Xcode 6: "Archive validation failed with error" "Invalid image path" - ios

I'm trying to validate my app to distribution but I'm getting this error:
The strange thing is that in my info.plist file I have an empty dictionary in the "CFBundleIcons" key:
I know there are similar questions posted but this case is a little particular also this is my app icon source:
Anyone have any idea how I can resolve this?

Even I encountered this problem once. Try this.
Select your app icon and uncheck the CarPlay option.


iTunes Store Operation Failed error: 122 (51) while uploading .ipa to iTunes Connect

I'm receiving this error when uploading my archive file. I have tried a lot of things and don't know what's going on.
Also there are not similar issues in the web.
Errors are:
Destination: Disk quota exceeded (5)
iTunes Store Operation Failed error: 122 (51)
You should validate your *.ipa and fix the real problem.
In my case it was
Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in
'***.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.
I just noticed this too, after performing a validate it turns out I had forgotten to increase the version, wonderfully stupid.
The less said about the "iTunes Store Operation Failed" error of "Destination: Disk quota exceeded" the better.
I have the same problem. In my case the version is not the problem because is the first upload of my app. It seems there are problems in Apple servers
I got the same error. All I did to fix this was:
1.Added all sizes App Icons, including 1024*1024
2.Disable Bitcode while archiving (see screenshot)
I think it's the question of apple...
Now it works, I did not change anything, so this is Apple's problem
I fought with the same issue the whole morning today...
In my case the error list contained one another error (something related to wrong signing profiles). After I fixed the issue with wrong profiles, the problem with "Disk quota exceeded / error: 122" didn't occur anymore.
The question is: Have you got any other issues on your error list? Maybe solving them will fix your problem as well as in mine case.
Maybe you have got another issue doesn't listed on the error list? Try 'Validate' your app first before sending to AppStore.
Use officially released, not Beta version of Xcode for builds archiving.

Xcode Archive Validation Error: "No suitable application records were found."

I am currently having issues validating and uploading my Xcode to itunesconnect. I have done it plenty of times before with other build numbers and now all of a sudden it will not work. I am using an opensource framework called SCLAlertView. Uploading my project with that framework in the past was fine but now it will not work. I have searched through just about every related thread from google and could not find a solution. The exact error is "Archive validation operation failed due to the issues listed below. iTunes Store operation failed. No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.SCLAlertView' is correct." I tried messing with the code signing identifier and provisional profile settings but nothing seems to be working. Also I would like to emphasize that the error is only given for the SCLAlertView framework, not my main application. I would appreciate any advice on how to fix this issue. Thanks in advance.

Archive validation failed with errors;

Archive validation failed with errors; Unable to validate your
application - Could not find a CFBundlePackageType within the
info.plist; or the package is missing an info.plist.
I'm beginner developer. I just start iOS system.
I first make the code in Xcode, it's OK about Simulator.
When I'm archiving the app in Xcode, I find this error message like photo.
So, I have a googling, I see the this website... developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation
But, I don't understand it... Could you tell me some tips?
my property status...

Archive validation error

I am running the GM version of Xcode 6 and am trying to validate my archive of my app. I went through iTunes Connect and filled in all the required information, yet when I try and validate I get an error saying "iTunes Store operation failed. Error Description not available." I've read somewhere that it needs to be in a state "Waiting for upload", but in the new iTunes Connect I don't know how to change it to that from "Prepare for Submission." The only thing that causes error in Connect is that I haven't selected a build, and to my knowledge (my first app) I can't do that until I validate mine. Any help is appreciated!
Happens to me as well, use Application Loader to submit.
Also, this link might help you when you receive error "this bundle is invalid. armv7s are required to include armv7 architecture" from Application Loader: IOS Application loader shows bundle error.
Did you signed correctly your app for distribution ??
Goto Project Targets -> Code Signing and set the Provisioning Profile -> Release to your production/distribution profile. Even setting it to Automatic doesn't seem to work.
Alternatively, use Application Loader 2.9.1 to submit the app. Here is the link to download Application Loader 2.9.1
I had an exact same issue, and after hours looking around the internet, try everything I can but no luck. Then I figured out that... it's iTunes Connect issues!
Try to submit again and again, sometime the connection was broke, and the message "Error Description not available" appears (what' an easy-understand-message!!???!?! Why not "Connection problem, try again later")
In my case, I didn't change anything, and in the 7th try, it was submitted!
Of course the code signing is matter as well, just make sure you have a correct one for AppStore submission.
Hope it helps!
In my case it was the sporadically working internet that caused the issue. Just when you wish Apple was a little more detailed about the errors they throw back at us. Could have easily said "lost internet connection" or something to that effect.

Unable to authenticate the package: 721772200.itmsp

I am writing because I have a serious problem - I have bought the Commander Cool game on the cartoonsmart site. However, a serious problem occured. The application cannot be accepted by the iTune Connect validation. I tried to publish it from two different developer accounts and the error still occurs. The error suggests some problems with the certificate but I am sure it is 100% right because I have published more than 20 apps in the App Store as for now. I ask you for help because you are my last hope. The only thing I changed was to add armv6 in Valid Architectures because without it the app could not load.
Error is displayed via iTunes Connect:
"The following issues were found during validation:
Apple's web service operation was not successful
Unable to authenticate the package: 721772200.itmsp
ERROR ITMS-9000: "The bundle 'com. . ' at bundle path 'Payload/CommanderCool.app is not signed using an Apple submission certificate." at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MSItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)?
Maybe you have additional errors like a missing 120x120 icon, if that is the case you should follow this
'Missing recommended icon file - The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format'
Fix other problems and then you could be able to submit your app, I was having the same problem.
Check the icon file name in Plist file. This may be occur due to wrong icon file name.
Move your icons and splashs to asset catlogs.
I was also facing this problem in xcode 5, actually i was trying to build code which was written in previous version of xcode (4.3 i guess).
I had the same error. In my case, the iPhone 5 was conected.
Disconnect the phone.
Select IOS Device (in simulators).
Then archive.
