Custom UIActivityViewController with Background and Items - ios

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make a custom UIActivityViewController. I saw this one in the Litely app:
and really like it. It has a "night theme". So how do I change the background color and how can I add custom items to it? Thanks!

You cannot customize the existing iOS widget. If you want a custom one, you must build a custom one.
Here is one of many open source implementations on GitHub.


Append custom UIMenuItems at the beginning of UIMenuController iOS

I have implemented a custom UIMenuController with two aditional options besides the ones that are set by default in iOS (cut, copy, look up, share). I want to keep these standard options, but I want them to appear after my two custom items, does anyone know how to achieve this in an efficient way? Thanks in advance.
The UIMenuController documentation says:
Custom items appear in the menu after any system menu items.
So there is probably no approved way around that. It appears to be baked in functionality.

AlertView? Alert? What is it?

I've seen some cool looking "windows" / "alerts" /whatever they are called. I wish I knew. Here's some examples of them:
These shouldn't be Apple exclusive, since I've seen 3rd party apps use them! I'd like to know what are these windows?
It Custom UIActivityIndicator that you can found in this link
MBProgressHUD is an iOS drop-in class that displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread. The HUD is meant as a replacement for the undocumented, private UIKit UIProgressHUD with some additional features.......
For mor information go to above Link
Thanks :)
These is not apple specific controls. You can create them.
The pop up shown in first image is very easy to make. You'll have to use 3 controls to make it.
Background UIImageView with the image.
UILabel with whatever message you want to display.
You just have to load this UIImageView and Animate the UIActivityIndicatory to get this pop up. I've used these pop up in a lot of apps Apple don't object this.
Your first view is a UIProgressHUD. Original Apple HUD is in a private API and it is not recommended to use it.
However, numerous implementations have appeared that emulate the original HUD. For one, have a look here:
though I am sure Google will give you a dozen similar implementations.

Monotouch: How to add/remove recipients balloons/bubbles for new message

I want to create custom email compose dialog and I need to implement "Add contact" func. like in standard iOS apps.
I haven't found any nifty controls so it seams it should be implemented manually.
So I wonder how to draw such an elements dynamically inside of MT.D element?
Let me show a picture from here:
I haven't found any nifty controls so it seams it should be implemented manually.
Look at the New-Person View Controller in Apple documentation. They are all available to use from MonoTouch applications.

Is there ready solution or I need custom UIView?

I'm developing time manager for iOS and need to create something like on picture below. This is list of tasks for week.
Green box represents which day (monday, sunday, etc...)
Black box represents single task
Blue box represents button to add new task
As I understand I need to create custom UIView to implement this design, am I right? Maybe there is ready library which I can to use?
Thank you in advance.
You only need to add some UIImageview and UIButtons over UIView.
I've not really looked at the collections view stuff in iOS 6 yet, but I would think that might be a good match. ( I think that it's existence is not NDA, but further details would be).
I don't think there is anything to directly support this kind of layout in iOS 5, maybe you could use 6 UITableViews for the central section.
Go for custom. That is best!
Meanwhile have a look here, if you can find something helpful. There are some custom controls with the source code too for cocoa.

Custom Tabgroup Appcelerator

I'm trying to make a custom tabgroup in appcelerator in which one (or two) of the tabs is bigger than the rest. I have attached an image of what I'm trying to pull off.
I am able to make a custom tabgroup, but it refreshes each time I change a tab, and I want my tabs to behave like a native tabgroup. Any help would be much appreciated
As you mentioned in a comment, on iOS the tab group it itself a view. You can add views to it, and they will persist regardless of which tab is active. Because you can programmatically change the active tab, you can overlay views on top of the normal tab group and use them to decide which tab should be active.
The following Gist demonstrates this:
I figured out this issue. For anyone that has this same issue in the future this should help: The tabgroup is its own view. If you want to add overlays to it, make a new view, and add it to the tabgroup, NOT to the window itself.
This also looks promising:
You can set a background image for active tab background. The advantage to this approach is that it uses the native iOS API. Actually, it will extend the Titanium tabgroup proxy and add some methods. No hacks required.
