Spyder F9 doesn't send code to ipython console for execution - spyder

It only agrees to send it to a regular python console. The F9 functionality got broken lately, I'm not sure why. I've tried searching the preferences to fix it, but find nothing.


Issue with writing script autosave Roblox Studio

I'm currently learning lua/roblox scripting and whenever I open my project I get a message in my terminal that says "Issue writing script autosave" and whenever I edit my code the message multiplies.
I haven't encountered anything strange happening after that message but im just concerned on what it means and how to get rid of it.
I try searching it up on the roblox studio developer forums but can't find anything, a link to a forum about my problem would be appreciated.

How to disable automatic function docstring generation in Spyder?

Spyder (the Python IDE) generates a function docstring automatically when you click Enter after the first line of the function def. How can one disable this feature?
I've looked around in Tools (for instance in Tools -> Preferences -> Editor) and did not find a way to do it. But there are tons of features in Spyder so maybe I'm missing it.
Are you using an anaconda install with kited running in the background? Opening task manager and stopping this from running fixed the problem for me.
Edit: This may be incorrect
When you type in the triple quotes, an icon will pop up that says Generate docstring. When this happens, do not hit Enter. Just hit esc.
Until we can just deactivate it in settings, that's what I've been doing.

ZeroBrane - breakpoint not hit

I have a following setup:
LuaJIT 64bit in .NET managed, 64bit LuaSocket dll
ZeroBrane 1.80; MobDebug 0.705
Then I have several Lua scripts that are to be launched on specific events and I m trying to debug it.
First script - scripts/OnCreateInstance.lua also starts the MobDebug.
Debugging is working fine in this first script - debugger gets connected on require('mobdebug').start() and also following breakpoints work as expected, but breakpoints in other scripts are never hit.
I've went through the https://studio.zerobrane.com/doc-faq#why-breakpoints-are-not-triggered and haven't found anything suspicious.
debug.getinfo(1,"S").source returns scripts/onstartinstance.lua and scripts/onpushbutton.lua for the second script, which is correct. I am on Windows, so case sensitivity should not apply, and when I've switched the debugger verbose, I've still never seen any info about hitting the breakpoint.
I've also tried listing all the breakpoints in the second script, and all the breakpoints are listed, they just don't hit.
Do someone have any idea, what could be the problem? My only idea is, that it could be because of the second script is run from a different thread that the first script, but that is a thing I cannot avoid and have no idea how to work it around...
Thanks for any help
If the project directory is set correctly and the breakpoints are not triggered from other threads (not individual Lua states), then try adding require('mobdebug').on() calls to those threads/coroutines to enable breakpoints (as described in the first option in the documentation).

How can I debug this error: 'Debugging information for iisexpress.exe cannot be found or does not match'?

I've been working on an MVC 5 code first project for a few months and (seemingly) out of nowhere, Visual Studio is refusing to debug and giving me some strange errors.
When I try to run the application Ctrl+F5 it builds ok but the browser never gets beyond the loading stage, I still have the pinwheel in the browser tab, but the app never loads.
When I try to debug the applicaiton F5 it builds ok, but then comes up with 2 errors, firstly Debugging information for iisexpress.exe cannot be found or does not match. Cannot find or open the PDB file. and then Process with an Id of xxxx is not running.
I've tried loading symbols from MS (https://stackoverflow.com/a/8138518/1778169), using a different database name, uninstalling VS extensions, performing all Windows Updates, repairing the VS installation and even reinstalling VS entirely. Nothing seems to help.
I'm not very familiar with PDB files, but I have done nothing knowingly to change this, and they seem to be in the right place:
I am running out of ideas, but really want to avoid a Windows reinstall if possible.
It's only happening in this one project, so the problem would seem to be with the project itself, not the installation. But I have no idea where to start debugging this problem, or looking for a solution.
Possibly Relevant
I tried running the app on a custom domain (set up in the hosts file and IIS Express's ApplicationHosts.config file). In an attempt to solve this problem I reverted these settings back to the default localhost:[port]. This doesn't seem to have made any difference, but thought I should mention it just in case.
My problem was that the Native Code box was ticked in the Debuggers section of the Web section in Project Properties.
I don't know how this came to be ticked, I certainly never ticked it.
Either way, unticking this box solved my problem.

Anaconda prompt output gets stuck

I have a problem with anaconda prompt on windows 10 since the output of long running programs (Machine Learning with Keras) occasionally stops. Only when I press enter, the output seems to go on. I also assume that the program itself halts since the output does not seem to catch up fast.
Has anyone else encountered a similar problem and has suggestions for me?
Thanks in Advance!
