Background fetch alternatives - ios

I want to my app do some computations and then communicate with external server via HTTP. I would like to perform this operations both in foreground and background. It seems that Background fetch mode is best choice for me but I have some concerns related with this. What is the minimal time interval between fetches? I read somewhere this is 10 min, is that true? I read also that when user force quit fetches are no longer invoked. Is there any walk around to this? Finally, is there any alternative to background fetch? I saw there is Newsstand mode what looks promising. Can I use it for my purposes?

If you use background fetch or another background mode and don't really use it for the intended use, iOS will detect that an kill your app. (the most promising mode for that would be VOIP, but this would't make it into the App Store, as it's a cheat either)
You can start a background task, when your app enters background, what gives you 3 minutes time (iOS 7 and above).
As I did it before, you can schedule a local notification and use it to remind the user, that he should bring the app back into the foreground for more calculations, if he likes.


Execute a Task after specific time, even if app is in background on iOS using Swift

I have a VPN-Client app that asks the user to pause the connection for 5, 30, and 120 Minutes. The user probably leaves the application to do some work outside of my app in this period, therefore I need to Reconnect the app even if is in the background.
I tested these ways:
UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask: It only leaves the app unsuspended for 30 seconds. .background).asyncAfter: It waits to app enter the foreground to toggle.
Thread.sleep in Background Thread: This waits to launch as DispatchQueue
Local Notification: Unfortunately it does not support silent mode as APNS.
My problem with possible ways:
Using APNS and Scheduled Push Notification` to send a silent message: This way probably works, but I prefer to handle it without a server.
Using Background Fetch from Capabilities in Background Modes: I searched a lot about this, and I think it was used for background app refresh and cycling tasks that should be run every day, hour, etc. Therefore, my case can't be used, or it's not efficient at all.
Using Background processing from Capabilities in Background Modes: I searched a lot about this too, I didn't quite catch that it can be used once, or this should be used in a cyclic way as Background Fetch. and my task to reconnect is not that heavy and long to use this strict feature that many times apple mentioned using alternative ways if possible.
Apple only allows a very limited set of app types to run in the background:
Music streaming apps, turn-by-turn navigation apps, VoIP apps, and maybe one or 2 more. (I haven't looked at this in detail for a couple of years so my info is a little stale.)
They do support various tasks like background downloading that the system performs on your app's behalf, but you want your app to re-launch after the designated period and start running again. (Even if the user just locks their phone while your app is paused, the app won't get any CPU time and may be terminated without warning.)
In short, I suspect you are out of luck.
It seems like a VPN app is another class of app that should get "always running in the background" status.
If you are a licensed Apple developer I suggest using one of your pre-paid support tickets to ask about OS support for what you are trying to do, but I have a feeling the answer is going to be "no dice."

iOS Backrground Sync Alternative for enterprise apps?

I have been investigating iOS background fetch for our enterprise applications. According to articles like this, there are limitations like having 30 seconds to download before the app is terminated and the may be (unconfirmed) a penalty where after 3 timeouts, an app gets banned from background sync. Also if the user kills the app, fetches stop happening -noted here.
The goal is to be able to retrieve data from our servers periodically when app is suspended/not running but sometimes the transfers can take minutes due to long running SQL. I don't want to implement sending periodic notifications to all users.
Before I go down the path of developing for the iOS background sync, I needed to do some due diligence and research alternatives to iOS's background sync and didn't find anything.
Has anyone seen or developed an alternative to iOS's background sync or dealt with this issue for their enterprise apps?
As an enterprise app there's nothing extra you can do except that you can use whatever background modes you want (audio, location, voip etc,) without needing to have a legitimate reason to do so.
Where this might assist is:
you could make use of a significant location change (as opposed to a regular location change) notification to run your app in the background. The problem with this is it of course depends on the user of your app to move around. However, assuming everybody in your workforce commutes to/from work with their iPhone then you would have two opportunities each day for the app to run in the background. A app run due to a location change can be made to execute in the background for more than 30 seconds.
voip pushes: Unlike a regular push notification, a voip push will launch the app even if the user has force terminated it. To make use of this functionality is only a tiny bit more effort than using regular push, you don't have to do anything regarding making or receiving an actual voip call, you just need the voip capability and voip certificates instead of normal push certificates.
The comment in that link is not correct regarding force quitting and background fetch - a user force quitting an app does not make it ineligible to run for a background fetch, I have force quit my own app that uses background fetch but it will still be started by the OS, however what will happen is that the frequency when the app is run will decrease lots, and if the user never runs the app again then the OS will stop launching it.
A user force quitting an app will prevent other things from happening, such as it running in the background in response to a silent push notification for example (unless its a voip push).
Also the 30 seconds in not related to download times, NSURLConnection would stop after 30 seconds, NSURLSession is designed to continue to download on your app's behalf. But if you are downloading and then applying lengthy SQL processing it would be an issue. But minutes of processing time seems excessive, are you sure its all optimized?
The goal is to be able to retrieve data from our servers periodically when app is suspended/not running
The only reliable way to achieve such a behaviour is implementing a User-facing Remote (Push) Notifications framework on backend & apps.
You can append 4kB (or 5 for VOIP) worth of data in the push JSON payload, eliminating need for a network fetch request if implemented in a handshake mechanism.
You can evaluate usage on Silent Remote Notifications to augment content updation & fetch small amounts of content opportunistically, though it has the same as Background App Refresh.
You can definitely improve the API that can take minutes due to long running SQL
And remember you need to have the app updated only when the user actually fires it up. Evaluate implementing a catchy & smooth fetching content screen that transitions into the actual screens once all data is fetched.

swift/ios refreshing app data when in background

I'm writing a iOS/Swift application which reads data from a REST service each X minutes and updates the UI accordingly.
Now I would like that when the app is put in the background, a task keeps being invoked at X minutes intervals reading from the REST service and, in case the data just read satisfies a given condition, show a notification prompting the user to bring the app back to the foreground.
In my searches I've read that during applicationDidEnterBackground event, I should start a task with beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler.
The problem is that, if I've understood correctly, this allows a maximum of 10/15 minutes after which the app is terminated if the task is not stopped with endBackgroundUpdateTask, while I want the task to keep polling the service indefinitely (at least until the user disable it from the app's settings)
My question is:
How is this kind of functionality performed normally? Do some common solutions or best practices exist for the solution of such a problem?
Use iOS Background Fetch feature where you can specify minimum background fetch interval. But actual interval between successive invocation of your code will be determined by iOS framework. For details checkout this link:
I use this approach in my app and I think it is a preferred way of doing.
You can use a local notification that can be presented from the background in case your condition is met.
Correct, iOS will eventually shut down the background process, you can't enforce continuous background activity. Use the backgroundTimeRemaining property to check how much time your application has left and try to handle it as gracefully as possible by calling endBackgroundTask so that iOS does not force kill your app.
As a solution, you could think about using remote notifications with with content-available : YES, which runs the didReceiveRemoteNotification
Have a look at the Their local datastore is an abstraction for what you are trying to acheive.
By the way, is it really necessary to refresh in the background. If call is relatively quick, there is no need to refresh until the user open's the app. Background processes like that, using the net can be quite battery consuming when the user are not on a Wifi. So consider the use case carefully!

Call web service even if ios app is in background

In my application I need to log user status every 15 minutes. Is it possible if the app is in background (not killed)??
Currently I enables the Background location update. But how to call in each and every 15 minutes
While other answers are correct about background fetch, there is also another background option called VoIP, which apps like Skype use. In this case OS will wake up your application more frequently (even every 10 minutes if I remember correctly) and you can keep pinging your server in background. The obvious down side is that your app must have Voice over IP functionality, otherwise it would get rejected on the App Store.
All you need to do is add call setKeepAliveTimeout:handler: method and have voip enabled in background capabilities.
Just adding this for the sake of completion.
You may want to look at the Background Fetch capabilities added in iOS7 and beyond: (Search for background fetch)
You won't be able to control the interval to exactly 15 minutes but you will find that this mechanism is the closest Apple will allow.
It is not possible to perform network calls at clearly specified intervals when your app is in background mode. You can tell your app to use background fetches
This article gives a great overview on the capabilities that you can do with this API. Basically it allows you to tell iOS that your app wants to perform networking calls in the background, however you can't exactly control when and how often iOS the network calls are going to be performed. iOS will schedule your network calls for you, and depending on how your app is used it will adopt the frequency with which it performs the requests. Documentation can be found here.

is iOS background mode needed if app works when suspended?

I need my iPhone app to do some tasks in the background when it's suspended, but I don't need to do any tasks after it's turned off. Do I need to settle UIBackgroundMode?
Yes, to execute code continuously in the background state, you need to register for a given UIBackgroundMode.
See here or here for a good source on this.
However if you just wish to perform a single background task (task completion), you don't need a background mode.
In response to your comment below, I will try to be clear:
In iOS, even in iOS 7, it's not possible to run arbitrary code when your application is in a background state indefinitely.
In simple English, - you can't just run any code you like in the background for as long as you like.
There are rules.
These rules have been relaxed somewhat in iOS 7, but it's still not totally unrestricted.
Consider your situation: You have a timer that wants to call a method on a continuous basis.
Now consider the UIBackgroundModes available (which allow you to run in the background in various situations):
audio - Only for audio based apps.
location - Only if you app is location aware, does specific location tasks
voip - VOIP (Skype etc)
fetch (Background fetch - a new iOS 7 API where the system gives you application moments to grab new content when it sees fit.
remote-notification - new in iOS 7, when the device receives a remote push notification with a certain payload, it will resume and execute a certain block of code.
newsstand-content - Only for newsstand apps
external-accessory - Only for external accessories to communicate with the device
bluetooth-peripheral Only for external BT accessories to communicate with the device (fitbit)
As you can see if you don't fall into one of these categories you can't use these modes.
If you misuse the modes Apple won't approve your application.
Finally we have 'Background task completion'
This is a way to use a UIBackgroundTask to execute any code you want in the background! Including timers that call methods! - One problem though...
This is supposed to be for 'task completion' (Facebook uploads that aren't complete, saving or processing data that should be done before the app suspends even though the user pressed the home button).
Sounds good, but you can only run in the background using this method for a maximum of 10 minutes. If you go over this time limit iOS will immediately kill your application.
So as you can see, there is no way for your application to be approved on the store and constantly run in the background with a timer that calls your method.
Sorry about that.
If you want to learn more check this out.
Use the location service and set NO location manager "pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically" property.
