sorry for the noob question but I just cant get the wsadmin prompt to appear in the cmd window.
I have navigated to the Deployment Manager dir and then the bin dir. I type the following
D:\IBM\Websphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin>wsadmin -lang jython -username username -password p#ssw0rd
but after a pause of a couple of seconds the prompt returns as it was before.
I am expecting
There is nothing in the log files unfortunately. Any help would be appreciated.
I needed to run the cmd prompt as Administrator!
I have a job that needs to run a script on a remote computer. I'm doing so by using psexec via "Execute windows batch command":
C:\PsExec.exe \\computername -u username -p password -accepteula c:\xxx.exe
When I run the job I get the following error:
c:\PsExec.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command
** PsExec.exe is located under c:\
Any ideas?
First Define psexec.exe path in environment varaiable "PATH" or else place psexec.exe file in C:\Windows\System32\
And to Download Psexec.exe file
One possible explanation is the version of PsExec.exe: 32bits or 64bits.
If you have the 32 one on a 64bits machine, that command would not be recognized indeed. PsExec64.exe would.
I can see the age of this question and my answer may not be relevant to this topic since I was technically trying to solve a different problem, but maybe this will help other people who are stuck.
c:\PsExec.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command
I was trying to disable the Maintenance Configurator with PSExec (my problem is the never ending maintenance bug) and kept running into the same error as the OP BUT I got PSexec64 to run this command:
C:\PsExec64.exe -s schtasks /change /tn >"\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Maintenance Configurator" /DISABLE
BY checking the "Run this program as an administrator" option under the Compatibility settings for "PsExec64.exe"
Don't know if this has solved my problem yet, but I think the OP would have been able to run his process if he had done this. Dear OP did you ever solve that?
It seems that i have a permission problem to execute a .exe under windows with jenkins.
Things to know about the system:
I have a windows user called 'Tester'. This user has Administrator rights
Jenkins run as a service using Tester username
I have a job which does the following:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\sahi\tools
toggle_IE_proxy.exe enable
The process is silent, no output. The executable must probably change some values in registry.
This command tick the checkbox "Use a proxy..."
Note: it is working fine when i execute the command above in a cmd.exe as user 'Tester'.
Do you have an idea what's happening there ?
Many thanks
It seems that turning Off UAC solved my problem
I'm running jenkins and getting this error anonymous is missing the Read
I tried many times, deleted cookies and all.
Disabling security is not the solution. It's probably there for a reason. Try "login" instead
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://yourserver/jenkins/ login --username usr --password qwerty
Similar issue I faced but with GitHub OAuth plugin,my problem and solution explained here
Errors anonymous is missing the Overall/Administer permission at
org.kohsuke.github.HttpException: Server returned HTTP response code: -1, message: 'null' for URL:
I am able to run
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://server get-job myjob > myjob.xml
works for me using abouv url
In addition to the above link, use these simple and clear steps
I think some of the answers in here were partial. This is how I resolved it:
Step Jenkins
/etc/init.d/jenkins stop
sudo vi /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml (Please copy the complete text somewhere first, so that later you don't run in other problems)
2.A. change useSecurity element's value to false
2.B. Remove authorizationStrategy block
Start Jenkins again:
/etc/init.d/jenkins start
Access Jenkins through URL and reconfigure security again.
I'm new to Ruby and am trying to make my way through the Hartl tutorial. I ran into a couple issues this morning and am afraid that I might have made one of them worse.
I was doing fine in the tutorial until I got to the Heroku deployment section of chapter 1 and realized that I had yet to setup the Sublime Text 2 "subl" command so that my terminal could interact with Sublime Text.
I then went on a chase to figure out how to get the subl command to work. While trying to get that figured out, I came across this thread (Installing Sublime Text's command line tool 'subl' in terminal, permission denied?) and went ahead and changed directories to the "mkdir bin" so that I could run "sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" /usr/bin/subl" and get my subl command line to work.
Well, when I entered the "sudo ln -s...." line it asked for a password and basically said I should be careful what I was doing. In light of that, I just want to return to my "first_app" directory and try to figure stuff out a different way. Only problem is, when I hit "cd first_app" it tells me there is no such file or directory... I'm starting to freak out a little bit now...
How can I get back to the first_app directory? Surely it's not gone?!' <-- most important!!
If I can get back to the first_app directory, how in the world can I get the subl command line so that I can continue on with deployment, etc...?
Any and all help is much appreciated as I try and work through this really frustrating phase.
UPDATE: I just changed it back to the first_app directory -- what is the best way to get this subl command line working?
Depending on what directory you're in, if you try to cd first_app, it may not be a sub-directory of the dir you're currently in.
Some basic linux commands to help you out:
cd .. <-- Moves up a level
pwd <-- Shows where you currently are in the directory structure
ls <-- Shows files/folders that exist in the directory you are in.
Not sure why when I execute a Python tools like pip or nosetests inside powershell, a separate popup command line windows will show, execute my command, then disappeared. This is annoying because I can hardly see the executable output, especially the last few lines before the popup close.
I assume there are some setting I can change to stop the popup?
I am using Powershell 2.0 in Windows 7.
Powershell is not cmd.exe, and it has a different console interface. More than likely, your py tools are writing to a non-existent shell window. You may be able to get around this by using the following syntax:
cmd /c
What you do when you execute the python scripts directly from the PS prompt is fire-off a DOS shell for the period of time it takes for the command to complete. Since there's no 'pause' implemented, the shell window closes when the command completes.
A test script
#, just a test
print "This is a test script, that is all."
Output in PS:
{powem} [36] --> .\
{powem} [37] --> cmd /c .\
This is a test script, that is all.
For someone has similar problem, please have a look at this answer, I think this solution eventually solved my problem. and in my case, I have to restart my computer to get it all working.