Embedding Youtube Videos in iPad app that play in app (not launching youtube app) - ios

I am trying to understand if this is absolutely not possible and do not feel that I have found a definitive answer.
I need the video content to play in app and not transfer my users over to the youtube app automatically to watch.
Any help will be very much appreciated :)


AWS Chime Screen Share in ipad safari - attendees cannot hear audio of the video played

I have some questions for AWS CHime as we wanted to build a video calling application.
If we are using iPad safari and using AWS Chime for video calls can I share my screen during a video call?
For us, it's not working.
Then we tried to make an iOS Native App and tried to use AWS CHime SDK. This time screen share worked but if I share my screen and play a video on youtube another user can only see the video he cannot hear any audio of that played video.
I am tired of contacting the AWS Chime support team. They never answer any of the questions instead they send me this and then do not respond. I regret using AWS Chime. It has lots of issues. Pathetic library.
When did the issue first occur.
What is the Meeting ID of the meeting when users experienced this issue.
Could you please confirm that the issue is isolated to the Safari browser-based application?
Please provide the current Safari version, which can be found by following the steps in the following documentation [1]
Apologies on your AWS support experience. Content Share Audio is not yet supported in Amazon Chime SDK for iOS as of 5/4/2021.
This is on our roadmap and planned for future releases. Feel free to open an issue in our iOS GitHub repo to track this feature request.

Showing advertisements in the middle of playing video ios swift

I want to show advertisement while playing video in app like youtube. My app contains videos, while seeing video, in the middle of the video i need to show the advertisement like youtube. I checked with Admob, but i didn't get solution. Anyone having idea of how to do this?
Interactive Media Ads SDKs allows iOS native application developers to request and track VAST ads (ProRol,MidRol,PostRol,Skipable etc) in the iOS (9.0+) environment.
It supports AVPlayer as well.
Here is is complete documentation of IMA SDK

How to skip ads in youtube iOS app automatically when video is playing?

We want to develop and iOS app which can be able to skip YouTube ads while YouTube video is playing in iOS APP. This app runs in background while video is playing. Our Android team develop this app because android gives them a system level permission to skip ads. Is there any OS level permission in iOS to skip ads?
Unfortunately I don’t think that’s actually possible.
In order to have an app run in the background like that, you would probably have to be jailbroken or have root access. To skip a youtube ad as well as that, that sounds impossible, unless Youtube has some sort of system in place allowing other apps to add functionality to the Youtube app.
There are apps that connect with the Safari app and block certain things on webpages, but none skip youtube ads, they just block them.
With a jailbroken iOS device, I have seen many tweaks which do things similar to this, but I haven’t yet seen a tweak which actually skips the ad the way you want.
Considering this, your request may be impossible with the current nature of iOS.
Anybody please correct me if I’m wrong about any of this.

Displaying flash-based youtube videos on ios devices

Is it possible to display flashed-based youtube videos on ios devices?
What solution do you use when you decide to embed youtube videos on your app?
Or do I have to give up on all flash-based contents?
In short: It is not possible. There is no way to run Flash on iOS yet, and as of last week, Adobe announced it will terminate further development for Flash on mobile devives, so there will never be. And yes, therefore you have to give up Flash-based video on iOS.
YouTube provides HTML5 versions of all videos, so you have an alternative. There a number of posts here on SO that will help you to get started, like this one.

Does Windows Phone 7 have a YouTube player similar to iPhone?

I want to allow my phone app users to be able to click a YouTube video and be sent to the phone's YouTube player. Does Windows Phone 7 have that option?
Nothing has yet been announced but I know someone at Google who was talking with Microsoft about developing a YouTube app for Windows Phone 7.
Even if such an app did exist, based on the sandboxed nature of apps and their inability to launch other apps, your only options is likely to be to open the video in the browser.
First of all, I'm quite sure that there will be a Youtube App for Windows Phone. Beside that, since Youtube is going HTML5 anyway, I think it is trivial to include a playback of a Youtube video directly in your app:
The current version of IE mobile that runs on the Windows Phone 7 device emulator CANNOT play YouTube videos. So far from all the evidence that I've seen, you cannot use the Silverlight "MediaElement" control to play YouTube videos, nor can you use the iPhone "trick" of embedding a YouTube video in a bunch of HTML and have Safari handle it for you because IE mobile won't play YouTube videos.
This isn't to say that they won't be adding this feature in the future, but I'm pretty disappointed that as of Beta 1, it doesn't appear that WP7 has any YouTube support.
