iOS - Submission to app store - Metadata - ios

In my iOS application, I integrated iAds.
When running the app on iPhone to take screen shots its showing empty box which is as expected
But iOS app store guidelines says that we cannot use those screen shots to upload to app store account during upload.
How can i make my screen shots without having the empty boxes for iAds.... do I've to remove iAds and take screen shots or do I have to edit my screen shots manually in photoshop or something.?

Yes Apple will most definitely reject your app. One way of overcoming this is just set the device to airplane mode to hide them. I’ve never personally submitted an app with iAd before but give it a try.


Why is my app's icon displaying incorrectly on the apple App Store?

I recently released an app on the apple App Store however I have an issue with the app icon not displaying correctly. It displays fine on the App Store when viewed from a MacBook however when viewed from an iPhone the icon is fully black like so:
The same app listing on the App Store viewed from a MacBook:
Does anyone have any idea why this might be the case? The icon displays correctly in Xcode and on apple connect yet when viewed from an iPhone on the App Store it turns all black.
Try resubmitting your app. I think it's a current bug with App Store Connect.
When you go into App Store Connect, ensure the icon is displaying properly under the build (on the main version screen). And when you submit the app the for review, also ensure it's displaying properly.
I had the same black icon issue, and after uploading the app a few times, I finally got it to display with the proper icon on the main version screen. And when I submitted for review, it also displayed the proper icon (not the blacked out icon). It took a few attempts.
I managed to fix the issue. The problem was that I was using the flutter package flutter_launcher_icons to generate the app icon and for some reason it did not generate all the right sizes causing the app icon to show up on some devices but not on others. Apple still approved the app which made me think that it was an issue on their side rather than mine. I fixed the issue by using this app icon generator instead which generated all the right sizes and now the app icon shows up correctly on every device.

Regarding App ICON

I have uploaded 1 application Last week. Its currently in waiting For Review state.
In this application, I have not added the #3x (180X180) image for the App ICON.
Now when I am testing my app on iPhone 6+ the app icon appears to be black. Ideally what I think is that it should take a lower size of icon i.e. icon-120x120 #2x.png.
Do I need to reupload my app again or I should wait for the app approval?
I don't know how your app is being submitted, you must get error while uploading to app store.
If your app icon is coming black on iPhone 6+ then apple will surely reject your app.
I would suggest you to wait for their approval as it's been a week. They might come with more issues with your app instead of just wrong icon. Other wise you can re-upload your app with correct icons
As you mentioned you haven't used Image.xcassets then your app might be displayed in scale mode for iPhone 6 and 6+
Read this article to know if your app is being run in Scale Mode (Get Started Section)

Watchkit - what exactly should the iPhone app (not the extension) contain?

I don't have a watch so i only work with the simulator.
Let's say i have three apps - one that displays an animation on screen of the watch(several pictures animated) and a few options , also on the watch.
Another one that displays some strings on the watch app , another that displays images on the watch app - both the strings and the images are changed when the user clicks a button.
The code resides on the extension and the resources (images) on the watch app.
Now - what should the iPhone app/screen contain? I want to make the apps as stand alone as possible. Does it need to have an install button or when the user installs it from the app store - the watch app is automatically installed and he can access it from the watch?
I was thinking of only displaying this on the iPhone app/screen : Thank you for downloading the app OR Welcome! and a picture.
Would that be all right according to apple guildelines? What would you advise that the iPhone app/screen should have? Or better yet what do the guidelines suggest?
Should i also include a button for launching the app? What should i include at the minimum? Also what would the code for that look like in swift/what connections should there be?
I am interested in making the watch app experience as stand-alone as possible (can't use watchos2 because i can't publish with Xcode beta).
Lastly - would i need to include an exit button in the watch app (i currently have 2 : next and random for displaying some images)?
Thanks a bunch.

Custom screenshots while submitting app to appstore

I want to know whether I can upload custom screenshots of my app while submitting the app to appstore. e.g. Instead of uploading standard screenshots, I want to edit them (add some marketting text, explain screen in the screenshot itself). Will my app get rejected if I submit these custom screenshots?
Yes You can add them. Many apps do it. Check screen shots of Flipboard app. They have description text at the bottom of every screen shot
This scenario app won't be rejected in app store.
Absolutely you can, just concern about image resolution.
Apple will not reject your app if you use their devices like a mockups showing how your app look on device. (I asked this on WWDC) But they will reject if you just put a macbook somewhere on screenshot just to beautify your image.
Creating them can be a tricky part unless you are Photoshop expert. The easiest way is to use tools like

iOS: How to prevent the splash screen from showing when the app goes into background to make a call?

The app that I'm working on is automatically showing the splash screen only when it goes into background to make a call.
The other functions of going out of the app and becoming active again does not "activate" the splash screen. For example, going out of the app into an external website, phone map or another application and coming back into the app will show user the previous state and does not show the splash screen.
Is this something that can be controlled by the app side or is this an iOS feature that apple automatically handles when a phone call is made?
I have managed the leaks on the app side and all is good now so it can't be anything to do with memory management on the app side. Is there anything else that can be done indirectly so that the splash screen will not show?
The launch image is not a "splash screen". The launch image is used to prevent show a black screen while the app is loaded, and you should use it with an in-app screen which gives the feeling of a quick launch. If you don't show the launch image, you will get a black screen.
So, as workaround, my suggestion is that you take an static snapshot of your App, something generic (like the background and toolbars) and use it as launch images. This will give the appearance that the app start immediately, without "splash image". This is what Apple apps do, you can see this in apps like Stocks or Settings.
You see?. The left screen is how your launch image should look.
Check this Apple documentation iOS Human Interface guidelines to understand this subject.
Good luck!
