i am using prestashop v 1.6. on payment accepted the validation.php file is not open and the Internal Server Error occurred. is some suggestion about this??
thanks advance
change permissions folder 777 to 755
Has anyone run into this before?
I am doing a local install of Drupal 8 with docker and composer. I'm on a Windows machine using WSL. When I clear the cache (drush cr), I get this error:
Service "slick.manager": Parent definition "blazy.manager.base" does not exist.
Both Slick and Blazy modules and libraries are present. When I try to go to the site it says "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just uninstall the slick module, load the site, install blazy, then enable the slick module again. It's an "ordering" issue due to a new dependency.
See; https://www.drupal.org/project/slick/issues/2702241
It's a bit of a workaround but it should solve your problem.
If this isn't the issue, then please update your question with the output of;
drush pml --status=enabled
(Just for the two modules if you don't wish to copy everything here).
I tried to install Cytoscape on Win10 64bit. After I ran the windows.bat file, I get the following lines in the message:
find: 'TTL=': No such file or directory
Problem: The "app" store at apps.cytoscape.org is not reachable with a timeout of 30000ms
Your system has some issues.
Please fix those and re-run this script again:
- App store at apps.cytoscape.org is not reachable
There is no problem for me to access the website of apps.cytoscape.org using a browser. So what is the problem? Thank you!
It seems that running the windows.bat file as an Administrator solved the "find: 'TTL=': No such file or directory" problem
I do all the things just according to the official tutorial: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.0/getting_started.html
But it still does not work. Errors display as below:
My environment variables are set like this:
the red part is go and platform-specific binaries.
btw, I check the first error. It said: "open /opt/gopath/src/xxx...: permission denied". But there‘s no path to there:
I found this directory is set in first-network/base/docker-compose-base.yaml:
It makes me very confused. Anyone can help me?
Thanks very much!
I just solve this problem by getting help from another place:)
check ownership of files under fabric-samples folder and I found all the files belong to root.
then I need to take ownership for my user: sudo chown -R [my user] *
then it works!
I tried to install Neos CMS local under Windows 10 with a Wamp Apache Server. After creating the project with a composer and registering the Vhosts, I tried to run neos.demo/setup. Then I get an 500 internal server error with the message "Specified path not found”, for more information, take a look at the screenshot.
I checked the solutions for the exception code 1355480641, but nothing can solve my problem.
Thanks for your recommendations!
do you have set Neos.Flow.core.phpBinaryPathAndFilename in Configuration/Settings.yaml to the correct php.exe binary path?
This is not an actual solution, this is more of an alternative.
I was having troubles installing neos on windows 10 as well (not the same as you though), a really nice solution that I would recommend as alternative to wamp is bitnami-neos.
I got the same error in the current version of Neos CMS (v4.1). The solution to the problem was for me:
Adjust Configuration/Settings.yaml with the php.exe path (which you already did)
Launch an administrator cmd
Go to the Neos CMS directory
Run flow flow:core:compile
Run flow flow:cache:warmup
Now I could access Neos with XAMPP.
All credit for this answer goes to the following post: https://discuss.neos.io/t/running-neos-flow-on-windows-10-success/2752
I have a Ruby on Rails app that I've recently deployed to a remote server (Ubuntu 9.10, nginx, passenger, ruby-enterprise) and I'm getting the error (works fine locally):
Permission denied - /var/www/project_name/tmp/.ruby_inline/Inline_ImageScience_cdab.c
First, the folder /tmp/.ruby_inline/ is empty - should it be? Is it trying to create Inline_ImageScience_cdab.c or read it?
I think I have all the required gems installed: 'gem list' shows image_science and RubyInline installed. libfreeimage3 and libfreeimage-dev are also installed.
I've run chmod 755 on /tmp/.ruby_inline/ to match the permissions on surrounding folders but I cannot go any higher than that, however, or I get another error:
/var/www/project_name/tmp/.ruby_inline is insecure (40777). It may not be group or world writable. Exiting.
And I guess second, why am I getting this error? :)
I was able to fix the problem. The folder /tmp/.ruby_inline/ wasn't supposed to be empty so it wasn't finding Inline_ImageScience_cdab.c and giving a 'permission denied'. The files required were installed to ~/.ruby_inline so I just copied them to /tmp/.ruby_inline and chmod 755 them.
also i guess the filesystem in the production is for some reason read-only to store static content. Contact your host.