Deploy and test application on device - ios

How do I run my XCode project on my iPod touch?
I am a developer, my iPod runs iOS 5.0.1, but I can not figure out how to do this.

You need an iOS Developer License (99$/year) and then, you need to follow these steps
1) Deploying iphone apps real devices
2) Testing Apps on the Devices

Now, you can test apps on real device without enrolling into Apple's $99 developer program. You only need to have free apple ID. Refer Apple Docs - Free On-Device Development.


Can I test my Flutter application in a real apple device without apple developer account, and if so how do I do it?

I've read the following SO Question and Article. The first SO Question says I need to have an apple developer account to test my application on a real IOS device, however I do not think the 100$ investment to get an apple developer account is worth it. So the Article states that I can deploy it using xcode but the article is targetted for Ionic users. I however, am not an Ionic developer but I am a Flutter developer.
What I want to know is if the Article is feasible for Flutter, and is the minimum iOS version 9.0. Any help would be appreciated thank you!
You can also test on real device without apple paid developer program(you need to add free iclocud id in xcode).
do 'flutter run' on your mac with iphone connected and app will work on real device (if not working run'flutter doctor' and see is your iphone showing i connected devices)
usually what i do is first run on simulator with flutter run which builds ios files then i goto flutter-project-directory/ios/ open any file by double click it will show open ios module in xcode click it. now you can run or upload app to testflight/appstore like we do with native IOS app.
Flutter is supported down to iOS 8.0. I think you can test on a Simulator without an account at all, and you just need an Apple account and an iOS device to test on a real device and build the app. You pay the 100$/year to upload on the App Store.

Can I test my app on IPhone without enrolling in developer program?

I'm relatively new to Swift, and I've been using the iOS simulator. It works, but I want to test my program on my iPhone. I've done a lot of searching for a way, and it looks like I'll have to pay $$99 to test an app I created on my iPhone. I don't want to release it on the app store. Did I overlook something, or will I have to pay $99?
EDIT: I may have been unclear about where I'd pay the 99$. It says I have to enroll in a developer program ($99).
Yes, you will have to pay to enroll in the Developer Program. This permits you to test your application on your phone and release it on the App Store. Please take a read through for more information.
2016 Edit: This is no longer the case. You can test on your device before enrolling in the Developer Program.
It Seems that starting from Xcode 7 you won't need a paid account to test on your device anymore.
To test on real device without paying you have to jailbreak your iPhone. Or you can use the simulator.
see : tutorial to debug on jailbroken iphone
You must enroll in iOS Developer Program if you want to test your code on the iPhone and release on the APP Store. You can use iPhone Simulator otherwise for learning for normal use. Here is the link for developer program and for more details use this

iPad jailbreak affect original application development?

I am iOS developer.Now, I develop iPad an iPhone apps for my company. I have an iPad and now I have decided to buy my own Mac ;). I would like to develop applications to then upload to the AppStore.
Also I am interesed to jailbreak my device but before that I would like to know if this affect to the original development. If I could have problems to test original apps with orginal provisioning in my jailbroken iPad.
Thanks a lot ;)
I have a jailbroken iPad 1 running iOS 5.0.1 and I haven't had any difficulty provisioning it and testing my apps on it.
No, it will not affect your testing ability.

How do I test Flex App on iOS device(IPAD) without Registration to Developer Program?

Is there any way I can test my Flex application on Ipad device without registration to developer program?
I have heard that there are some converters, that converts .swf to app for mac. Is there some tools for iOS?
Device is jailbroken.
You can't create IPA without certificate. The only one way - find shared apple certificate (as i did). After that you will be able to convert and test on your device.
But be aware that non-jailbroken devices would not be able to install you application. So, if you rely to sell you product or install on other device the only one way - buy apple cert.
Check here: Adobe Air apps for ios
even if you have an jailbroken iPad, you can`t put your own apps inside. All of the need to be previously signed by a developer. The easiest way is to ask for a friend...
"Is there any way I can test my Flex application on Ipad device without registration to developer program?"
No. iPhone is just like that - thank Steve Jobs.
If you know an iPhone developer, you'll have to borrow his. Or pay the $100/year.

Deploy iOS program to iPhone

Suppose I have written a little program by Xcode 4, how can I test this program in iPhone instead of the iOS Simulator?
Should I export the program to a file like .apk(in Android) and installing in iPhone?
Or I must sign it and upload to App Store, then install it by App Store?
Two options:
Pay Apple $99 to become a developer.
Get a jailbroken iPhone.
If you want it on the App Store, then you must take option 1.
If you are registered in the Apple Developer Program you can install the app in your iPhone for testing.
