Visual Log Viewer for Ruby On Rails 4.2 - ruby-on-rails

I have worked previously on Laravel 4 and there is an awesome log viewer tool for it laravel log viewer view demo
I'm looking something very similar for Ruby on rails 4.2, if you guys know any good visual logging GEM for Rails 4.2 please let me know..
From code I need to log at different log levels, and this tool should visually organize my logs, thanks..

This should get you started
As it says
This gem is heavily inspired from lograge, but it's focused on one
thing and one thing only. That's making your logs awesome like this
More here

Another simpler gem is - it just shows your default rails logs, in the browser, with syntax highlighting.

Also see:
We use it in production across thousands of Discourse instances.


Is it possible to use piwik with Rails 4.2 and postgres

I am looking for an open source web analytic for my Rails 4.2 app, so after some research I found that piwik fit my needs. can I use "piwik" with postgresql ? it seems that they only support mysql but I am not sure if it still true at this moment!
also I've found a post about how to integrate it within Rails here but they use piwik_analytics which is a Gem for Ruby on Rails 3.x and may not work with 4.2 !
All the information I've found are a little outdated and I am not sure if there is a way to make it work with my current requirements. any help please ?
Piwik supports only MySQL, that's true
You don't need any gem because Piwik just needs to load some Javascript that needs to be embedded into your layout/views. The Rails app doesn't directly interact with it, only your visitors' browser. Which also means that it shouldn't matter whether it supports Postgres because it will most likely run on another machine as your Rails app.
Regarding the gem you mentioned: I looked at it, too, when adding Piwik analytics to my app, but in the end went with writing the few required lines of JS myself.

Setting up ruby on rails gem ga_events

I am relatively new to web dev and I am trying to set up the ruby on rails gem ga_events ( I am doing this because I need to have google analytics event tracking within controllers and this gem seems like a good way to do it. The issue I am having is where the readme says, "After requiring ga_events.js, you have to choose an adapter." I am using Google Universal Analytics and thus I would like to choose that one. It doesn't say specifically how to do this. Where do I put that code block ( Do I need to make a new file somewhere?
I'm assuming it's obvious for a more experienced developer. More detailed instructions+explanation would be really helpful. Thanks.
I'm using Rails 4.0.13 and Ruby 2.0.0p643.
I was having the same issue here! Turns out, it is just javascript code.
I put mine under application.js since it's a code that need to be on every page.

Using Windows Authentication in Ruby on Rails

I'm working on a Rails app for an internal project and can't work out how to set up the users model to use Windows Authentication for logging in. I had a look and can't find anything that was covering this topic. I've managed to configure Rails to use SQLServer fine but I'm just blanking here.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe this article helps:

Jasper Reports in Ruby on Rails

I have assigned to use jasperserver reports in a rails application.
There is a plugin for jasperserver to use in Ruby application.
I want to know whether this plugin can use in my rails 3 version of application.
I've checked in .But it shows "no result found".
I'l be please if u people gave me any help link.
According to the wiki, the author recommends you install it as a gem & not as a plugin. They go on to give an example of how to use the gem in a rails project on this wiki page.
I haven't used this, but your compatibility issues probably won't be with rails. Maybe the ruby version or soap4r version - but there don't seem to be any rails dependencies here.
You maybe use this simple ruby script for this =>

Error Logging in Rails

My team has recently switched to rails, and we're yet to implement an error logging solution for our project.
I'd like something like Elmah - - where the errors and details are logged and easily accessible.
Are there any suggestions?
I use and like Hoptoad (disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with them in any way). Another popular service in the Rails world for doing the same thing is Exceptional.
I did a quick search for a gem on Rails log analyzing and came across this awesome looking project called request-log-analyzer lead by wvanbergen. You can find the project on github:
Also, take a look at some sample output:
This would be a very simple and effective way of tracking request-related errors, obviously.
For non-request-related errors that you'd like to log, I'd recommend just using the built-in Logger and seeing if either 1) request-log-analyzer can interface with a non-request log file or if 2) you can play with the request-log-analyzer to also parse and display your own error log file in a similar fashion.
