Forwarding URLs - url

i have a wordpress website, i would like the client to view the website but i do not want to go through all the trouble of uploading the files and database to the server online, so i looked around and found some tunneling software that worked for me. However the issue i am now having is when the website is loaded from another PC, the css and images are not loaded because they all have their urls set to localhost. I read around and saw a lot of fancy words like url forwarding changing somethings in httpd-vhosts.conf etc. Unfortunately i do not know much abbout networking to understand all these concepts.
Basically what i would like to know is is there a way to make my images and css load on the clients pc even though the urls are set to locahost?
Or if anyone has another way i can show a client a website from my localhost.
I tried both pagekite and ngroks thanks in advance :)

You need to add one of the following plugins to Wordpress to force it to use relative URLs:

I guess it would be far better to host your site on a free web hosting service to show your client the website you created in one piece but make sure that the service provider provides everything that your website needs.


Customize site URL from gcp project

we are trying to deploy a web page on a gcp project. The site is working but the we would like to change the auto generated url to something more user friendly.
The auto generated URL goes something like:
Is there a way to customize or change that url?
Yes, you can. That URL looks like one for App Engine, which you can make available at your own address. You need to control your own domain (there are lots of services where you can get one). Then follow the instructions at to have your App Engine app respond at an address in your own domain.

Host website one webfolder down

I want my site to be hosted like this:
Originally I just hosted the site in application folders in IIS for each culture I support and everything was fine. I had a separate application in the root which forwarded the user to the appropriate culture. This was all grand.
However, now we're going to host with Azure and I need to get my site to fit into one web role (for those not familiar with Azure, just think of it as me only being able to host the website once - so no application folders). To this end, my site correctly collects the webfolder for the culture and sets the threading appropriately, all this is fine. My problem is that now as far as IIS is concerned the page 'default.aspx' does not exist in the folder 'en-gb'. That folder doesn't really exist. I need to get my site to ignore that first webfolder when it considers what content to get.
It's an interesting one, I suspect my solution lies in URL rewriting. Does anyone have any advice on this?
Thanks for the help!
Well I have found the answer.
It turns out that a web role is capable of much more. I understood that it was a web site running under a virtual machine, but that virtual machine could be torn down and moved at any point. However there is a facility to control what is going on in IIS on that virtual machine within your project. By editing your ServiceDefinition.csdef file you can add virtual applications and virtual directories. More details here:
I didn't need to use any fancy URL rewriting. I now have several sites running under one web role.
Well... I will do once I figure out what is stopping my main site working under Azure, but this question is answered.

Hide _layouts path in a web application deployed on SharePoint 2007

We are building a new web application that needs to run inside the SP Context for authentication. Unfortunately the person logged into the machine is not necessarily the person logged into SharePoint. I could not figure out a way to detect who was logged into SharePoint from an application outside of SharePoint. So, the solution is to deploy the application to the LAYOUTS folder within the 12 hive. This works great in that I can use a custom master page, go crazy with fancy user controls, AND be within the SP Context. I also locked down access to the page by detecting which web app the user was on so no one can access it from a different SP web app.
The problem is the URL. It is ugly. I want the url to be something like this: instead of
I tried created creating a new web site within IIS that points directly to the app in the LAYOUTS folder. That failed because I was no longer within the SP Context.
I also tried an IIS redirect which worked, but the URL still switched over to the ugly URL.
Does anyone have any ideas for this?
My orginal problem was not being able to detect the currently logged in user for SharePoint outside of SP, so if you have a solution to that problem, that would be great too.
Your best option is to rewrite the URLs and HTML with a proxy. Apache with the mod_rewrite and mod_html_rewrite options are an option. However this kind of setup is not trivial.
You can use URL rewriting in IIS.

Connecting to users local machine from my WebApp

I have a Web App that i have developed I am looking to develop a plugin for this app so that i can pull information from the users accounts package such as sage or quickbooks(offline version). Ideally I would like to do this without them having to have a static ip etc.
Unfortunately this is way over my head I currently have no idea on how to do this.
Please can some one guide me in the right direction I will probably use json data between the webapp and the client service that I will make and im fine with that part its just the initial connection that I am confused about.
Any help would be really really appreciated I hope this makes sense.
The way the Shopify Quickbooks integration (Quickify) works is by setting up a tiny local server that listens on a high port number and is able to play with the local filesystem. The web app part of the solution sends JSON back to it.

Exporting ASP.NET MVC 3 Project to a potential employer

I made a pretty cool ASP.NET MVC 3 application, and I want to send it as an attachment to a web firm. I tried playing around in visual web developer but could not get anything :( Should I just zip the project folder up and send it that way? Is there somewhere I can host it for free (doubtful). ANy suggestions on this? Thanks for any replies...
I would suggest to use WebMatrix. It's free and it'll install IIS Express which will let your web firm run it locally.
You can host it for free on your home pc and connection.
Set up IIS on your local machine and host the project, forward port 80 on your router to your pc and use a service like dyndns to get a friendly external address.
Its not as nice a solution as your own pay for external hosting and you shouldn't leave the port forwarding in place for a long time as its a potential security risk. That said it demonstrates a few extra skills that most employers would be happy to have.
Failing that or if you want to show them your code as well you can either zip the project or publish to a directory and zip that. Bear in mind that if its over 10 MB a lot of email servers will reject it so you might want to upload to a separate file host like megaupload.
