Displaying BufferedImage directly in JavaFX - image-processing

I'm making a raster image editor in JavaFX, and all the imaging libraries I've found use BufferedImage. Problem is, I can't display a BufferedImage in a JavaFX app, without converting it to javafx.scene.image.Image first. I'm concerened about speed here; if I'm constantly converting between BufferedImage and JavaFX's Image, the UI will lag.
For example, if the user wants to draw a line with the pencil tool, I'm constantly updating the image in the UI. Every time they move the cursor, I have to convert between BufferedImage and JavaFX's Image, which I'm sure will make the line appear laggy as it's being drawn.
The libraries I've found are ImgLib2, Marvin, Apache Commons Imaging Library, and ImageJ. All of them use BufferedImage. I haven't found an imaging library yet that uses JavaFX
's Image.
So my question is: how do I display a BufferedImage directly in JavaFX? I'm reluctant to go back to AWT. Alternatively, is there an imaging library that uses JavaFX's Image instead of BufferedImage?
Thanks for your replies!

Use a SwingNode to display a BufferedImage in JavaFX without first converting the image to a JavaFX Image.
I do not know if this would be any more performant than doing an image conversion, you would have to do some benchmarking with your application to see.
In general, I'd probably recommend doing a conversion over putting a BufferedImage in a SwingNode. With a SwingNode you will need to be careful how you manage threading and I think benchmarking using a SwingNode will not yield you the performance increase you are looking for.


Is there a graphical tool for Mac to assist in positioning CCNode objects on a Layer?

If my designer gives me a 960x640px image of what the screen should look like, as well as all of the individual elements as images or text, is there a way to lay out the images and text on the iPhone/iPad screen without doing it manually through code? The way I'm doing it now is a series of trial and error, trying to guess the position of each element.
By the way, the types of layouts I'm trying to do are simple static layouts for stuff like Menus and High Scores lists, etc.
You should try one of the editing tools: LevelHelper, CocoShop and CocosBuilder. The problem will be the output format, make sure that not only the editing part works to your specification but that you can actually use just the snippet of code you need to plug it into your code.
Do you have an image-editing software like Photoshop or GIMP? How about opening the 960x640px image with any such software, then hovering your mouse over the center of each element for its coordinates, and then finally pumping these values into your code?
In my opinion, this is at least better and way faster than trial and error:)
If you want to measure position of graphic elements. You can try a commercial called xscope. The trail version can be downloaded form their official website. It is the best tool I ever seen to measure distance, color(like, it can copy color measured directly to [UIColor ...] format), etc. If you want something freeware, I would like to recommend markman, which is a Chinese software, it's built on adobe air. All elements/button are graphic, so you don't need to read chinese to use it..
You can try to use some open source editor and write your exporter. For example I am using blender as a level editor for the game I am working on. It has a nice python API that can be used to export all the information you need.

Resizing an image in Delphi XE

I got a jpeg image in which is 1020x780, I am trying to resize this to 111x85 (which is in proportion) but it comes out pixelated.
I am tried just
a) Assign the image to a TImage component and set the Scaled/Resize property.
b) The resize code here http://www.delphigroups.info/2/4/313095.html
c) The resize code here http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/torry/showcode.php?id=1896
However they all come out pixelated.
If I resize in Photoshop then it comes out nice. Getting it THAT good would be ideal, however I know they spent a lot of time/code into resize so something even halfway between would be great.
Any suggestions?
Have a look at Graphics32 library. It implements various image resampling and transformation algorithms for 32-bit bitmaps.
In my blog I talk about resize images using/implementing antialiasing.
Read the article and test the code here. It's writed in Spanish but you can use authomatic translate. In any case you can read only the code.
See the difference of apply and not apply the code:
The code work with BMP, but you can convert the image first and apply it.
Instead of using the built-in TImage for scaling, you could use an external library or component, e.g. ImageMagick or some off-the-shelf component. There exists at least one Pascal wrapper for ImageMagick
, but I've never used it myself.
I have successfully used HiComponents ImageEn library to resize an image down to approx 250 pixels. It was a while ago, but I recall that the results were quite pleasing. http://www.hicomponents.com/main/products/products-imageenvcl - it's free now, and well worth a look if you're doing any graphics programming in Delphi.

Delphi: image with alpha blending capabilities

Is there some simple component that could display PNG 32-bit images and alpha-blend it to another image on mouse enter and on mouse leave? Or even just a simple image that can load 32-bit PNG and additionally would have Alpha parameter...
I suppose I could use some skin library (alphacontrols?) or some graphics library, but for some simple purely visual effects that would be quite an overkill and I can't seem to find a simple one that does it for me and would work on Glass surface as well...
It is not quite a component, but here is a link to a good article on how to do it yourself. Its just a few lines of code:
The basic TImage is capable of displaying a PNG image and alpha-blend-it to whatever is behind it. You just need to add the "pngimage" unit to the uses clause of your form. You didn't mention the version of Delphi you're on: Delphi 2010 has this unit, but I have no idea with what version of Delphi they started shipping it. For Delphi 7 I know for sure you'll need to find the open source "pngimage".
If you need to do this when the user moves in and out of your control, consider caching the state images in bitmaps: it will be faster at runtime and you can use a single TImage that shows the current image, you don't need two overlapping TIMage controls.

How do I print a partially transparent image to a PDF Canvas using Delphi?

My program needs to output a (fairly complex) form to the printer, including several images. I’m currently doing this using Delphi (2006)’s Printer.Canvas, after selecting a PDF printer (PDF995). This works like a treat.
However, I’m now running into a problem: there’s one partially transparent image that needs to be placed on top of other elements (borders, background and such), with portions of that text still visible through parts of the image.
Doing this on a regular screen Canvas works fine with regular TBitmaps, by using the TransparentColor property. However, when I try to do this on a printer, it doesn’t always work; and when I try this on a PDF printer, it never works: the background turns black, or (the best result so far), turns white, but still overwrites anything underneath it.
I’ve tried achieving the same result by inserting a PNG image with alpha transparency (a.k.a. translucency) in a Word document, and then sending that to said PDF printer. The translucency disappears, but pixel transparency is maintained. So that, at least, should somehow be possible.
Anybody know how?
You mention you are using the TransparentColor property, so is it correct to say you don't really need alpha transparency and can get away with using binary transparency (transparency for each pixel is either off or on)?
If so, it might be possible to generate a Region from your bitmap.
You then use this region as a clipping region and draw the bitmap.
The PDF printer might be able to handle a clipping region correctly.
Here's an example of generating a region from a bitmap, it's used to make non-rectangular forms but the idea is the same:
Here is another example of setting a clipping region for your TCanvas:
I don't think you can achieve partial transparency using a pdf printer. What you can do is get the VisPDF package. With it you can add a mask to the images contained in the pdf that you actually produce right in you're application. If this is not an option, you could combine all your background stuff in to one image. Drawing the alphachanneled thing on this image.
I also had this problem before, If I recall correctly, what I ended up doing was to create an off screen bitmap that I manipulated, then after I was done copied again and used the new bitmap copy on the canvas I was sending to the printer.
You may want to consider using a third-party PDF component in your application to render the canvas directly to PDF. I use this technique for specialized reporting (RTF, Radioemtric JPEGs, Tables, Text etc) in a commercial product I developed for Infrared Thermography. I am very happy with the performance and quality. The component I am using llPDFLib was just updated and I believe now supports full image transparency.
Best of luck. Printing images with an Alpha channel can be challenging at times in my experience.

Where can I find an image watermark control for Delphi?

Is there a good image watermark control for Delphi? It would be nice if it could receive both text and images to insert in a base photo.
I would also prefer it was free.
I couldn't find any pre-packaged controls. But watermarking is not very hard at all. All you simply need to do is draw an image on top of another image with the use of alpha blending. This site has a whole section on alpha blending in Delphi. They provide links to graphics libraries which have implemented it.
However if you're using Delphi.NET, and can access the relevant classes in the framework, there is an easier way using only framework methods.
Take a look at Graphics32 together with GraphicEX.
Or see if PascalMagick does the trick.
