Good features to compare an image with a capture of this image - opencv

I want to capture one frame with all the frames stored in a database. This frame is captured by the mobile phone, while the database is with the original ones. I have been searching most days in order to find a good method to compare them, taking into account that they have not the same resolution, colors and luminance, etc. Does anyone have an idea?
I have already done the preprocessing step of the captured frame to be as faithful as possible than the original one with C++ and the OpenCV library. But then, I do not know what can be a good feature to compare them or not.
Any comment will be very helpful, thank you!
EDIT: I implemented an algorithm which compares the difference between the two images resized to 160x90, in grayscale and quantized. The results are the following:
The mean value of the image difference is 13. However, if I use two completely different images, the mean value of the image difference is 20. So, I do not know if this measure can be improved on some manner in order to have a better margin for the matching.
Thanks for the help in advance.

Cut the color depth from 24-bits per pixel (or whatever) to 8 or 16 bits per pixel. You may be able use a posterize function for this. Then resize both images to a small size (maybe 16x16 or 100x100, depending on your images), and then compare. This should match similar images fairly closely. It will not take into account different rotation and locations of objects in the image.


How to resize(reshape) the images in CNN? Mathematical intuition behind resizing

I have been working on Images for few months for my internship, and recently I have been wondering that is there a mathematical way of resizing the images.
This becomes a fairly difficult task to resize the images because many a times freshers like me have little experience about the pre-processing in Images.
Given that my problem statement was Gender classification using the human eye. However I found it difficult because
The images were 3 channel
The images were in rectangular shape (17:11)
I did try to resize the images by following few blogs which said to start small and then go up, while it could have worked I still did not understand how small. I resized them to 800,800 randomly and go Resource Exhaustive error(I was using GPU).
So I ask the community if there is any such mathematical formula or a generalized way of doing the resizing task.
Thank you in advance.
This partially answers your question. But, normally many people use transfer learning and a pre-designed architecture for computer vision tasks. Since almost all architecture is designed for square input shape, you can get a better results by making the shape of your input image squared. Another solution would be only padding your 17X11 to make it square by 0 values. (you need to test to see which one works best in your case, but the common practice is re-shaping to square.)
It is fine to have 3 channel images, almost all images are designed for 3 channel input ( even for BW images it is suggested to repeat the channel to have 3 channel input for the model)
About resizing
About resizing the image, in theory, you need to resize the image to the model you are going to use. For example, LeNet-5 accepts images of Mnist with size 28x28. In theory, larger images result in better model performance, but in your case, the images are super low resolution you can start with 28x28 or 224x224 architectures and later use bigger ones and see if it helps in your case.
About the error it's pretty normal your model size was going to be bigger than your GPU memory so, you see Out of memory error. you can use a smaller model ( and smaller input image size) with your device, or you need to use a device with bigger GPU memory.
Finally, you should consider the size of architecture you are going to reuse to determine the correct resize of the dataset you need. If you are designing your model then best starting point can be something around 28x28 ( basically using Lenet) and later developing based on needs/performance.
the resizing can be as easy as calling a Transform with Pytorch transforms like ( i mean you don't need to manually recreate a copy of the dataset just for resizing)

Is there a way to identify if two images are nearly identical in Objective-C?

Say you have two images:
These pictures are nearly identical save for a few pixels that are different colors. Is there a native way in Objective-C to identify if two pictures are nearly identical? If not, is there another way to do it?
In computer vision and image processing the definition for nearly identical can vary a lot from application to application, therefore the method to calculate similarity/identity will also vary depending on the problem at hand.
In your case it seems that the images have identical resolutions and you are just interested in the number of pixels that are different.
I would suggest that you iterate over both images and XOR the pixel values (if they are identical, the result will be zero).
My suggestion for identifying if two images are nearly identical is doing a pixel by pixel comparison between both images and keeping track of the similarities as a percentage (or difference since you want to determine if two images are "nearly identical" and the amount of processing/operations for determining differences would be less compared to determining similarities).
Furthermore this is all subjective. Are you referring to "nearly identical" on a pixel level or human eye level? Hope this was helpful :)
No, there is definitely no native way to do that in Objective-C – I mean no explicit method on e.g. NSImage. but you can surely do it the hard way, comparing pixel to pixel etc.
Also there is no clear definition of "identical", since two images can seem identical for the human eyes, but can be totally different from another point of view.
Regarding your question which you added in your edit:
There is for example OpenCV, which can do a lot of stuff you could use. Have a look at it OpenCV
…and also there is another nice discussion here on StackOverflow: Image Comparison - fast algorithm

EMGU OpenCV disparity only on certain pixels

I'm using the EMGU OpenCV wrapper for c#. I've got a disparity map being created nicely. However for my specific application I only need the disparity values of very few pixels, and I need them in real time. The calculation is taking about 100 ms now, I imagine that by getting disparity for hundreds of pixel values rather than thousands things would speed up considerably. I don't know much about what's going on "under the hood" of the stereo solver code, is there a way to speed things up by only calculating the disparity for the pixels that I need?
First of all, you fail to mention what you are really trying to accomplish, and moreover, what algorithm you are using. E.g. StereoGC is a really slow (i.e. not real-time), but usually far more accurate) compared to both StereoSGBM and StereoBM. Those last two can be used real-time, providing a few conditions are met:
The size of the input images is reasonably small;
You are not using an extravagant set of parameters (for instance, a larger value for numberOfDisparities will increase computation time).
Don't expect miracles when it comes to accuracy though.
Apart from that, there is the issue of "just a few pixels". As far as I understand, the algorithms implemented in OpenCV usually rely on information from more than 1 pixel to determine the disparity value. E.g. it needs a neighborhood to detect which pixel from image A map to which pixel in image B. As a result, in general it is not possible to just discard every other pixel of the image (by the way, if you already know the locations in both images, you would not need the stereo methods at all). So unless you can discard a large border of your input images for which you know that you'll never find your pixels of interest there, I'd say the answer to this part of your question would be "no".
If you happen to know that your pixels of interest will always be within a certain rectangle of the input images, you can specify the input image ROIs (regions of interest) to this rectangle. Assuming OpenCV does not contain a bug here this should speedup the computation a little.
With a bit of googling you can to find real-time examples of finding stereo correspondences using EmguCV (or plain OpenCV) using the GPU on Youtube. Maybe this could help you.
Disclaimer: this may have been a more complete answer if your question contained more detail.

Find differences between two images but *not* pixel to pixel

I hope someone will be able to help me.
I have pairs of black and white images that resulted from scanning texts with a large scanner (resulting files are up 500M). The texts scanned are nearly identical, and I need to check if there are any substantial differences.
Obviously I can not compare pixel by pixel since the same image scanned into a bmp will give me a slightly different result every time I scan.
Does anyone know of any library - open source or commertial - that I can buy or download, and build a .NET application around it.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Use perceptive hashing. It checks if two images are similar.
You can also compute feature descriptor using one of the many algorithms available in open cv and just compare the vector distances. Consider images as same if the distanced is below some threshold.
You can try GIST, SURF, SIFT, etc. (Some are scale and rotation invariant also).
If you're working with text only, you could OCR both images and compare the extracted text.

Image Comparison

What is the efficient way to compare two images in visual c..?
Also in which format images has to be stored.(bmp, gif , jpeg.....)?
Please provide some suggestions
If the images you are trying to compare have distinctive characteristics that you are trying to differentiate then PCA is an excellent way to go. The question of what format of the file you need is irrelevant really; you need to load it into the program as an array of numbers and do analysis.
Your question opens a can of worms in terms of complexity.
If you want to compare two images to check if they are the same, then you need to perform an md5 on the file (removing possible metainfos which could distort your result).
If you want to compare if they look the same, then it's a completely different story altogether. "Look the same" is intended in a very loose meaning (e.g. they are exactly the same image but stored with two different file formats). For this, you need advanced algorithms, which will give you a probability for two images to be the same. Not being an expert in the field, I would perform the following "invented out of my head" algorithm:
take an arbitrary set of pixel points from the image.
for each pixel "grow" a polygon out of the surrounding pixels which are near in color (according to HSV colorspace)
do the same for the other image
for each polygon of one image, check the geometrical similitude with all the other polygons in the other image, and pick the highest value. Divide this value by the area of the polygon (to normalize).
create a vector out of the highest values obtained
the higher is the norm of this vector, the higher is the chance that the two images are the same.
This algorithm should be insensitive to color drift and image rotation. Maybe also scaling (you normalize against the area). But I restate: not an expert, there's probably much better, and it could make kittens cry.
I did something similar to detect movement from a MJPEG stream and record images only when movement occurs.
For each decoded image, I compared to the previous using the following method.
Resize the image to effectively thumbnail size (I resized fairly hi-res images down by a factor of ten
Compare the brightness of each pixel to the previous image and flag if it is much lighter or darker (threshold value 1)
Once you've done that for each pixel, you can use the count of different pixels to determine whether the image is the same or different (threshold value 2)
Then it was just a matter of tuning the two threshold values.
I did the comparisons using System.Drawing.Bitmap, but as my source images were jpg, there were some artifacting.
It's a nice simple way to compare images for differences if you're going to roll it yourself.
If you want to determine if 2 images are the same perceptually, I believe the best way to do it is using an Image Hashing algorithm. You'd compute the hash of both images and you'd be able to use the hashes to get a confidence rating of how much they match.
One that I've had some success with is pHash, though I don't know how easy it would be to use with Visual C. Searching for "Geometric Hashing" or "Image Hashing" might be helpful.
Testing for strict identity is simple: Just compare every pixel in source image A to the corresponding pixel value in image B. If all pixels are identical, the images are identical.
But I guess don't want this kind of strict identity. You probably want images to be "identical" even if certain transformations have been applied to image B. Examples for these transformations might be:
changing image brightness globally (for every pixel)
changing image brightness locally (for every pixel in a certain area)
changing image saturation golbally or locally
gamma correction
applying some kind of filter to the image (e.g. blurring, sharpening)
changing the size of the image
e.g. printing an image and scanning it again would probably include all of the above.
In a nutshell, you have to decide which transformations you want to treat as "identical" and then find image measures that are invariant to those transformations. (Alternatively, you could try to revert the translations, but that's not possible if the transformation removes information from the image, like e.g. blurring or clipping the image)
