Editor - A Plugin for Datatables - editor

I would like to know if Editor is free. I came across it today and its so easy to edit, add and style datatables. However, I saw that its hosted on CDN and at the same time has a download version. So I would like to know if its free.
Thanks and looking forward to answers.

Datatables Editor is not free. It would be better to use ejbeaty/CellEdit. It's free and you can edit, add and style.
Here's the link: https://github.com/ejbeaty/CellEdit
Try it!


jQuery UI dropdown select

I wanna have a dropdown menu like this link: http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/basic_init/table_sorting.html
(The one that are right below "Live example" line);
I haven't got many experience of working with jQuery UI, and I guess that result is produced by using it. Could you suggest me a way to create that dropdown.
Thank you.
P/S: that may be ok if it is not using jQuery UI (it's just my guess)
That solution doesn't appear too complex - they've got all the data already, and they're just hiding rows depending on what's selected.
On the other hand, as that's an open source project, you could just download it or use the hosted versions and integrate it on your site, which is probably easier than rolling your own solution.
Ok, got it. This is just default style in Firefox (There's no style applying for it yet). I got this misunderstand due to changing browser.

Rich text editor for rails application

I need to add a rich text editor to my website. This my first time doing this, so which rich text editor do you suggest I use? I need one that is fully functional and easy to integrate with a rails application, also I am using prototype.
Thanks in advance :)
A very promising one is the Aloha Editor
You can add an editor like TinyMCE as the posters above have recommended. However IMHO the HTML generated by these editors tends to get messy. I would suggest you look at something like Redcloth. With a text field. And for added bling you could give a ajaxy preview, just like stackoverflow does!. This would be a much more cleaner solution IMHO.
If you are going to use a WYSIWYG editor, take a look at CKeditor and also the Yahoo YUI2 Rich Text Editor.
As for TinyMCE there is a Rails plugin that would make things easier if you decide to use it.
I would suggest TinyMCE which is really easy to implement. You just add an id for the textarea you want to use and then use that id in the configuration of TinyMCE. You could even configure TinyMCE to put a RTE on ALL textareas.
It's written in javascript so it doesn't matter what backend you use.
And here's an example with source:
Aloha looks nice and has some very nice features, but I've run into some annoying bugs. You may want to take a look at Mercury.

How to open a popup using Ajax

I'm using Ruby on Rails 2.3.8 and I would like to know how to open a popup using Ajax, instead of jQuery, so when I click in the link that will open it, an action is executed to load some collections and other stuff.
Thanks in advance!
First i think you are messing up some concepts here.
JQuery is a javascript framework and AJAX is a set of development methods.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_%28programming%29
and: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jquery
I think that you mean "How do i open a link in a lightbox like screen instead of a javascript popup".
(correct me if im wrong interpreting your question :)
Please take a look at some open source tools like:
And there are tons and tons of other alternatives.
Just google for "lightbox"

Is there a dojo or a Jquery just for Firefox add on development?

Started working on Firefox add ons, which is done with JavaScript and XUL, and I find myself sorely wanting to use Dojo or someother kind of JavaScript like library, but I can't find one that exists. So I was thinking of starting a library by porting Dojo over to a Firefox add on specific fork. Get rid off the cross browser stuff, use array comprehension and other nice stuff available in Firefox's JavaScript engine. I worry about whether or not there's enough of a userbase who'd take advantage of this, but more than that I guess I'm wondering if there's already something like this? Google finds nothing.
Mozilla Corp developed a JavaScript library for this purpose: FUEL.
it is developed by John Resig the creator of jQuery.
To know how to use jQuery inside FF extension look at this similar question
jQuery, at least, functions perfectly well when embedded in a Firefox addon. I can't quote you names, but I've heard that several popular addons are already using jQuery.
Here's an article discussing using jQuery within XUL and some of the hoops you may need to jump through.
It is fairly common to embed jQuery in firefox extensions.

popup WYSIWYG editor ROR

Hi I have to have a popup WYSIWYG editor into my ROR application. I want to develop the editor like www.wikispaces.com used. Here they used Jquery (if you want like that editor , you need to login ) . I want the same functionality . Can anyone please suggest how can i do this and please give me the reference site for the development JQuery with WYSIWYG.
Well, a quick google search turns up jwysiwyg: http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/
And there seem to be some articles on how it's used.
I've always used TinyMCE, it works very well.
