Tap Event Fired Twice JQuery Mobile on iPhone 4 IOS 7.1 - jquery-mobile

In a very simple page, when tapping on button and re-tapping anywhere else the event is fired again.
JS Bin: http://jsbin.com/lajabe/1/
IOS 7.1 iPhone 4


black video popup shows up on IOS in react native app

I have tried this on Android devices and it works fine, but for iOS I am having problems.
I have a iPhone 6 device and when I try to display ads on this device the ads are showing up but along with that after few seconds a black video popup is showing up with default player controls. When I click on close button it hides the black video popup and then I can use the app. The same thing doesn't happen on Android devices or on iPad devices.
I am using below code to show the banner ads
adSize= {DSWPConfig.adPolicy.adSize.mediumRectangle}
style = {style?.adStyle}

React 17 iOS events acting strange

I encountered a weird issue when testing our web application using iOS 15.2.1 (iPad Pro 3rd gen.) or using the Apple iPad Air/Pro Simulator. The same issue is reproducible on Chrome and Safari browsers.
This happen when clicking on two different buttons at medium pace (~500ms). The first click on the first button event fires the proper event handler. Then, when rapidly clicking on the second button, the same event as the first click is fired... This only happens with React 17.0.X. React 16 works as expected.
Here’s the very basic code sample reproducing the issue.

cordova IOS app all onclick and back button not working for latest IOS 11.3.1

dear ios hybrid app rock stars,
i have developed IOS app using Framework7 with Cordova 7.0.1.
It was work fine before update mobile to IOS version 11.3.1.
But not all of devices using this app get updated to latest IOS version.
Now the problem happen.
When app open at the first time it works fine in all pages. Pages swipe and onclick to back button and menu onclick works fine.
But when we lock the phone with the app remain open behind. Then unlock the phone then click of the any function not working except the swipe of screens. onclick event and backbutton not working. Even menu also not open when we click icon for menu.
Again if we close the app completely then open again it will work fine.
only when we lock the device without close of the app (remain open) then again unlock the device and use app not working correctly. That makes the all click event not working. even menu links also not able to click.
P.s. App working fine on apple 4s with the IOS 9.3.5.
Any one have resolved this type of issue.
Video reference attached here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jPau0FmVak7ePCc8JNdzwJvSj3KuXBTm
there you can see menu, back and refresh icons clicked but its not working..
This is due to a bug in iOS 11.3 where the touch event timeStamp is being reported as negative value.
There have been commits to fix this in Framework7 v1 and v2 so the solution is to update the version of F7 in your app to the latest (right now that's v2.2.5 / v1.7.1).
See this discussion for more detail.

iOS 11 - <a href="tel:1-427-555-05-05"> links only work with long tap on iPhone, single tap doesn't work

Hello StackOverflow community
I am building iOS 11 Swift WKWebView app, currently it is browsing an https remote web site
I've made a phone call page, with html code like
+7 (812) 293-17-09
Make a phone call
But for some reasons, on the iPhone SE under iOS 11.2.6 the tel links are only opened by long tap. For single tap the app does nothing.
On iPad Air 2 under iOS 11.2.6 single tap works, options appear after single tap instantly, not after long tap.
What I want to do is make iPhone app with WKWebView open prompt to call on single tap, not after long tap and choosing first option. Is there any way to do it?
My solution was to switch from using WKWebView to deprecated UIWebView
All telephone phone links work fine on iPhone on UIWebView

jQuery Ui Slider Handler not getting dragged with mouse in PhoneGap application

I am working on an iPhone Application. I am using PhoneGap in Xcode4 to develop the application and testing it with iPhone simulator 4.3.
My issue is I am using jQuery ui slider in my application to implement audio bar, the slider is moving properly with the audio but I can't drag the slider handle with mouse and when I test the same application with Safari browser it is working fine there.
jQuery UI currently does not support touch events. I would recommend using jQuery UI Touch Punch to add that functionality - http://touchpunch.furf.com/.
