If you need to test your code, you will have to join Apple's iOS Developer Program and test the app on your device. It's $99 per year.
Just as an update to this post, it's still true that you can't test these features on the iOS simulator; however, you CAN run your apps on your own personal device without having to pay for the $99/year developer license.
You can now just plug your phone in, wait for XCode to download and process some files, and then select your device from the "Devices" dropdown.
Here are a couple of resources that helped me out when getting this set up:
Xcode "Device Locked" When iPhone is unlocked
iOS Simulator is just a simulator that emulates the actual thing but Apple waters it down for developer usage. Many features are not available on the iOS Simulator because those features are not required for developers. Also Apple might have watered it down just to save storage and clear out unneeded features for iOS developers.

How do I test Flex App on iOS device(IPAD) without Registration to Developer Program?

Is there any way I can test my Flex application on Ipad device without registration to developer program?
I have heard that there are some converters, that converts .swf to app for mac. Is there some tools for iOS?
Device is jailbroken.
You can't create IPA without certificate. The only one way - find shared apple certificate (as i did). After that you will be able to convert and test on your device.
But be aware that non-jailbroken devices would not be able to install you application. So, if you rely to sell you product or install on other device the only one way - buy apple cert.
Check here: Adobe Air apps for ios
even if you have an jailbroken iPad, you can`t put your own apps inside. All of the need to be previously signed by a developer. The easiest way is to ask for a friend...
"Is there any way I can test my Flex application on Ipad device without registration to developer program?"
No. iPhone is just like that - thank Steve Jobs.
If you know an iPhone developer, you'll have to borrow his. Or pay the $100/year.
