Does anybody know of any mature open source implementation of RaptorQ (RFC6330)?
If not, would anybody be interested in joining working on an open source project to build a full featured RaptorQ codec in C99?
Looks like there's a recent effort to write one in Java.
I cannot find the Android Things OS source code.
If Android Things designed for open source, even in the future ?
Or the OS is managed by Google only and not for open source ?
I do not want the way to download the source code. This question aimed for some ideas from the design perspective
Unfortunately, it seems like it won't be.
From an Ars Technica article:
Just like Windows, Android Things is closed source and has a centralized update system.
I would like to ask for your help regarding importing of SDK Demo Apps to my eclipse workspace.
I have downloaded the zip file containing the SAPUI5 Demo Apps. When i unzip it,
i saw the folder containing the demo apps.
enter image description here
Now I have tried to import the project in my eclipse, but no project is found whenever i select the folder.
How do i import these demo apps in eclipse? I have searched the internet but i just cant find the right solution.
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Thank you so much in advance! :)
I am going to be a bit cheeky here but your first solution might be to NOT use eclipse ;) I am a bit of a Sublime Text fan and with lots of plug ins you can get 90% of the of the functionality with 2% of the memory footprint and an incredibly fast editor.
Ok, with that out of the way, my serious answer to your question would be to create a SAPUI5 project in the normal way (I am going from memory here)
File -> New Project (SAPUI5 Project)
Once the shell of that project is created you could then copy the root folder of the tdg project into the shell just created in eclipse.
Repeat this process for each of the examples you want to run in eclipse.
I want to open libraries, because currently I want to see the algorithms used for drawing, modify them and implement them in my program. For example: I have tried to create an algorithm on my own for lines. But I failed. And even if I had succeeded, I fear that it might not give the same result as the algorithm in the libraries. And I don't want this to happen. That's why I want to copy the algorithms used for the methods in libraries. And I really hope that this will help me create the application I'm currently working on and with other applications in the future.
I tried to open the libraries with a code editor. But I had troubles finding the libraries- I don't really know where are they placed nor in what files are their codes stored.
How to open a Java library? Or is there a place in the Internet where the code is uploaded?
It sounds like what you want is to get inside the standard Java libraries (so you can see the code for methods like Graphics.drawLine()).
You can download the source files from the same place you got the JDK, if you are on Windows or Linux. For the Mac, see this question. You can even set up Eclipse so that you can debug into that source as if it were your own code.
However, you will probably not find line-drawing code in Java in these libraries - the Graphics implementation will almost certainly use native methods, and may just call existing methods in the OS.
If you are specifically looking for line drawing algorithms, another option would be to look at the Wikipedia page for the Bresenham (aliased) or Wu (antialiased) algorithm.
The part of a Graphics2D call that actually puts pixels on the screen is probably inside a system call and therefore the source would not be available.
A java vector graphics library like Batik might have source for some of these algorithms, but probably relies on the Graphics2D calls for most of them. So, you might look for a comprehensive vector graphics library written in a language other than Java, where those graphics calls do not already exist by default.
Alternately, checking the table of contents for a computer graphics book might point you at a variety of algorithms that you could look up on Wikipedia.
For any given library:
Make sure to obey all licenses when using another's code
If you are referring to the Java SDK source code, you can find it here:
If the project is open source, you can usually just get the source from the project website. No problem, though make sure to obey their license.
If the project is NOT open source, well, then you're in a pickle licensing wise, so I do NOT endorse this, however, you would need to use a Java Decompiler such as JD-Gui
As far as what drawing algorithms to use, there are so many different ones (obviously, people have been trying to draw quickly for many many years), your best bet is to figure out exactly what you need to do and then search for that specific need separately. There isn't really a good repository of ALL of them, except maybe wikipedia.
If you are using the libraries they are on your classpath. Check out how to figure out your classpath in whichever IDE you are using and you can find the JARs you depend on. If they are packaged with sources all you need to do it unjar them and look at the sources.
If you don't have access to the sources you can get the code using a Java Decompiler.
If you are trying to look at a standard Java library, see the other answers about getting the source to the JDK.
If you are interested in an open source library (such as something maintained by the Apache project), look on the site of the project for a 'source jar' which you can open with a standard zip utility.
If the library you want is not open source or you cannot find the source for it, you can try to decompile it. If you are using Eclipse, try this decompiler.
I am trying to write program its like a simple search engine, in this program the user is supposed to enter a search keyword into an edit box and then he can click the search button, and the program is supposed to open a specific text file from the directory and find a matching word to that keyword in this text file. I am using Delphi 2007. thank you
Basically you need to find a string in another string. Take a look at this algorithm:
If you are on a unix system, send a call to grep. If you are on a windows system, install grep for windows.
You might want to look at the source code for the open source project GExperts. It contains a text search engine (grep) that works very well.
I have written something similar in C# - - you can download the source code from there.
What might be more useful, though, are the articles that I wrote describing how it works... This description of how Version 1 might be of some use - although I'm probably biased since I wrote it (back in 2004).
Your question is pretty open so I'm not sure if this will help - particularly since I don't know Delphi and how different it is to C# - but hope it helps...
Is there are any open source or free-ware library to display PDF file in my Delphi program?
I had looked for one, but most of them are commercial or not fully functional.
PS: this solution need to be cross platform by using wine.
One possible solution might be to include the open source SumatraPDF viewer with your program and use it to display the pdf's.
One nice thing about SumatraPDF, other than it being open source, is that it doesn't require an install. It consists solely of a single .exe, so you could just stick the .exe in your app's folder and call it to display pdf's. SumatraPDF is a pretty bare-bones viewer, so it may be one of the ones you've already looked at and rejected as "not fully functional", but I'm not sure whether you're going to find any perfect open source solution.
As others brought up in the similar thread that was linked from this one, you might consider using the Gnostice library or the WPCubed wpdfviewer component. You have to purchase a developer's license for those, but then can incorporate them in your app and deploy as many as you want with no runtime licensing fees.
My answer to this question discusses the Adobe API.
I missed the PS. Some other answers to the same question may help.