iOS Enterprise distribution error - "cannot connect to server"? - ios

I have three iOS enterprise apps on our internet server, and our users have been downloading OTA just fine until today. All of a sudden, I get this message:
Our IT guys have been scrambling to make sure there's nothing wrong with the server. Everything checks out. The .PLIST files and the .IPA files and their locations have not changed.
I updated the iOS in my phone to 8.2, the error is still there.
I remember a while back that Apple decreed that the install files must be served from an SSL directory, which I discovered after a similar problem occurred. We have since fixed that and everything has been hunky-dory until today. Has Apple made some other change like that? I can't find anything on the Apple Developer's page that addresses that. Hoping someone else has been luckier than I.

Problem solved. It turns out that the MIME types for .ipa and .plist somehow disappeared from the IIS's list of MIME types. Therein lies another troubling problem -- how the heck did that happen?
Thanks for your time, Paulw11.


Why won't my iOS beta app connect to network / internet?

I'm facing a weird problem.
While I was testing my app on xCode, everything was working like a charm, even internet accessing.
I uploaded my build to Testflight and my testers won't be able to connect.
Even more surprising : I realize that the one I'm using on my phone is the xCode build, not installed via testflight, and still wont be able to access the internet while it was perfectly able to do so while connected to xCode...
EDIT : tested my web service which works as well
Did any one of you already face this problem ? How should I solve this ?
Thanks very much in advance
I Had a deeper look into it after #Ladislav and #Losiowaty suggestions.
The problem was actually elsewere. The app behavior was like if there was a network problem. I didn't remember about it but I changed one line in the returned jSon use, which caused a non fatal error and the results not showing, which couldn't be seen without reading logs.
Thank you all for your time anyway !

Unable to upload apps to iTunes Connect

I'm currently unable to upload apps up to iTunes. I have tried to use Xcode to to validate but this returns an error 434 but doesn't really give any information with regards to what the issue may be. I then try to use App Loader which goes through successfully and uploads but then I get an automated email from Apple with the following:
Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
I've trawled through google for the best part of today trying various fixes, recreated my provisioning profiles and I seem to have gotten nowhere. I've even gone so far as to create a brand new app and add my code in case it was a dodgy build setting but again, I still get the same result.
This should probably be put as a work around but I've managed to fix it.
On my google travels a couple of posts suggested exporting as Ad-Hoc, this is what caused the issue with application loader and Apple rejecting the binary. I've exported as iOS App Store Development and the submission went through successfully and I'm now able to select the binary in iTunes Connect.
However, this has not resolved my issue with Xcode validation and uploading so for now I'll continue to use the application loader but if anyone has any input with regards to what this issue may be, I'd appreciate it.

How to get crash logs of Testflight external testers on Xcode or iTunes connect?

Is there any ways to know what's wrong with someone's app. It is working on everyone else's device but this person.
The person tried removing the previous version and installing the new one, but it still does not work. I suspect that one of the files that I place in the documents folder might still be there... but the format of this file has changed since...
Apple has a technote about this named Debugging Deployed iOS Apps.
Also, if your tester syncs up their iPhone with a Macintosh or PC, iTunes also helpfully moves logs into predictable places where they can be retrieved from.
I am attempting to solve this logging of execution in TestFlight with the following simple approach...
In in-App Billing you really have to use TestFlight, so the problem is serious.
The "print("text") statements can be replaced in the code to calls to a func printTestFlight(text: String) which writes the strings to a database along with some identifier so you know the user.
This is quite simple and obvious, and to an extent it works.
If there are events which are logged by the os rather than teh user, then this approach misses those, notably the interesting ones around a crash. I'd be happy to hear from anyone who knows how to do thiso

Failed to Make ipa file

When I try to achrvie the Xcode showing the message " Fetching list of teams from the Developer portal " . It always timed out. Can't fetch the team.
I Accounts it Showing Apple Id not having any Development Teams. I have added the Apple Id
I have just tried to make same and it's working properly for me. So, problem is not from Apple Side.
Please check your internet connection properly and try again.
Apple is facing some big problems for last two weeks and due to iTunesConnect Outage they are facing some problem in uploading the new application on AppStore. But here you can also check if your internet connection is good and make sure it is not low internet connectivity.
Here there is also some issue with Xcode 6.2 so better you delete the team and add them again and try to upload the application via Xcode.
In case you are still facing the same issue then better export the .ipa file and upload with "Application Loader" software from Apple.
It's because of low internet connectivity. If your internet connection is not proper then you cannot get an apple account through which you can make an IPA.
July 2015
I'm using XCode 6.4, and today, its been happily building Ad-Hoc .ipas for me all day, but now, on the same MacBook Pro, it's timing out every time on this same "Fetching list of teams from the developer portal" message.
Sometimes, it (eventually) returns a "The request timed out" message, sometimes I just get this...
And no, this isn't an internet problem...
This issue has been reported on several StackOverflow threads over the past few months. Usually it works, but sometimes it doesn't, and, in usual Xcode fashion, it gives no hint as to the cause/solution.
(How can the same company produce such a fantastic OS and hardware, yet their development environment is so consistantly bad, year after year...?)
Out of desperation, I rebooted my MacBook, and now, it happily manages to load the list of teams.
(Just closing all Xcode instances wasn't enough to fix the issue.)
Welcome to the 1990s, folks.
I've tried everything that been said. Nothing works, what I do is try and cancel every moment that you know it will fail. Like a traffic that cant continue because of load of request.

Adobe AIR for iOS - device does not have enough space

I need to install a flash file using adobe air for ios on my iPhone.
I know of this link here that had a similar problem with the same error message
But here is my issue, I have created an empty document, nothing in it and created the certificates and provisional profiles in my apple developer portal and it keeps giving the message "device error: please check if there is enough space on the device"
I have over 3Gb free on my device, so I am not sure why it is saying that.
Is there anything else I need to check or do especially?
I have done direct testing and created ad0hoc files and nothing works.
Any tips would be great, in the mean time I will keep googling, but no luck as yet.
So I fixed the issue - I re-created the .p12 certificates and it worked. Not sure why it didn't the first time.
I am not sure about the moderators for the forum, but maybe this could be turned into a protected post where people can post their issues and help each other rather than creating more posts on this same topic??
