Test spray.io response - spray

I have the next code:
case class Foo(name: String, age: Option[Int] = None)
trait FooRouting extends HttpService {
def index(foos: List[Foo]): twirl.api.Html = html.foo.render(foos)
val route =
path("") {
get { complete( index(Foo.all) } }
In index method, i render foo.scala.html template with Twirl.
I want test this behaviour:
class FooTests extends FunSpec with Matchers
with ScalatestRouteTest {
def actorRefFactory = system
val t0 = Foo("test0")
val t1 = Foo("test1")
it("test foo") {
Get() ~> r ~> check {
responseAs[List[Foo]] should be(List(t0, t1))
But i got error:
Tests.scala:49: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type spray.httpx.unmarshalling.FromResponseUnmarshaller[List[pack.Foo]]
[error] responseAs[List[Foo]] should be(List(t0, t1))
I define implicit method:
implicit val foo2response = new FromResponseUnmarshaller[List[Foo]] {
def apply(r: HttpResponse): Deserialized[List[Foo]] = {
But i do not know what i should write into body.


Spock is using real methods even though object is mocked

In my app I use spock in version 2.0-M1-groovy-2.5. I have a problem that even though I mokced a class I get npe from the internals of mocked method.
I have simple class called ReactiveRestHighLevelClient which looks like this
open class ReactiveRestHighLevelClient(val restHighLevelClient: RestHighLevelClient, private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper) {
fun index(indexRequest: IndexRequest): Mono<IndexResponse> {
return Mono.create<IndexResponse> { sink ->
restHighLevelClient.indexAsync( // < -- HERE I GET THE NPE EVEN THOUGH THE METHOD IS MOCKED
object : ActionListener<IndexResponse> {
override fun onFailure(e: Exception) {
override fun onResponse(response: IndexResponse) {
I have class ThreadModelElasticsearchService which uses the ReactiveRestHighLevelClient and looks like this:
class ThreadModelElasticsearchService(
private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper,
private val reactiveElasticsearchClient: ReactiveRestHighLevelClient,
private val extraFactsService: ExtraFactsService,
private val customerDataService: CustomerDataService,
rateLimiterRegistry: RateLimiterRegistry
) {
fun save(operationId: String, threadModel: ThreadModel): Mono<ThreadModel> {
val id = threadModel.threadId
?: ThreadModel.createKey(threadModel.partnerId, threadModel.customerId)
return reactiveElasticsearchClient
IndexRequest(ThreadModel.INDEX, ThreadModel.TYPE, id)
.source(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(threadModel), XContentType.JSON)
.doOnNext { logger.info("[operation_id=$operationId] -- Saved : $it") }
.onErrorMap { e ->
logger.error("[operation_id=$operationId] -- Error calling elasticSearch", e)
Finally I have my test class called ThreadModelElasticsearchServiceTest which looks like this:
class ThreadModelElasticsearchServiceTest extends Specification {
ReactiveRestHighLevelClient reactiveElasticsearchClient = Mock()
... other mocks
ThreadModelElasticsearchService threadModelReactiveElasticsearchClient = new
ThreadModelElasticsearchService(objectMapper, reactiveElasticsearchClient, extraFactsService, customerDataService, RateLimiterRegistry.of(RateLimiterConfig.ofDefaults()))
def "should work"() {
ThreadModel threadModel = new ThreadModel(...)
reactiveElasticsearchClient.index(_ as IndexRequest) >> Mono.just(indexResponse)
threadModelReactiveElasticsearchClient.save("should-work", threadModel).block()
When I run the tests I get execption like
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.cb.elastic.search.api.elasticsearch.ReactiveRestHighLevelClient$index$1.accept(ReactiveRestHighLevelClient.kt:76)
which points to the body of the index method of the ReactiveRestHighLevelClient mock which is strange.
How to solve this ?

Xtext validation across (unreferenced) files

I am struggling to validate (non-duplication) globally, across multiple files that do not explicitly reference each other.
Consider the standard initally-generated grammar
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate myDsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/mydsl/MyDsl"
'Hello' name=ID '!';
It is simple to validate that no file contains greeting for the same name.
package org.xtext.example.mydsl.validation
import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.Check
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.myDsl.Greeting
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.myDsl.Model
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.myDsl.MyDslPackage
class MyDslValidator extends AbstractMyDslValidator {
def checkGreetingLocallyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
for(greeting_ : (greeting.eContainer as Model).greetings) {
if(greeting!==greeting_ && greeting.name==greeting_.name) {
warning('Greeting duplication',
I do not understand how to validate non-duplication against all the files known to the global-index.
The stub of the method is
def checkGreetingGloballyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
for(greeting_ : /*???*/ ) {
if(greeting!==greeting_ && greeting.name==greeting_.name) {
warning('Global Greeting duplication',
How do I get access to the global index from within the validator?
the easiest way for a local duplicate validation is to enable it in the workflow and regenerate the language (this does not check locally though)
validator = {
composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.NamesAreUniqueValidator"
to search the index
IContainer.Manager containermanager;
ResourceDescriptionsProvider resourceDescriptionsProvider;
public .... getAllEntitiesFor( EObject eObject ) {
IResourceDescriptions resourceDescriptions = resourceDescriptionsProvider.getResourceDescriptions( eObject.eResource() );
IResourceDescription resourceDescription = resourceDescriptions.getResourceDescription( eObject.eResource().getURI() );
List<IContainer> visiblecontainers = containermanager.getVisibleContainers( resourceDescription, resourceDescriptions );
for (IContainer container : visiblecontainers) {
for (IEObjectDescription eobjectDescription : container.getExportedObjects()) {
EObject eObjectOrProxy = eobjectDescription.getEObjectOrProxy();
After much hacking, I obtained the following.
IResourceDescriptions iResourceDescriptions
Provider<XtextResourceSet> resourceSetProvider;
def checkGreetingGloballyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
for (resourceDescriptions : iResourceDescriptions.allResourceDescriptions) {
for (_greetingDescription : resourceDescriptions.getExportedObjectsByType(MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING)) {
val _greeting = resourceSetProvider.get.getEObject(_greetingDescription.EObjectURI, true) as Greeting
// don't use equality, ALWAYS not equal!!
if (greeting.eResource.URI != _greeting.eResource.URI) {
// this means distinct files, all greetings in same file have same uri
if (greeting.name == _greeting.name) {
warning('Global greeting duplication', MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING__NAME,
Rewrite, based on #Christian Dietrich's comments, I have the following solution.
IContainer.Manager containerManager;
IResourceDescriptions resourceDescriptions
Provider<XtextResourceSet> resourceSetProvider;
def checkGreetingGloballyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
var greeting_description = resourceDescriptions.getResourceDescription(greeting.eResource.URI)
var visibleContainers = containerManager.getVisibleContainers(greeting_description, resourceDescriptions)
for (visibleContainer : visibleContainers) {
for (_greetingDescription : visibleContainer.getExportedObjectsByType(MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING)) {
val _greeting = resourceSetProvider.get.getEObject(_greetingDescription.EObjectURI, true) as Greeting
// don't use equality, ALWAYS greeting != _greeting !!
if (greeting.eResource.URI != _greeting.eResource.URI) {
// this means distinct files, all greetings in same file have same uri
if (greeting.name == _greeting.name) {
warning('Global greeting duplication', MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING__NAME,

Xtext: Use EClass in XExpression

I am writing on a Xtext grammar that uses XExpressions and also operates on Eclasses. Now I want to also be able to access Eclasses from the XExpression, for example I write an expression like this:
Eclass1.attribute1 = Eclass2.attribute1
I would like to know, how I can use the Eclass from within the XExpression?
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.Mydsl with
import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore
generate mydsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/mydsl/Mydsl"
(operations += Operation)*;
terminal ATTR : ID ('.' ID)+;
'operation' left=[ecore::EClass|ATTR] 'and' right=
[ecore::EClass|ATTR] 'defined' 'as' condition=XExpression
Inferrer/ Infer method
def dispatch void infer(Model element, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
acceptor.accept(element.toClass("example.mydsl")) [
for (operation : element.operations) {
left = operation.left
right = operation.right
if (left.eIsProxy()) {
left = EcoreUtil.resolve(left, operation) as EClass
if (right.eIsProxy()) {
right = EcoreUtil.resolve(right, operation) as EClass
//field for right class left out, but works the same
members += left.toField(left.name,typeRef(left.EPackage.name+"."+left.name))
members += operation.toMethod("conditionExpr",
typeRef(Void.TYPE)) [
body = operation.condition
class MyDslRuntimeModule extends AbstractMyDslRuntimeModule {
def Class<? extends ImplicitlyImportedFeatures> bindImplicitlyImportedTypes() {
return MyImportFeature
class MyImportFeature extends ImplicitlyImportedFeatures{
override protected getStaticImportClasses() {
(super.getStaticImportClasses() + #[PackageFromWorkSpace]).toList
I Am not sure if i get your question.
Ususally EMF generates constants for EAttributes so if you want to access the attributes themselfs
so you could either do
can you give some more hints on what you actually want to do
update: here is a snippet on how to get a java class from a reference to an eclass
val EClass eclazz = f.clazz
val uri = EcorePlugin.getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(true).get(eclazz.EPackage.nsURI)
val rs = new ResourceSetImpl
val r = rs.getResource(uri, true)
val p = r.contents.head
if (p instanceof GenModel) {
val genClass = p.findGenClassifier(eclazz)
if (genClass instanceof GenClass) {
members+=f.toField(eclazz.name, genClass.qualifiedInterfaceName.typeRef)

List of Class Objects operation in Dart

Have an issue in the below chunk of code.
class Events
// some member variables
class SVList
String name;
int contentLen;
List<Events> listEvents;
this.name = "";
this.contentLen = 0;
this.listEvents = new List<Events>();
class GList
List<SVList> listSVList;
GList(int Num)
this.listSVList = new List<SvList>(num);
function f1 ()
//array of class objects
GList gList = new GList(num);
Not able to find "listEvents" member after GList constructor is called. Am I missing anything here.
Referencing glist.listSVList[index] --> do not find member variable 'listEvents'. Any pointers appreciated.
To elaborate , no member variable with 'glist.listSVList[index].listEvents' is found.
you have a typo here:
this.listSVList = new List<SvList>(num); // <== SVList not SvList
function seems wrong here
function f1 () { ... }
in this case you use function as a return type
another typo:
GList(int Num) // <== Num (uppercase)
this.listSVList = new List<SvList>(num); // <== num (lowercase)
this code worked:
class Events {
// some member variables
class SVList {
String name;
int contentLen;
List<Events> listEvents;
SVList() {
this.name = "";
this.contentLen = 0;
this.listEvents = new List<Events>();
class GList {
List<SVList> listSVList;
GList(int num) {
this.listSVList = new List<SVList>(num);
main() {
//array of class objects
GList gList = new GList(5);
gList.listSVList[0] = new SVList();
gList.listSVList[0].listEvents.add(new Events());
What editor are you using?
DartEditor showed all errors immediately after I pasted your code.
Lists in Dart can now be stated as
List<Object> array = []

how to mock a closure method

I have a service class defined as follows
class MyService {
def otherService;
def performService( ) {
Navigator.navigate( retrieveData, { otherService.doSomething(it) } );
def retrieveData = { Integer offset, Integer maxRows
Navigator.navigate( Closure retriever, Closure processor ) {
def offset=0;
def batchsize=100;
while( (data=retriever(offset,batchsize)) ) {
if(data.size()==0) break;
data.each { processor(it) }
offset += data.size();
In my tests, I would like to mock the retriveData to retrieve mocked objects
class MyServiceSpec extends Specification {
def "test retriever"() {
service.otherService = Mock(OtherService);
service.metaClass.retrieveData = { Integer offset, Integer maxRows ->
if(offset==0) return [ Mock(DomainObject), Mock(DomainObject) ]
else return []
2 * otherService.doSomething(_);
It turns out that the test is not picking up the mocked retrieveData, instead it always picks up the MyService.retrieveData closure, wondering what is the right approach to mock a closure method..
Seems that it's because retrieveData is a field, not a method. Can you try:
service.retrieveData = { Integer offset, Integer maxRows ->
