How to set website to not rotate in ipad - ipad

I have a quick question... I have googled it but have found nothing that can help me. I have a website I am creating and I do not want it to rotate in an ipad. Is there anyway to achieve this? I just want it to stay horizontal. Thanks in advance for any direction to this problem.

I don't think there will be, the rotation is based in the iPad's iOS. Maybe notify the user to switch on the rotation lock?


Black bars iPhone X above. How to get rid of?

I'm having trouble with these strange black bars on the edges of iPhone X devices and higher. They will fade in and out weirdly with the camera and mess up my UI layout. Any suggestions for how to fix this? I am using the Unity game engine to create the game.
Video with demonstration linked below:
It could be because the animation is messing up the ui. Do you have any code that you think is related to that issue? If so, please edit your post with the code. Until then I can't help you. One other issue that might be that something is messing up the camera. Hope this helps in some way! :D

Prevent UIImageView from rotating with the device rotation

I am doing a compass and I dont want my uiimageview rotate when the user rotate the device.
Is it possible to disable this?
Thanks you.
OK, it took me a while to work out what you actually wanted.
Your question would be better phrased something like...
I'm trying to make a compass app. Using an image as the compass. Can I keep it pointing in the same direction when the user rotates the device.
The answer to this is yes.
You need to look at using the CoreMotion framework.
By doing this you are not "preventing it from rotating". You are actually rotating the image on the screen to give the illusion that it is not rotating.
In your app settings -> General -> Deployment Info:
Unmark what ever u want:

how to change joystick controlls in xna

exactly the title. i need it for my game.
i know how to change controlls on some games trough some programms that do exactly that, but i want to go into options screen, go change controlls, choose whether i will play on joystic or keyboard and then configure my controlls.
i googled but all i found are tutorials on how to use 360's joystick.
i would be SO grateful if anyone could enlighten me with his knowledge.
(i think that this is the first question about that on the internet)
have no code for this, and no idea of how to begin.
thatks for ANY feedback :)
If you mean stuff like invert Y or button remapping, you have to code your own.

iOS Maps UIPopover misplaced after orientation change

we are working on a tablet app and have the following problem:
We are using popover controllers if the user touches a pin on the map but after orientation change, the popover is misplaced. But we cannot keep a reference because after orientation change, the pins are reloaded.
Did someone already have this problem and found a generic solution for this? I wonder how apple is handling this.
Generally the placement of popovers after orientation change is sometimes acting a bit strange.
thanks in advance
A common approach is closing the popover after rotation. Unfortunately there's not going to be much you can do that wouldn't require some complicated repositioning logic. Perhaps store the origin point as an iVar and calculate the new coordinates based on the new orientation. There's no generic solution for this, however.

How i can disable the native camera buttons?

I need to disable the button, when i enter in the native camera, like portrait, and when i turn like landscape, i need to able the buttons again. How i can do?. In IOS.
Thanks so much.
Kind Regards.
It's probably easier rather than disabling the buttons (which could be confusing to a user), just to rotate the camera view into landscape when it's opened, and prevent any rotations to portrait. You've got a couple of options for that as well, which might make it easier to develop.
